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Message from Friends of seething school

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1 Message from Friends of seething school
Seething Skylark 09th Sept 2016 Diary Dates 15th Sept: Don’t forget Dance Club will be on 15th Sept and not Friday 16th after school (as stated on the club enrolment form) This is a one-off alteration. 16th Sept : Friends AGM. 21st Sept:1.15-to-3.00 Road Cycling for Yr 6 with Sarah McCluskey (Road Safety Community Assistant NCC) information and permission slips to follow shortly. Please give Elaine your details if you can be a Parent Helper for this event 28th Sept: 1.15-to-3.00 Road Cycling for Yr6 with Sarah McCluskey – parent helper required. news news news news news WELCOME to all the new parents joining us and welcome back to our regulars! Our aim is to provide a weekly newsletter to keep you up to date with any diary dates as well as letting you know what the children have been up to in the week. With effect from 19th September, Breakfast Club start times will be changing from 7.45am to 8.00am due to safeguarding purposes. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please see Diane Appleby if you need to discuss this further. Unfortunately there has been an unusually slow up-take on clubs this term. It will be a case of “use it or lose it”. At present numbers are so low, it is not financially viable to continue. We realise this is a valuable if not vital service to many parents who work. Please make the most of these opportunities. If you have any suggestions on new club ideas please let Elaine know and we will give your ideas consideration. If you have any unused uniform that no longer fit your child, please hand this in to Elaine in the Office. We are ALWAYS in need of Parent Helpers. Do you have time to assist with listening to children read, helping other parent helpers with the library or assistance on school trips? If you are DBS checked, this will increase the level of activities you will be able to help us with. Please speak to Elaine. . Message from Friends of seething school Thank you for those who attended, performed or worked hard for a successful Seethingbury! It was a lovely end to the year and raised nearly £500. The AGM is Friday 16th at All are welcome, so please come along and share your views. Coming up we have a Halloween party for the children, Christmas fair and much more- watch this space. Do come and join us.  hh Local Events in and around seething Sunday 18th September –Seething Village Garage Sale 10am to 2pm houses with balloons in their drive will be selling items . Parking is available in the field next to Seething church and the village hall. Saturday 10th September 7.30pm Tuba Swingy – Traditional New Orleans Jazz Band in Seething Church. Tickets (available from Keiths shop) cost £12 including refreshments

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