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Google Glass.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Glass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Glass

2 Google Glass Google Glass is an optical head-mounted display equipment in the structure of a set of eyeglasses.

3 Continue..  Google Glass shows information in a Smartphone-like hands-free format.

4 A camera is also attached to it.
Continue.. A camera is also attached to it.

5 Continue.. Google Glass wearers can communicated with the Internet by voice activation process or voice commands.

6 Features Touchpad:- A touchpad is fixed on the side of Google Glass, it allow users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-like interface displayed on the screen

7 Continue.. Display:- Google Glass uses a liquid crystal on silicon, LED  illuminated display.

8 Continue.. Camera:- Camera is also attached to Google glass which has the ability to take photos and HD videos can be recorded.

9 Activation Google Glass can be controlled using just "voice Commands". To activate Glass, wearers tilt their heads 30° upward or simply touch the touchpad, and say "O.K., Glass."

10 Continue.. Google glass will be activated through voice action and then you can give the command to do any action.

11 Follow us on:-

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