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ARIN 38, October 21st 2016 Dallas, TX, USA

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1 ARIN 38, October 21st 2016 Dallas, TX, USA
NRO update To be the flagship and global leader for collaborative Internet number resource management as a central element of an open, stable and secure Internet Mission developed by the NRO EC in October 2013 in their retreat in Montevideo ARIN 38, October 21st 2016 Dallas, TX, USA

2 Presentation Summary NRO Introduction What is the NRO Key Focus Areas
NRO in 2015 & Finance NRO Activities NRO Global Information RIR Accountability IANA Stewardship Transition Internet Governance Forum Introduction and explanation of what is the NRO for newcomer and second part with relevant and current activities conducted under the umbrella of the NRO

3 What is the NRO? Number Resource Organization Mission
NRO MoU, 24 Oct 2003. Lightweight, unincorporated association. Mission Provide and promote a coordinated Internet number registry system; Promote the multi-stakeholder model and bottom-up policy development process in Internet governance; Coordinate and support joint activities of the RIRs; Act as a focal point for input into the RIR system; Fulfill the role of the ICANN Address Supporting Organisation (ASO). - NRO created by the agreement of the 5 RIR. NRO run by the NRO Executive Council, each RIR Board appoints his representative to the NRO EC, right now is composed by RIR CEOs The NRO is a coordination point for the RIR

4 NRO Key Focus Areas Support RIR coordination.
Global collaboration and governance coordination. Monitor an contribute to global Internet governance discussions. RIR Coordination made through different CG who deals with global issues

5 NRO in 2016 Executive committee Secretariat Coordination Groups
Oscar Robles(Chair) – LACNIC John Curran (Secretary) – ARIN Paul Wilson (Treasurer) – APNIC Alan Barrett- AFRINIC Axel Pawlik – RIPE NCC Secretariat Hosted by ARIN Executive Secretary: German Valdez (since April 2013) Coordination Groups CCG (Communications), ECG (Engineering), RSCG (Registration Services). Roles rotate annually, next year ARIN receive the chair role, APNIC will be the secretariat and AFRINIC the treasurer. EC members only 5 CEO but meetings includes RIR and staff observers, minutes are published in the nro website Permanent secretariat since April 2013 Rotation services more specific support, tech support, writers, design Active CG, activities based on a pre-approved by the NRO EC annual work plan. Specific tasks.

6 NRO Finances Travel (ASO AC Chair and Executive Sec).
Expenses Travel (ASO AC Chair and Executive Sec). Communications (Webex), NRO CG coordination (Meeting room) and outreach (IGF, ICANN, etc). IGF Contribution Contribution to ICANN. $823,000 for FY 2016 – 2017 FY contribution to be determined by the new SLA with ICANN Staff cost (Executive Secretary) Budget Shared proportionally based on registration services revenue. Joint RIR Stability Fund to help ensure reliable operation of the Internet’s IP address management system globally in case of disruptions or emergencies. Pledges for over 2.1 million US Dollars NRO support ASO AC chair travels to ICANN meetings Outreach is mostly focus in Global IGF activities and sometimes ICANN.( printed materials, videos for NRO Booth screen) Communications should be related to internal coordination (NRO EC, CG, CRISP, etc) i.e webex calls. NRO CG Coordination (meeting room, coffee break expenses) 2016 budget including ICANN Contribution is 1,247,000, without ICANN contribution is 424,000 This initiative is an important precautionary measure that will ensure the stability of the RIR system, and is not linked to any current events. Situations where the fund might be used include natural disasters, military conflict or serious financial distress. The fund is intended to safeguard the core registry and policy support functions of the RIRs, and other areas would generally not qualify for support. Any use of the fund will be overseen transparently by the NRO, and subject to strict financial controls.

7 NRO Global Information
Internet Number Status Report Updated quarterly. Global stats on IPv4, IPv6, ASN Comparative Policy Overview Updated quarterly New information on RIRs membership policy (access to delegation and registration services)

8 RIRs Accountability Governance Matrix RIR Accountability Q&A
Overview of the governance frameworks of the RIRs. Information on Bylaws, Regional PDP, Dispute Resolutions, Use of Whois, Privacy issues, Budget, Activity planning etc. Ongoing process to improve RIR accountability mechanisms RIR Accountability Q&A Joint RIR Independent Accountability Review Independent review currently in process in all RIRs. Results will be made public Governance Matrix Information on Bylaws, Operational Documents, Regional PDPs, Contractual Information, Terms and Conditions for Internet Number Resources, Due Diligence and Resource Maintenance, Auditing of Internet Number Resource Registration Records, Number Resource Dispute Resolution, Deregistration of Internet Number Resources, Use of the (Whois) Database and Privacy Issues, Handling Requests for Information by Law Enforcement Authorities, Security Management and External Auditing, Budget and Activity Planning

9 IANA Transition IANA Stewardship Transition – Number Community Proposal Support of Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) Team to drive Internet Number Community consultation process Meetings records, charter, members Community Proposal submitted to ICG SLA development discussions in the RIR NRO Comments to ICG proposal IANA Numbering Services Review Committee Charter defined and created CRISP Team charter created by the NRO EC Active involvement of Internet Number community in the establishment of operational relationships between the RIR and IANA

10 RIR - IANA Service Level Agreement
IANA Transition RIR - IANA Service Level Agreement Fully based and in compliance with CRISP proposal. Final version signed during ICANN 56 in Helsinki and since October 1st 2016 in effect SLA developed by RIR legal staff. SLA reflects the number community proposal NRO Comments to ICG proposal ● Reflects a demonstrated consensus of the numbering community on the IANA transition plan, following open and inclusive bottom - up consultation processes; ● Fulfills the criteria established by the NTIA's IANA stewardship transition process; ● Acts in the interests of the global multi-stakeholder Internet community; ● Maintains the stability, security and reliability of the Internet, quality of IANA services and goal of community empowerment, all of which elements were identified by the numbers community in the CRISP proposal.

11 CCWG on ICANN Accountability
IANA Transition CCWG on ICANN Accountability Active participation through numbers community representatives on enhancing ICANN’s Accountability Appointment of RIR staff and Numbers Community members. Izumi Okutani (APNIC Region ) Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC Staff) Fiona Asonga (AFRINIC Region) Jorge Villa (LACNIC Region) Important component of the IANA transition process. Currently discussing accountability improvements in ICANN after-transition period. NRO Comments to CCWG Proposal 1.Do you agree that the CCWG-Accountability proposal enhances ICANN's accountability - Community Mechanism as Sole Member” model is untested and involves extensive changes to ICANN structure 2. Are there elements of this proposal that would prevent you from approving its transmission to Chartering Organizations? - The Internet numbers community will be relying predominantly upon contractual measures for ICANN accountability, and as such has no fundamental objection to CCWG proposal, or to any model which preserves our ability to fully implement those measures. We would be unable to support any model which would not allow, or would put at risk, the successful transition of IANA Numbering Functions by that deadline. 3. Does this proposal meet the requirements set forward by the CWG-Stewardship? - This is a question best addressed by the Internet domain name community; as such, the NRO does not propose an answer for this question. Further to the comments above, the NRO wishes to express a general preference for the “Designator Model” for enhancing ICANN’s accountability. We believe that that model would achieve the necessary improvement in accountability, and that, requiring less extensive change to the existing structure, it would be more easily and reliably implemented within the transition timeframe.

12 IANA Transition Review Committee
Key element of the Internet Number Community Proposal, to ensure that the IANA Numbering Services Operator maintains the service level defined in the SLA. AFRINIC Fiona Asonga, Douglas Onyango – community representatives Madhvi Gokool – staff representative APNIC: Dr Ajay Kumar, Tomohiro Fujisaki – community representatives George Kuo – staff representative ARIN: Louie Lee, Jason Schiller- community representatives Nate Davis – staff representative LACNIC: Nicolas Antoniello, Edmundo Cazares- community representatives Ernesto Majó- staff representative RIPE NCC: Filiz Yilmaz, Nurani Nimpuno- community representatives Andrew de la Haye – staff representative More Info: Review Committee Charter: On 15 January, 2015, the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) Team submitted the Internet Number Community Proposal to the request for proposals issued by the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG). One of the key elements of the Internet Number Community Proposal, described in section III.A.4, is the establishment of a Review Committee to ensure that the IANA Numbering Services Operator maintains the service level defined in the SLA for the IANA Numbering Services. Further description of the Review of IANA Numbering services is described in Article 8 of the SLA. On 23 June 2015 the NRO EC invited all interested parties to review and comment on a draft for the Internet Number Community Review Committee Charter. As a result of the public consultation, on 5 November 2016, the NRO EC published the final document at

13 IANA Transition Intellectual Property Rights
The Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of IANA Functions to the Community included a requirement for certain IANA IPR to be transferred from ICANN to an independent entity. The IPR consists of trademarks and domain names. The IETF Trust agreed to hold the IANA IPR. The IANA Community Coordination Group (CCG) provides guidance, advice, and if expressly specified in the IPR agreement, approvals, to the IETF Trust regarding the stewardship of the IANA IPR. The CCG is comprised of nine (9) individuals, three (3) appointed by each of the Operational Communities. The NRO EC agreed that the NRO officeholders rotating each year would be appointed to the CCG. Chair – Oscar Robles (CCG Co-chair) Secretary – John Curran Treasurer – Paul Wilson The Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Functions from the U.S. Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to the Global Multi-stakeholder Community includes a requirement for certain IPR associated with IANA to be transferred from ICANN to an entity independent of the IANA functions operator. The IPR consists of trademarks and domain names. After discussion within the operational communities and the IETF Trust, the IETF Trust indicated that it would be willing to hold the IANA IPR. The IETF Trust < is a Virginia common law trust created in Among other things, the IETF Trust was created for the purpose of acquiring, holding, maintaining and licensing certain intellectual property for the advancement of the science and technology associated with the Internet and related technology. The IETF Trust agreed to hold the IANA IPR in the service of the affected Internet operational communities. Representatives from the names community, the numbers community, the protocol parameter community, the IETF Trust, and ICANN have drafted a set of agreements to effectuate the transfer of the IANA IPR from ICANN to the IETF Trust and to govern the relationships amongst the parties with respect to the IPR after the transfer. These agreements are: (1) IANA IPR Assignment Agreement. This agreement transfers the IPR from ICANN to the IETF Trust. (2) IANA IPR License Agreement. This agreement allows for the IANA functions operator to use the IPR. The document available for public comment is a basic form that will be used to generate three license agreements, one each for the names, numbers, and protocol parameters IANA services. Items highlighted in yellow will vary by agreement and will be completed once the License Agreement is split into three. In each case the licensee is ICANN, with the ability established for ICANN to sublicense to PTI. (3) IANA IPR Community Agreement. This agreement explains the rights and obligations of the IETF Trust and each operational community as regards the IPR. The IETF Trust, the operational communities, and ICANN hereby solicit feedback as to whether the draft agreements address the needs of the affected communities. More background can be found here: Formation and Purpose of CCG. The CCG is hereby formed, and shall operate in accordance with the terms set forth below, to provide guidance, advice, and if expressly specified in this Agreement, approvals, to the IETF Trust regarding the stewardship of the IANA Intellectual Property. Composition of CCG. The CCG shall be comprised of nine (9) individuals, three (3) appointed by each of the Operational Communities (such nine (9) individuals, the “CCG Representatives”). Each Operational Community shall have the right to change any of its CCG Representatives upon written notice to the other Operational Communities and the IETF Trust. An Operational Community may remove or replace its CCG Representatives at any time and in its sole discretion. The means and procedures by which an Operational Community elects to select, appoint and remove its own CCG Representatives shall be determined solely by that Operational Community and such procedures and compliance therewith are beyond the scope of this Agreement.

14 IANA Transition RIR Legal Team
The NRO would like to thank the RIR legal team for their hard work and dedication during the long process of the IANA Stewardship Transition for the benefit of the Global Number Community Ashok Radhakissoon (AFRINIC) Craig Ng (APNIC) Michael Abejuela (ARIN) Eduardo Jimenez (LACNIC) Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC)

15 Internet Governance Forum
Participation in the 10th IGF in Brazil NRO supports annually to the IGF - 100K USD. NRO Booth NRO Brochure Cooperation IPv6 Around the World Two NRO Workshops (including IPv6 deployment) and RIR Open Forum Support of IPv6 Best Practice Forum For 10th IGF we are currently in open call for workshop proposals the RIR through NRO coordination groups is coordinating the submission of workshops proposal for the interest of the number community

16 Thank You

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