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EU INSTITUTIONS: The European Parliament & National Parliaments /

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1 EU INSTITUTIONS: The European Parliament & National Parliaments /
The Court of Auditors National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens Erasmus Programme / European Law

2 I. The European Parliament
Historical Overview 1957 : First meeting of the European Parliamentary Assembly : The Parliament and the Community Budget [Treaty of Luxembourg (non-compulsory expenditure), Treaty of Brussels (power to reject the Community budget) ] 1979 : First direct EP Elections [410 MEPs / 9 Countries] 1984 : Second EP Elections [434 MEPs / 10 Countries] 1989 : Third EP Elections [518 MEPs / 12 Countries] 1993: Maastricht Treaty [introduction of the co-decision procedure / approval of the Commission as a whole] 1994: Fourth EP Elections [ 567 MEPS ]

3 I. The European Parliament
Historical Overview 1999: Amsterdam Treaty [ broadening of the co-decision procedure / approval of the President of the Commission ] / Fifth European Elections [ 626 MEPs / 15 Countries] 2003: Treaty of Nice 2004: Sixth EP Elections [736 MEPs, as from Lisbon Treaty 754, as from the accession of Croatia 766 / 28 States] 2009: Seventh EP Elections / Lisbon Treaty [ ordinary legislative procedure] 2014: Eighth EP Eletions [751 MEPs]


5 I. The European Parliament General Information
Official Seat : Strasbourg “Degressively proportional representation” 12 Plenary Sessions (one per month) 20 standing Committees, 2 Subcommitees, 2 Commitees of Enquiry [Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS), Money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (PANA)] 24 Official Languages 7 Political Groups

6 I. The European Parliament Powers
Legislative Powers Ordinary Legislative Procedure (art. 294 TFEU) Consultation Procedure (art. 289 TFEU) Assent Procedure (art TEU, 352 TFEU) Right of Initiative (art. 225 TFEU)

7 I. The European Parliament Powers
Democratic Supervision over the EU Institutions Investiture of the Commission Motion of censure (234 TFEU) Parliamentary Questions (art. 230 TFEU) Committees of Inquiry (art. 226 TFEU) Common Foreidngn and Security Policy (art. 36 TEU)

8 I. The European Parliament Powers
Budgetary Powers (art. 314, 318, 319 TFEU) Proceedings before the Court of Justice of EU Action for failure to act (art, 265 TFEU) Action for annulment (Article 263 TFEU) Petitions (227 TFEU) Appointing the European Ombudsman (art. 228 TFEU)

9 I. The European Parliament Committees
Foreign Affairs (AFET) Human Rights (DROI) Security and Defense (SEDE) Development (DEVE) International Trade (INTA) Budgets (BUDG) Budgetary Control (CONT) Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)

10 I. The European Parliament Committees
Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) Petitions (PETI) Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Regional Development (REGI) Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) Fisheries (PECH) Culture and Education (CULT) Legal Affairs (JURI)




14 I. The European Parliament Political Groups
Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament European Conservatives and Reformists Group Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group Europe of Nations and Freedom

15 II. EP & National Parliaments (NPs)
Art. 12 TEU, Protocols No 1, No 2. Until 1979, MEP appointed from within the NPs. The Principle of Sunsidiarity and NPs (art. 4 Protocol No 1, art. 6 Protocol No 2). Evaluation of EU Policies in the field of Freedom, Security, and Justice. Consent to the amendement of the Treaties (art. 48 TEU). Consent for the Entrance of a new MS (art. 49 TEU). European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD). Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of the Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC).

16 III. The Court of Auditors (art. 286-287 TFEU)
Examining the accounts of all revenue and expenditure of the EU and the bodies, offices or agencies set up by the EU, in so far as the relevant constituent instrument does not preclude such examination. Annual report forwarded to the other institutions of the EU and published, together with their replies of these institutions, in the Official Journal of the European Union. Special reports and opinions at the request of one of the other institutions of the Union. One member per Member State / renewable term of six years

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