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River Vocabulary Science 1.

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1 River Vocabulary Science 1

2 Point and Non-Point Source Erosion
Point Source Pollution: you can see exactly where the pollution is coming from. Ex: pipe from a factory, oil spill Non-Point Source Pollution: you can’t see where the pollution is coming from. Ex: runoff from roads or farms, acid rain Point Source Non-Point Source

3 Habitat Assessment Survey of a river showing habitat quality for organisms and human alterations of a river Good river habitat (little human interference) Bad river habitat (lots of human influence)

4 Riffle, Run, Pool Riffle: fast, shallow area of a river
Run: fast, deep area of a river Pool: slow, deep area of a river

5 Channel and Bedrock Channel: main part of river
Bedrock: Solid rock beneath river

6 Embeddedness, Bank Erosion and Sediments
Embeddedness: degree to which rocks are covered by sediment Bank Erosion: soil eroding into a river Sediments: small dirt particles like sand, silt and clay

7 Runoff, Watershed, Turbidity
Runoff: sediments or other particles running into a river when it rains Watershed: area from which water runs into a river or lake Turbidity (Transparency): clarity of the water

8 Eutrophication, Riparian Zone
Eutrophication: the process of algae blooming and organisms dying Riparian Zone: area of plant life along the sides of rivers

9 Organic Waste and Thermal Pollution
Thermal Pollution: hot water being released by a power plant or factory into a river or lake Organic Waste: waste from organisms

10 Macroinvertebrates Macroinvertebrates: invertebrates that tend to live at the bottom of a river (under rocks) and can indicate water quality

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