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Progressivism: Muckrakers & Reformers

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1 Progressivism: Muckrakers & Reformers

2 Conditions: Urban Environment
Read the article, “Cities During the Progressive Era” Answer the questions in the text Details By 1900: 30% of US population lived in cities Urban poor: overcrowding, unpaved streets, disease and inadequate water supply Urban poor: working class made just enough money to survive After students read, they should share in table groups Then call on randomly to share out They need to jot down the details above in their workbook

3 Images: Urban Environment
There are no “notes” to add, but point out these images Large family, looks like an attic, hanging clothes from rafters

4 Images: Urban Environment
Common urban environment Bags of trash Rickety stairs Particle board, plywood on the ground to deal with the mud Buildings just “popped up” and there were no building codes to ensure safetfy

5 Images: Urban Environment
Small alleyways Unsafe conditions The randomness of buildings

6 Images: Urban Environment
Lean to type of building built onto an existing structure Tough conditions

7 Images: Urban Environment
Again, dirty and dangerous conditions, no safety codes

8 Images: Urban Environment
Crowded streets Vertically built

9 Images: Urban Environment
Small dark alleyways Kids hanging out Dangerous

10 Igniting Reform At first, journalists and other writers had enormous influence on public opinion. Muckrakers Journalists alerting the public to wrongdoing in politics and business. Many Americans were inspired to take action through reform. To put or change into an improved form or condition. Students will need to take notes Explain the various images: Teddy Roosevelt – raking up the “meat scandal” from The Jungle TR again – this time dealing with the senate Women advocating for change

11 Muckraker: Upton Sinclair
Author – The Jungle Graphic account of filthy handling, spoiled meat, and generally unsanitary conditions in stockyards. Meat packing industry "I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach."

12 Upton Sinclair Read the excerpt from The Jungle [on page 11] and answer the questions Have students read and answer without talking Small group discussion then whole class conversation

13 This outlines the pork packing industry
First one says killing, then cutting, rendering and salting Point out the unsanitary conditions that could exist

14 Upton Sinclair – Changes
Meat Inspection Act Required federal inspection of meat sold across state lines Set standards for cleanliness of meatpacking plants Pure Food and Drug Act Prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure or falsely labeled food and drugs Notes for students on page 11 – very bottom corner

15 “The slum is the measure of civilization.”
Muckraker: Jacob Riis Photographer – How The Other Half Lives Startling print and photographic exposés of conditions in New York City's slums. Click on the hyperlink to show a bio of Riis – pronounced “Reese” “The slum is the measure of civilization.”

16 Muckraker: Ida Tarbell
Author – The History of the Standard Oil Company Condemnation of Standard Oil’s monopoly. “Rockefeller and his associates did not build the Standard Oil Co. in the board rooms of Wall Street banks. They fought their way to control by rebate and drawback, bribe and blackmail, espionage and price cutting, by ruthless ... efficiency of organization.” She called out one of the wealthiest men in society – very very brave woman

17 Reformer: Jane Addams Established the Hull House in Chicago.
Located in poor neighborhood Middle-class, college-educated women shared skills with less fortunate women and children. Sanitation, hygiene, English, etc. Art exhibits, poetry readings, concerts, and theatrical events Very concerned about education – helping ppor immigrant women do better for themselves and for their children "America's future will be determined by the home and the school. The child becomes largely what it is taught, hence we must watch what we teach it, and how we live before it."

18 Reformer: John Muir Naturalist, explorer, and author Major figure in the forest conservation movement Great documentary about Muir meeting with Roosevelt and his focus on preserving nature – Muir was very inspirational to Roosevelt’s conservation policies "In God's wildness lies the hope of the world—the great fresh, unblighted, unredeemed wilderness."

19 Reformer: Susan B. Anthony
Led the fight for women's suffrage for more than 50 years. "The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less." Was arrested for trying to vote Mother of the suffrage movement "It may be delayed longer than we think; it may be here sooner than we expect; but the day will come when man will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside but in the councils of the nation.”

20 Analysis – answer in workbook
In what ways did the muckrakers change America? Give one or two examples of modern day “muckrakers” – be sure to provide a reason why they would be considered a muckraker. Students should answer these questions in their workbook

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