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Users and Administrators

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1 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On 5 Server Components Presentation Server Indexer Search Server Console Server* Configuration Database* Collection Station Users and Administrators Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores 3 Collection Options Configuration Database Indexer Indexer ITDA Knowledge Module Standalone ITDA Agent Remote Collection Indexer 1 Optional authentication component Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Remedy SSO Server Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host * You an install any combination of components, but it is recommended that the Console Server and Configuration Database are installed together.

2 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Collection Agents Presentation Server Users and Administrators Collection Agents collect data from the target hosts (where data resides) and forward it to the Collection Station. Collection Agents can be one of two types: Standalone Collection Agent Knowledge Module for PATROL The ITDA Knowledge Module (KM) has the same capabilities as the standalone ITDA agent. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

3 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Collection Station Presentation Server Users and Administrators Collects data from Collection Agents and writes the data to the Indexer. Contains all the capabilities of a Collection Agent, but can also process data sent from Collection Agents. Collection Stations operate as a pool for application-level high availability. Should be deployed in close network proximity to at least one Indexer. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

4 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Indexer Presentation Server Users and Administrators Indexers provide indexing capability for all the log data collected. Indexes and stores the collected data in time series, making that data easily searchable. Multiple indexers can be utilized to scale up the data collected and to improve collection and search performance. Indexers can be configured with redundancy to provide application-level data protection. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

5 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Configuration Database Presentation Server Users and Administrators Stores all configuration information, such as data collectors, hosts, dashboards, saved searches and content packs. Does not store data collected by using the Collection Stations and Collection Agents. Only one Configuration Database is required/supported. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

6 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Console Server Presentation Server Users and Administrators Serves as the user interface for performing all actions in the product. Also acts as a gatekeeper for actions performed by using the CLI and REST APIs. Only one Console Server is required. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

7 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Search Server Presentation Server Users and Administrators Processes search requests and runs scheduled notifications and reports. Multiple Search Servers can be employed to improve performance and provide application-level high availability. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

8 Users and Administrators
TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture Remedy Single Sign-On Remedy Single Sign-On (SSO) Presentation Server Users and Administrators Can be optionally used as an additional means of authenticating into IT Data Analytics. This kind of authentication is required to be able to integrate with TrueSight Presentation Server. Console Server Search Search Search Server >_ Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

9 TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture
Remedy Single Sign-On External Connections Presentation Server Integrations supported with IT Data Analytics (optional) Users and Administrators Console Server Search Search Search Server Enables TrueSight Infrastructure Management events to be searched and analyzed in IT Data Analytics. Also, enables IT Data Analytics to log events into Infrastructure Management via notifications. Infrastructure Management >_ Presentation Server Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Remedy AR SMTP Server Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

10 TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture
Remedy Single Sign-On External Connections Presentation Server Integrations supported with IT Data Analytics (optional) Users and Administrators Console Server Search Search Search Server Infrastructure Management >_ Hosts the TrueSight console which consumes events sent by IT Data Analytics. Requires IT Data Analytics and the Infrastructure Management to be registered with Presentation Server. Presentation Server Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Remedy AR SMTP Server Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

11 TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture
Remedy Single Sign-On External Connections Presentation Server Integrations supported with IT Data Analytics (optional) Users and Administrators Console Server Search Search Search Server Infrastructure Management >_ Presentation Server Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Integration with Remedy Action Request System allows you to collect and analyze Remedy data (changes and incidents) into IT Data Analytics. Indexer Remedy AR SMTP Server Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

12 TrueSight IT Data Analytics Architecture
Remedy Single Sign-On External Connections Presentation Server Integrations supported with IT Data Analytics (optional) Users and Administrators Console Server Search Search Search Server Infrastructure Management >_ Presentation Server Datastores Configuration Database Indexer Indexer Indexer Remedy AR SMTP Server ` Allows notifications & report delivery. Collection Station Collection Station Collection Station Collection Agent Target Host Collection Agent Target Host

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