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Sound Writing Scavenger Hunt

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1 Sound Writing Scavenger Hunt

2 Go to soundwriting. pugetsound
Go to and work in groups of 3; be ready to share where you found your answers. 1. What is the overall structure of Sound Writing / How is it organized? 2. Find a link in Sound Writing and click on it. What happens? 3.The “Close Reading” section in “Reading Critically” makes an analogy about close reading experiences you’ve probably had while texting. Give an example of a time when you used a similar kind of close reading to write or interpret a potentially ambiguous text. 4. Read through the first few paragraphs of the “Elements of an Argument” section and use the advice and guiding questions to come up with a mock main argument about something you have a lot of knowledge about (examples: the Harry Potter series, sandwiches, etc.) and one piece of substantiating evidence. 5. Choose a favorite graphic, and explain why it appeals to you. 6. Choose a homophone pair listed in the handbook and write a sentence or two using the two different words. 7. What happens when you click on the Chicago-style superscript footnotes in the citation section? 8. What parts of Sound Writing seem most appealing or useful to you? How do you plan to use Sound Writing in the coming year?

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