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Brief Intro to Make CST494/598 -- Gannod.

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Presentation on theme: "Brief Intro to Make CST494/598 -- Gannod."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brief Intro to Make CST494/ Gannod

2 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
The make utility The make utility is a tool for managing computer projects make uses a descriptor file called a makefile that contains all the dependency information rules for building/creating targets Most often, the makefile tells make how to compile and link a program Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

3 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Makefile rules rules have the following form: target ... : prerequisites ... <tab> command <tab> ... A target is usually the name of a file that is generated by a program A prerequisite is a file that is used as input to create the target A command is an action that make carries out Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

4 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Prerequisites A normal prerequisite says 2 things: order of execution of build commands: any commands necessary to build any of a target's prerequisites will be fully executed before any commands necessary to build the target. dependency relationship: if any prerequisite is newer than the target, then the target is considered out-of-date and must be rebuilt. Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

5 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Simple Example prog1 : file1.o file2.o file3.o  CC -o prog1 file1.o file2.o file3.o  file1.o : mydefs.h  CC -c  file2.o : mydefs.h  CC -c  file3.o :  CC -c  Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

6 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Phony Targets Phony targets allow “scripts” to be included in a makefile. .PHONY tells Make which targets are not files. This avoids conflict with files of the same name, and improves performance. If a phony target is included as a prerequisite for another target, it will be run every time that other target is required. Phony targets are never up-to-date. Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

7 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Example # Naming our phony targets .PHONY: clean install # Removing the executable and the object files clean: rm sample main.o example.o echo clean: make complete # Installing the final product install: cp sample /usr/local echo install: make complete Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

8 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Makefile variables The syntax for declaring and setting a makefile variable is varname = variable contents To call the variable, use $(varname). # Defining the object files OBJ = main.o example.o # Linking object files sample: $(OBJ) cc -o sample $(OBJ) Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

9 Predefined make variables
CC Compiler, defaults to cc. CFLAGS Passed to $(CC) LD Loader, defaults to ld LDFLAGS Passed to $(LD) Full name of the current target. $? Files for current dependency which are out-of-date $< The source file of the current (single) dependency Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

10 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Variable example # Basic Makefile with variables CC = g++ CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 COMPILE = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c all: myprog myprog: main.o file.o $(CC) -o myprog main.o file.o main.o: main.cpp $(COMPILE) -o main.o main.cpp file.o: file.cpp $(COMPILE) -o file.o file.cpp Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

11 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Predefined Rules some common rules are built into make. for example, make knows that in order to create a .o file, it must use $(CC) -c on the corresponding .c file OBJECTS = data.o main.o io.o project1: $(OBJECTS) cc $(OBJECTS) -o project1 data.o: data.h main.o: data.h io.h io.o: io.h Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

12 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Multiple targets you can put more than one file in the target section of the dependency rules CFLAGS = -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE OBJECTS = data.o main.o io.o project1: $(OBJECTS) cc $(OBJECTS) -o project1 data.o main.o: data.h io.o main.o: io.h Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

13 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
Pattern Rules A pattern rule is a concise way of specifying a rule for many files at once. You specify a pattern by using the % wildcard The following pattern rule will take any .c file and compile it into a .o file: Rule can be overridden in makefile %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c <input> -o <output> Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

14 Another Variable Example
# Variables only – uses defaults! CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O0 LDFLAGS=-s -L /usr/lib -- assume nothing up-to-date $ make SocketExample.o gcc -O0 -c -o SocketExample.o SocketExample.c $ make SocketExample gcc -O0 -s -L . SocketExample.c -o SocketExample Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

15 Interesting Make Arguments
-d print debug information -f <file> use <file> instead of {mM}akefile -n list what would be made; do not execute -t ‘touch’ files to make them up-to-date; do not execute -e env variables override makefile variables Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

16 Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies
References GNU make Harry Koehnemann, Computing Studies

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