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An Introduction to the Scottish Play

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1 An Introduction to the Scottish Play
Shakespeare’s World An Introduction to the Scottish Play

2 Significance placed on hierarchy Emphasis on religion
Medieval Aspects Significance placed on hierarchy Emphasis on religion Reliance on authority There are still, however, many signs of change Change known as the Renaissance is especially predominant in urban centers such as London The Renaissance is the revival of art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries.

3 The European Renaissance
During Shakespeare’s lifetime ( ), the achievements in geography, science, and art would continue to escalate. The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, 1632, Rembrandt

4 Ruled England for 45 years. Nicknamed “the Virgin Queen”
Queen Elizabeth I ( ) Ruled England for 45 years. Nicknamed “the Virgin Queen” and produced no heir to the throne Restored Protestantism and formalized the Church of England During her reign, the economy was weakened by inflation, food shortages, and high rent Outbreak of the black plague, food riots, Catholic conspiracies, threats of invasion, etc. also occurred Watch Mini-Bio

5 Renamed Shakespeare’s acting troupe “The King’s Men”
King James I ( ) Renamed Shakespeare’s acting troupe “The King’s Men” Believed in the supernatural and was interested in witchcraft Commissioned a translation of the bible from Latin to English Published a book about witchcraft called “Demonologie“ in 1597 Watch the Gunpowder Plot: A Simple Plan

6 Witches and witchcraft were a morbid fascination at the time
View of Witchcraft Witches and witchcraft were a morbid fascination at the time Between , hundreds of people (nearly all women) were convicted as witches and executed Witches could predict the future, bring on daytime and nighttime, cause fogs and storms, and change into animals If convicted, people would be subjected to torture and death by hanging or burning at the stake Signs of possession were: trance, change of appearance, inability to pray, visions, disturbed behavior, lack of fear, indifference to life, and invitations to evil spirits to possess one’s body Shakespeare’s audience were religious Christians who believed in heaven and hell

7 Early plays, 1590’s, were mainly comedy
The Plays Early plays, 1590’s, were mainly comedy Comedy (and this could be extended to most of Shakespeare's history plays as well)  is social—leading to a happy resolution (usually a marriage or marriages) and social unification.  Shakespeare began to focus on tragedy/dramatic themes in the early 1600’s Tragedy is individual, concentrating on the suffering of a single, remarkable hero—leading to individual torment, waste and death 1608 marks a change in tone from tragedy to romance, light, magic, and reconciliation

8 Tragedies & Tragicomedies
Titus Andronicus Romeo and Juliet Hamlet Othello The Tragedy of King Lear Macbeth Timon of Athens 1607-(?) Cymbeline The Winter's Tale Tempest

9 Only men were permitted to perform
Plays Only men were permitted to perform Boys or effeminate men were used to play the women Costumes were often the company’s most valuable asset Costumes were made by the company, bought in London, or donated by courtiers

10 Plays were most often performed in outdoor theaters
Performances took place during the day so that the stage would be illuminated by natural light 1 shilling to stand 2 shillings to sit in the balcony 1 shilling was 10% of their weekly income Broadway Today: $85 Orchestra $60 Balcony

11 The Globe Theatre

12 -The most magnificent theater in London -Shakespeare was 1/5 owner
The Globe Theatre -Built in 1599 -The most magnificent theater in London -Shakespeare was 1/5 owner -He earned 10% of the total profit, approximately £ a year -The Bard retired to Stratford and lived on the profits he earned from the Globe

13 Many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed here
The Globe Theatre Many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed here The stage was a large, rectangle that jutted out into the yard Held 2,000-3,000 people tightly packed An open playhouse with a wooden structure three stories high It was shaped like a 16 sided polygon It was destroyed by a fire in 1613 Rebuilt in 1900’s

14 The Globe Theatre Aristocrats The Queen/King The Groundlings

15 Settings > references in dialogue Elaborate costumes
Theatre Then and Now No scenery Settings > references in dialogue Elaborate costumes Plenty of props Much more interaction than today

16 Exact birth date is unknown Was christened on April 26, 1564
Shakespeare Exact birth date is unknown Was christened on April 26, 1564 He died almost exactly 52 years later, on April 23, 1616 He wrote 37 plays & 154 sonnets He started out as an actor

17 -Educated at Stratford Grammar School
-Learned business as an apprentice for his father -Married Anne Hathaway November 28, 1582 -She was 8 years his senior and 3 months pregnant when they married

18 Ordinary writing that is not poetry, drama, or song
Prose Ordinary writing that is not poetry, drama, or song Only characters in the lower social classes speak this way in Shakespeare’s plays

19 WHAT DID HE JUST SAY? Prose: language without metrical structure Verse: poetic language and style Blank Verse: unrhymed iambic pentameter Iambic Pentameter: five beats of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables; ten syllables per line. “So fair / and foul / a day / I have / not seen”

20 Written for King James I (formerly of Scotland, now England)
The Tragedy of Macbeth Set in Scotland Written for King James I (formerly of Scotland, now England) Shakespeare did some historical research Banquo is an ancestor of King James I

21 The Curse Video Clip The Curse!

22 People refer to this play as the “Scottish Play”
It is believed to be bad luck to even squeak the word “Macbeth” in a theatre Legend has it you will lose all your friends involved in the production— horribly Since 1606, hundreds of actors, stage crew, etc. have been hurt or have died during the production of this play It is believed that Shakespeare included black magic spells in the chants of the weird sisters People refer to this play as the “Scottish Play” The only remedy to get rid of this curse is that the offender must step outside, turn around three times, spit, and whisper a foul word, and wait for permission to re-enter the theater

23 Aristotle’s Definition of Tragedy:
The Tragic Hero Aristotle’s Definition of Tragedy: A man of high standard who falls from this position because of a tragic flaw that has affected many (hamartia) This man becomes identified with one interest, object, passion or habit that is fatal to him His conflict is on two levels: A) With the universe B) With society (he commits horrible acts) The hero becomes isolated as a result The hero suffers and dies Macbeth is one of the most famous examples of the tragic hero

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