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INFN Grid - Referee meeting Bologna, 25 July 2008

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1 INFN Grid - Referee meeting Bologna, 25 July 2008
The e-NMR project: deploying and unifying the NMR e-Infrastructure in System Biology Marco Verlato

2 Deploying and unifying the NMR e-Infrastructure in System Biology
An e-infrastructure funded by the European Commission Project type: I3 Duration: 3 years Start date: November 1, 2007 Total budget: € Funding from the EC: € Total funded effort: 27 person-years Related EC-funded projects: EU-NMR, NMR-Life

3 Project Participants Coordinator: Harald Schwalbe, University of Frankfurt Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (BMRZ) University of Florence, Italy Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM) Subcontractor: Spronk NMR Consultancy, Vilnius, Lithuania Utrecht University, The Netherlands Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research Subcontractor: European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare , Italy

4 Objectives Deploy and support an interoperable Grid infrastructure at the three NMR infrastructures to be later integrated with EGEE Assess the state-of-the-art in computational bio-NMR and promote knowledge and spreading of best computational practices Identify and promote a sustainable NMR technical framework for e-Science Develop an integrated e-NMR computational platform

5 Main Goal Networking Activities Support Activities
Build an interoperable e-NMR Grid infrastructure with EGEE to support the test and deployment of enhanced NMR scientific applications Project Goal 1 Establish a human collaboration network between the NMR community and the e-Infrastructures ones Project Goal 2 Assess state-of-the-art in structural biomolecular NMR and promote spreading of knowledge and good practice Project Goal 3 Deploy and support an interoperable Grid infrastructure at the three NMR facilities to be later integrated with EGEE Project Goal 4 Identify and promote a sustainable NMR technical framework for e-Science Project Goal 5 Assess and implement state-of-the-art in NMR computational methods and develop an integrated computational platform Networking Activities Obj. 1: Project organisation and management Obj. 2: Critical assessment of NMR computational approaches Obj. 3: Policy study and participation to standardisation efforts Obj. 4: Training and dissemination Support Activities Obj. 1: deploy the e-NMR infrastructure Obj. 2: support the e-NMR infrastructure Joint Research Activities Obj. 1: identify research applications to be ported onto the e-NMR GRID Obj. 2: enhance grid middleware (gLite) for NMR applications Obj. 3: develop a unified e-NMR computational platform implementing state-of-the-art Obj. 4: identify and develop missing applications WP0: Management T0.1: Project coordination, monitoring and reporting to EU T0.2: Financial administration T0.3: Ensuring long-term self sustainability WP1: Monitoring, Standardization & Outreach T1.1: Assessment of the state-of-art in computational aspects of bio-NMR and establishment of software, protocols and data storage standards. T1.2: Establish tight connections between e-science and bio-NMR communities. T1.3: Spreading and training. WP2: e-NMR grid deployment & operations T2.1: deployment of e NMR grid services T2.2: e-NMR Grid Operation center (GOC) T2.3: integration of JRA components WP3: design & development of the e-NMR grid platform T3.1: Identification of NMR applications suitable for porting to the GRID T3.2: Enhancement and development of GRID middleware for e-NMR support T3.3: Development of the e-NMR platform and implementation of state-of-the-art protocols T3.4: Identification and development of missing NMR applications within the e-NMR platform


7 Objectives Deploy and support an interoperable Grid infrastructure at the three NMR infrastructures to be later integrated with EGEE Assess the state-of-the-art in computational bio-NMR and promote knowledge and spreading of best computational practices Identify and promote a sustainable NMR technical framework for e-Science Develop an integrated e-NMR computational platform

8 e-NMR gLite Infrastructure

9 e-NMR gridICE snapshot

10 e-NMR HLRmon snapshot

11 Objectives Deploy and support an interoperable Grid infrastructure at the three NMR infrastructures to be later integrated with EGEE Assess the state-of-the-art in computational bio-NMR and promote knowledge and spreading of best computational practices Identify and promote a sustainable NMR technical framework for e-Science Develop an integrated e-NMR computational platform

12 PARA restraints toolkit
D3.6, month 36 The e-NMR platform NMR raw data processing TopSpin/XwinNMR NmrPipe Azara Assignment & Bookkeeping Graphics Sparky NMRView Cara CCPN Analysis Backbone Autoassign MARS Pistachio Match Garant Side-chains PROSIAS Pistachio ASCAN Data analysis / restraints generation e-NMR GRID, EGEE, … NOEs QUEEN AQUA Dihedral angles Talos CSI PECAN RDCs Pales Module Relaxation data TENSOR2 ModelFree HydroNMR CCPN FormatConverter Curvefit Paramagnetic data PARA restraints toolkit Structure calculations / automated NOE assignment Computation engines CYANA CNS Xplor-NIH Automated procedures CANDID ARIA RADAR RECOORD ABACUS Modelling of biomolecular complexes HADDOCK Structure validation Procheck Whatcheck PSVS DNA/RNA toolkit e-NMR raw and processed data storage PDB BMRB

13 e-NMR website:
Will become the access point to the platform

14 the HADDOCK web portal

15 The HADDOCK Software web portal
Accessible from: Registration required (but free for non profit) Four interfaces: Easy: simple docking from list of residues to define interfaces Expert: more control on docking parameters. Allow the user to input restraint files (e.g. NOEs, Hbonds, dihedral angles) GURU: full control, addition support for RDCs and diffusion anisotry restraints Parameter file upload

16 The server output ...... Cluster statistics for the best 10 clusters
Best 4 structures from each cluster. Full docking run as gzipped tar file. Visualization using Jmol

17 Xplor-NIH in GENIUS

18 Xplor-NIH in GENIUS

19 Xplor-NIH in GENIUS

20 INFN activities in e-NMR
INFN is responsible of the Work Package 2, which aims to: deploy at the 3 NMR sites the gLite grid services establish the e-NMR Grid Operation Centre (GOC) for management, control and support of the infrastructure certify and integrate in e-NMR the newly developed JRA-WP3 components 2 FTEs funded (3,65 persons) + myself unfunded: S.Dalpra (Jun’08-Apr’10) + E.Frizziero +65%*S.Traldi (May’08-Apr’10) + P.Solagna (Oct’08-Apr’10) + M.Verlato (uf) 3 deliverables under INFN responsibility before end of 2009: D3.1: Release of first set of use-cases – PM6 (Apr’08) D1.1: e-NMR database model – PM8 (June’08) D0.1: Organisation of First Annual Meeting - PM12 (Oct’08) D2.1: e-NMR grid operational – PM12 (Oct’08) D1.2: Test data sets – PM15 (Jan’09) D3.2: Overview of software for nucleic acids – PM15 (Jan’09) D1.3: First assessment of state-of-art – PM18 (Apr’09) D2.2: Assessment of e-NMR infrastructure and GOC report – PM18 (Apr’09) D3.3: Enhanced gLite version for NMR – PM18 (Apr’09) D3.5: Online tutorials – PM18 (Apr’09) D2.3: New components’ integration and deployment report – PM21 (Jul’09) D0.2: Organisation of second annual meeting – PM24 (Oct’09)

21 Plans for Supporting operations with monitoring (gridICE, SAM, gStat) and accounting (DGAS, HLRMon): enabling VO/group based views on HLRMon following EGEE-III evolution on monitoring/operations (e.g. Nagios) Application support/gridification, middleware development for e-NMR: Bio-NMR applications from Genius portal evaluated: they don’t like the need of users’ unix accounts on the server and the proxy creation mechanism Robot certificates approach with certificate-based web access is preferred The development of a certificate-based web access for servers is planned We were asked for a location for the “bio-NMR software workshop” (D1.3) to be delivered in April/May’09  INFN-CNAF Centre proposed WP1 coordination activity - 46k€ planned per workshop in T.A. Requests for 2009: MI: 7 k€ (3 meetings + User Forum/OGF x 3 persons) ME=18.5 k€ (2 meetings + EGEE’09 + Annual Workshop x 3 persons)  Total = 25,5 k€

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