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Southend Governance Offer 2017/18 – thank you!

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Presentation on theme: "Southend Governance Offer 2017/18 – thank you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southend Governance Offer 2017/18 – thank you!
Platinum Gold Standard Remember all the benefits you receive: Local training Advice and Support Single Central Record Audit Bespoke area on the SLN for storing documents Dedicated Governor Resources on SLN subscription only pages Governor Conference – 4th July 2017 LLGs GEL

2 Training & Development
Southend Governance Training & Development Overview of Safeguarding for Governors - Tuesday 9th May 2017, 6-8pm, The Tickfield Centre Developing your skills as Chair/ Vice Chair - Thursday 18th May 2017 ( pm) Induction Training for School Governors - Saturday 20th May 2017 ( pm) Governor Focus Session - Tuesday 23rd May 2017, 7-9pm, Tickfield Governors’ Role in Holding their School to Account - Thursday 15th June 2017

3 Training & Development
Southend Governance Training & Development Southend School Governor Annual Conference – Tuesday 4th July 2017, The Holiday Inn, Southend Airport, pm 3 course meal and refreshments included

4 Training & Development
Southend Governance Training & Development GEL – unlimited training included in your Southend Governance Subscription The Governance Leadership Development Programme – Cohort 10 (flyers on tables) Safeguarding in Schools Forum - There is an open invitation for all governors to attend. They are all held at 4pm-5.30pm (from 3.30pm for networking) at The Tickfield Centre: Wednesday 21st June 2017 Thursday 5th October 2017

5 Robin Marcus Niki Lamont
Southend Governance Reminder: National Leaders of Governance Robin Marcus Niki Lamont What are NLGs? Highly effective chairs of governors at ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ schools/academies with at least two years experience and a track record of contributing to school improvement through effective leadership Experience/skilled in coaching & mentoring Use their experience to support another chair or governing body Focus on developing leadership capacity Local Leader of Governance in Southend Maurice Sweeting

6 Updates Clerking competency framework released – April 2017
Southend Governance Updates Clerking competency framework released – April 2017 Updated NGA Skills Audit and Matrix - March 17 Replacement for RAISEonline - The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that the current RAISEonline service will be available until Monday 31 July 2017. Apprenticeships reforms: guide for schools (Information about apprenticeships, and how the apprenticeship levy and public sector apprenticeship target apply to schools in England. ) Don’t forget to go onto to read The Weekly Newsletter

7 Southend Governance Appointment of head teacher and deputy head teacher reminder for maintained schools Amanda Champ, School Improvement Group Manager would like to remind all governing boards as per ‘The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009’ that: “27.—(1) The governing body must notify the authority in writing of— (a) any vacancy for the head teacher; and (b) any post of deputy head teacher which it has identified as one to be filled.” Please contact Amanda on if you have any further questions.

8 Multi Academy Trusts Lots of work recently with MATs
Southend Governance Multi Academy Trusts Lots of work recently with MATs Alison Gellett is the lead for MATs at Southend on Sea Borough Council

9 Southend Learning Network
Governance Southend Learning Network Governor resources – Chairs, Clerks, New Governors Governor Focus (The Weekly Newsletter) Governor Module – Clerks to update Training opportunities

10 Opportunities Feedback , ideas and suggestions Support and advice
Southend Governance Opportunities Feedback , ideas and suggestions Support and advice Bespoke support and training on specific issues Rachel Marshall –

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