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Tips and Tricks for Safe Deployment of the Balloon Expandable Valve

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1 Tips and Tricks for Safe Deployment of the Balloon Expandable Valve
E Murat Tuzcu, MD Cleveland Clinic Disclosure: None

2 Edwards Transcatheter Valve Evolution
Untreated Equine Tissue Untreated Equine Tissue Treated Bovine Tissue TFX Treated Bovine /CC Andersen Pig implant, May ’89 Cribier-Edwards™ FIM, April 2002 Edwards SAPIEN™ August, 2007 Sapien XT™ January, 2010 2 2 2


4 Access Inguinal ligament Inferior epigastric
Profunda femoris Superficial femoral Inguinal ligament Determine access side by CT Landmarks for puncture from - Prior angiogram - CT - Calcification Puncture at optimal site Visualize before larger sheath Contra-lateral artery for pigtail Femoral vein for PM Pre-close when possible 10F Prostar or Two 6F Perclose Figure 5

5 Crossing the Stenotic Aortic Valve with Wire
Left Amplatz catheter ( 5F AL1) 0.35” straight wire Locate the aortic valve orifice Calcified leaflet movement Aortography Control movement Catheter clockwise and cc Wire protrusion Catheter height Avoid coronaries and SVG Cross and advance wire into LV Advance catheter over the stiff part of the wire May be difficult if very tight & Ca

6 Balloon Aortic Valvuloplasty
Use 4- 6 cm balloon to avoid repeat inflations Dilate with rapid pacing Confirm uninterrupted capture If there is suspicion, check if LMCA ostium is obstructed Observe recovery after pacing Assess post-balloon status Ao diastolic pressure TEE Motion of calcified leaflets


8 Advancing THV from insertion to Aortic Valve
Confirm proper position of THV Be careful exiting the sheath Avoid scraping the aorta Flex the catheter progressively while negotiating the arch Don’t push against resistance Don’t let the wire pulled !!!! Pause before crossing Check wire position Briefly assess the hemodynamics

9 Crossing the Aortic Valve with THV
Ensure optimum wire position Gentle push If it doesn’t cross, it won’t cross with sheer force Problem may be Commisural location of the valve LV – Ao angle Inadequate valvuloplasty Severely tortuous unfolded aorta Readjust your approach Reduce flexion Readjust wire Try to change approach angle Extreme measures may be needed

10 Positioning of the Valve
Don’t rush. You have time Pull flexcath back Confirm x-ray angles are correct Use calcified landmarks Small injections via pigtail THV mid-portion at annulus (50%/50%) Confirm in predetermined views If needed, dry run w/ pacing TEE may help as adjunctive imaging Keep an eye on hemodynamics

11 Aortic Valve Plane by CT Scan
RCC LCC NCC Aortic Valve Plane LAO Cranial LCC RCC NCC Aortic Valve Plane RAO Caudal

12 Starting overlay of visualized 3D structures onto fluoroscopic images.
To overlay the rendered 3D visualization live onto fluoroscopic images, we use a software available with the angiographic C-arm system (syngo iPilot, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). The 3D volume is inherently registered to the fluoroscopic images because both images are acquired on the same system. The overlay dynamically adapts to C-arm rotations and table movements (see Figure 4, left). This mode can be used to adjust or fine-tune the C-arm angulation needed for implantation. The overlay does not compensate for patient and heart motions, but can be corrected manually in these cases.

13 Implantation Make sure nothing moved Call for rapid pacing
Confirm uninterrupted capture Wait until BP drops Fully inflate for 3-5 seconds Stop pacing after complete deflation Take a moment to assess Recovery Stability of THV THV location, leaflet movement by TEE Remove the balloon from the LV

14 Assessment Immediately After TAVI
BP waveform, diastolic pressure HR, PAP ECG, ST-T, conduction THV location & movement Use TEE for Leaflet motion Para-valvular AR Valvular AR (after removing stiff wire) LV wall motion Be prepared to deal with complications swiftly Coronary occlusion Severe AR Embolization of THV Baseline: LV-Ao: 48 CO: 3.9L AVA: 0.55 Post-TAVI LV-Ao: 8 CO: 4.8 L AVA: 1.7

15 Repair of Access site Surgical repair of cut-down
Perclose if sutures were pre-placed Keep in mind vascular trauma Un-masking of an insertion trauma Perforation during sheath removal Be prepared Introducer available Occlusion balloon available Remove the large sheath Tighten the pre-placed sutures Pre-removal options Angiography Proximal balloon occlusion Post-repair angiography

16 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Properly functioning THV No surgical incision

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