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GradNation Community Summit

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1 GradNation Community Summit
Career Readiness GradNation Community Summit Felicia Gray-Watson April 29, 2016

2 Career and Technical Education (CTE) How does CTE prepare students to be Career Ready?
High Skill High Wage High Demand Occupations with multiple entry and exit points?

3 CTE Components Curriculum Career Development Credentials Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) WorkKeys Business/Industry partnerships



6 Career Development Curriculum Middle school High School
Career Development Coordinators Career interest inventories Business partnerships Career and College Fairs Job shadowing, Internships, Apprenticeships Curriculum integration projects

7 North Carolina CTE Annual Student Earned Credentials
North Carolina CTE Annual Student Earned Credentials 24,782 91,629 104,375 115,005 130,611

8 North Carolina CTE Most Student Earned Credentials in 2014-2015
North Carolina CTE Most Student Earned Credentials in Career Readiness Silver Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Word Bronze Gold 22,760 20,580 19,847 8,333 7,543

9 Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)

10 WorkKeys Assessment that measures “real-world” work skills
3 areas assessed: Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information and Locating Information CTE Completers take the assessment National Career Readiness Certificate earned

11 Business/Industry Engagement
Business Alliances Advisory Councils Work Ready communities

12 Facts for thought: Skilled trade workers, engineers, IT staff and nurses are some of the top jobs employers are having trouble filling in the U.S., and CTE plays a critical role in training workers in these areas. (Manpower Group, Talent Shortage Survey Results, 2014)

13 Facts for thought: 80% of students taking a college preparatory academic curriculum with rigorous CTE met college and career readiness goals, compared to only 63% of students taking the same academic core who did not experience rigorous CTE. (Southern Regional Education Board, High Schools That Work 2012 Assessment)

14 Facts for thought: The more students participate in career and technical student organizations, the higher their academic motivation, academic engagement, grades, career self-efficacy, college aspirations and employability skills. (Alfeld et al., Looking Inside the Black Box: The Value Added by Career and Technical Student Organizations to Students’ High School Experience, National Research Center for CTE, 2007)

15 Graduation Rate 95.7%

16 Questions

17 Contact Information Felicia Gray-Watson Section Chief, CTE Support Services North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

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