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Advancements in Staffing/Consulting Services

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Presentation on theme: "Advancements in Staffing/Consulting Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancements in Staffing/Consulting Services

2 Topics to be covered Vendor Management Services
Group Purchasing Organizations Remote Services

3 Vendor Management Services
VMS VMS is an all-in-one, on-demand application that takes advantage of the internet to optimize the procurement and management of contingent labor and other external business services such as consulting projects. It gives your organization a secure, central platform and provides measurable results to all participants in the services procurement process, from buyers, to suppliers, to executive level decision makers. Supplemental staffing in the healthcare arena, which is typically challenged with quality assurance, low fill ratios, and costly pitfalls. With direct cost savings of 10-15%, coupled with additional savings from improved workflow, the VMS concept is gaining popularity nationwide

4 VMS cont. How does the hospital benefit from VMS
Cost/Benefits Analysis of Vendor Management Solutions Vendor Management Solutions can save enterprise customers 10-15% in hard-dollar savings and another 10-20% in soft-dollar savings. (Giga Information Group, 2001) A strategic approach to contract labor can reduce overall spend from 10-30%. (Deloitte Consulting, 2001) Vendor Management Solutions can reduce “maverick” spending costs by 50-95%. (Aberdeen Group, 2001) Vendor Management Solutions can increase the number of jobs filled by 60%. (Aberdeen Group, 2001)

5 VMS cont. Those who should look into VMS Looking to control costs
Control Quality of Providers Planning and reporting Compliance

6 Workflow Management Procure Engage Pay Plan Measure Hiring Mgr
Create Job Posting Activate Work Order (Automatic) Approve Time Approver VMS Team Plan Distribute Job Posting Consolidated Invoice Measure Submit Candidates Invoice Time & Expense Supplier Submit Time Worker

7 Group Purchasing Organizations
Chesapeake Registry Affiliated with the Maryland Hospital Associations developed in response to member hospital concerns regarding the quality and availability of supplemental staff Government Facilities GSA/IMAP/MATO/BPA

8 Remote Services Transcription Telemedicine including Tele-Radiology
Remote Coding and Billing


10 Questions Thank you

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