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Roots: monos = "one" duo = "two" duplex = "two" bi = "two"

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1 Roots: monos = "one" duo = "two" duplex = "two" bi = "two"
Vocabulary Lesson 1 Roots: monos = "one" duo = "two" duplex = "two" bi = "two"

2 1. monologue - a long speech made by one performer or by one person in a group.
example: Our drama teacher wanted us to prepare a monologue to practice acting alone on stage. 2. monarch - 1.) A person who rules a kingdom or empire. 2.) A large black and orange American butterfly. example: The monarch of England is Queen Elizabeth. example: I spotted a monarch butterfly on the way to school. 3. monogram - A design composed of letters, usually the first letter of a name. example: The wedding cake displayed a monogram of the newlywed couple's names.

3 5. monolith - 1.) a large block of stone
4. monopoly - Exclusive control of a trade or sole ownership of something. example: I think that Comcast has a monopoly on the cable business since there are no other companies that provide the same exact service. 5. monolith - 1.) a large block of stone 2.) a large organization that acts as a single unit. example: 1.) The monolith blocked the entrance to the cave. example: 2.)The local burger restaurant can't compete with a monolith chain like McDonald's. 6. unanimous - Being in complete agreement. example: Our teacher told us that the class needed to come up with a unanimous decision for our reward day.

4 8. duplex - A dwelling with two living units.
7. unilateral - one-sided; done by or affecting one person, group, or country, and not another. example: I had to make a unilateral decision about which college I wanted to attend. 8. duplex - A dwelling with two living units. example: A townhouse is a duplex in which families live in separate units of a building. 9. duplicate - To make an identical copy or double of something; to repeat. example: I did a strange flip at gymnastics that I do not think I can duplicate!

5 10. bilateral - having two sides or made between two persons or groups.
example: The jury had a difficult time coming to a decision because of the bilateral stories. 11. bipartisan - involving two political parties. example: President Obama was looking for bipartisan support in his decision to become involved in the strike on Syria. 12. bisect - to divide into two equal parts. example: The first step in making the origami bird is to bisect a sheet of paper.

6 Challenge Words: 1. monochromatic 2. monotone 3. duobloon 4. bivalve 5. unison

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