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Treating Disorders Early hypotheses & options

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1 Treating Disorders Early hypotheses & options
Demons, imbalance, shock to system Video: asylum (0-1:25); DP Psychotherapy 3:37-5:59 Challenges with diagnosing Multiple causes for same symptoms Often asymptomatic Self-report not accurate Lying, downplaying, misunderstanding

2 Modern Types of Therapy
Biomedical therapy Drugs Surgery (rare) Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) (rare) Psychotherapy: techniques for change Psychoanalysis: unconscious Humanistic Therapies: self-direction, growth Behavior Therapies: conditioning, modeling Cognitive Therapies: thinking Group Therapies: support, recovery, relations

3 Biomedical Therapy Goal of Biomedical Therapy
Restore proper nervous system function, balance amount and type of neurotransmitters present in brain Reminder – NT responsible for thinking, emotions, muscle movement, hearing, seeing, memory, stress reactions, etc. (called hormones when outside of the brain) Example: pancreas & insulin Example: limbic system & serotonin Video: deep brain stimulation

4 Cognitive Therapy Goals Methods Benefits
Change distorted thinking that leads to maladaptive behavior (not appropriate/ helpful), develop coping strategies Methods Test unrealistic beliefs, challenge negative self-statements, make behavior plans selective perception: focus on negative all-or-nothing thinking: all good or bad overgeneralization: unrealistic applications Video: REBT DP Psychotherapy 17:35-21:29; anxiety attentional control 0-3:46 Benefits Mood, stress, eating, anxiety, personality, and some schizophrenia disorders

5 Behavioral Therapy Goals Methods Benefits
Change problem behavior and increase desirable behavior using learning techniques Methods Classical & operant conditioning, systematic desensitization (small to large exposure), aversion therapy (classical conditioning negative association), flooding (all at once exposure), modeling, reinforcement, extinction Video: exposure therapy; mirror neurons Autism Benefits Phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, quitting substances, PTSD, personality disorders, Autism spectrum disorders, sleep disorders

6 Interpersonal Therapy
Goals Ease interpersonal disputes, role transitions, grief, interpersonal deficits Identify stress in life events, family, home, workplace, friendship patterns, school Methods Clarification, role reversal, communication analysis, encouraging emotion, problem- solving techniques (video: social-emotional learning 0-6:00) Benefits Mood, stress, anxiety, addiction, and eating disorders

7 Psychoanalytic Therapy
Goals Confront disturbing thoughts, socially unacceptable desires, immoral urges Relieve stress that is causing the disorder by gaining understanding of unconscious Methods Analyze content of: dreams, free associations (first thoughts), resistance (avoiding topics), transference (projecting emotions, reactions) Video: DP Psychotherapy 9:37-15:52 Benefits Anxiety, somatoform, dissociative disorders

8 Humanistic Therapy Goals Methods Benefits
Align “real self” with “ideal self” Insight into personal choices and how to change behavior Methods Reflection (repeating), unconditional positive regard (complete acceptance), empathy, authenticity (honest expression) Benefits Life choices, marriage counseling

9 Challenges of Treatment
Clients Lack of understanding about symptoms Lack of insight into own behavior Perceived barriers (money, time) Paranoia, inconsistent behavior, buy-in Treatment trial process, side effects Environment Stigma, blame Misinformation about causes and treatment Little support Treatment providers Best treatment first time (video: Blues Test) Constraints on treatment (money, time, culture)

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