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Glencoe Chapter 18 Mirrors and Lenses

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1 Glencoe Chapter 18 Mirrors and Lenses
CP Physics Glencoe Chapter 18 Mirrors and Lenses

2 TEKS Objective: 8C The student is expected to:
Interpret the role of light wave characteristics and behaviors found in medicinal and industrial applications.

3 Mirrors Three types of mirrors: Plane Concave convex

4 Vocabulary do = distance the object is from the mirror
ho = height of the object di = distance the image is from the mirror hi = height of the image Virtual image – is an optical illusion, cannot be projected onto a white screen. Magnification = 1

5 Plane or flat mirror The image produced by a flat mirror is behind the mirror It is an optical illusion, it is a virtual image It is upright do= di ho = hi

6 Flat mirror




10 Flat mirror has left and right hand reversal

11 Lenses: two main types Convex lens = converging lens
Concave lens = diverging lens Eyeglasses were 1st made in the 13th century Contacts were 1st made in Houston in 1888

12 Ray diagrams: 1st ray goes in parallel to principal axis, refracts at the line of symmetry, goes out through the focal point on the other side of the lens 2nd ray goes in through the focal point, refracts at the line of symmetry, and goes out parallel to the principal axis

13 Concave Lens Diverging lens Focal length is negative
Image is on same side as object Image is virtual, upright and reduced Corrects nearsightedness


15 1st ray goes in parallel to the principal axis, refracts at the line of symmetry, and refracts out as if through the 1st focal point, must do a trace back 2nd ray goes from the top of the object straight through the center of the lens without refracting.

16 The Human Eye


18 Near sightedness


20 Far sightedness


22 Telescope Two converging lenses

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