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By Connor Kennedy and Dylan Gallagher.

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Presentation on theme: "By Connor Kennedy and Dylan Gallagher."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Connor Kennedy and Dylan Gallagher.

2 Road Safety .there has been to much accidents on the roads these days .

3 Tips to have a safe road. How to be safe on road?
Do not drink and drive. ... Follow the speed limit. Do not use your phones when driving Ensure the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition. Do simple vehicle maintenance and pre-trip inspections. Guard against distractions while driving.

4 New technology to make safer roads
Council can put more speed bumps. We can make speed cameras and put them in the road We can make a phone that doesn't ring will driving

5 Conditions of our roads
Our roads are in terrible state these days there is potholes every and twigs from all the storms all the roads need new refurbishing. they need draining because all of the flood waters gets clogged up.

6 Bad accidents on our roads
A man in his 60s died in a motorcycle accident in march A man died in a two trucks and one car accident in 2016. A woman has died in Roscommon in a car accident .

7 Weather . When a storm happens there can be some falling trees.
Lots of accidents happen after a storm . Black ice can cause a lot of road accident .

8 Council. Council take to much heed of main roads .
They don’t look after back roads. There is potholes on the road . And when a innocent driver drives in to a pot hole their tyre blows up and they loose control.

9 Making safer throw roads.
Council can put traffic lights at schools to make children cross the road safe. More carparks in small towns so no cars park on the side of the road and on footpaths so pedestrians can walk on the footpath and be safe

10 Tips to stay safe on roads
Use hives walk on the right side of the don’t walk after having alcohol look right and left when crossing roads.

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