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Verona Board of Education

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1 Verona Board of Education
Public Hearing Budget April 28, 2015

2 Budget Timeline November 2014
Administrative team identifies budgetary needs December 2014 Building budgets submitted to Superintendent of Schools for review Jan/Feb 2015 Board of Education Finance Committee meets regularly to review budget requests March 10, 2015 Board of Education public budget work session Adoption of preliminary school budget April 28, 2015 Adoption of final public budget- Final Budget Presentation April-June 2015 Public presentations November 2015 School Board Election- Two seats up for re-election

3 What This Budget Buys Staff
New staff in HBW due to the house model proposed for next year Reading Intervention Grades 1-4 Increase in vocal and instrumental music at VHS and HBW Innovative Programs/ Implementation Five Year Strategic Plan and Co-curricular Curriculum improvements, K-12 Professional Development in Reading and Writing Workshop STEM initiatives 125 new Chromebooks to replace desktop computers Incremental budget increase to Hockey and Lacrosse programs Instructional Supplies and Professional Development Reading and Writing Workshop supplies and training Materials for Syracuse University Dual Enrollment Courses Professional development and materials for the new AP World History and AP Human Geography Courses Teachers attending the Columbia University Reading workshops Reading workshops and guided reading training through FDU. It is the Orton Gillingham approach for struggling readers. Google Teacher Academy- 16 staff members attending.

4 2015-16 Curricular Initiatives
New Course Offerings beginning September 2015 VHS Humanities Course, Speech Arts Course Grade 12 AP World History, AP Human Geography Introduction to Psychology Astronomy, Medical Biology HBW Technology, Education, and Design (TED): Grades 5-8 Computer Science: Grade 7 Next Generation Science Pilot: Grade 5-8 English Language Arts: A Differentiated Approach: Grades 5-6 Elementary Project AdventureBound: Grade 4 Next Generation Science Pilot: Grades 1-8

5 2015-16 Curricular Initiatives (continued)
Curricular Alignment of Instruction & Assessment VHS Introduction to Psychology (new) CCSS: Algebra I (revision), Geometry (revision) AP Calculus AB/BC (Collegeboard ----> UbD) NGSS: Biology, Environmental Science, Medical Biology, Astronomy, AP Chemistry HBW ELA Grades 5&6: A Differentiated Approach ELA Grades 7&8 (revision) CCSS: Math 7 On/Above, Math 8 Technology, Education & Design (TED): Grades 5-8 Computer Science 7 Elementary ELA K-4: Reading & Writing Project Social Studies: Grades 3-4 (revision) Project AdventureBound: Grade 4 Next Generation Science Pilot: Grades 1-8

6 2015-2016 Special Services Plans
Continuing Programs Special Education Classes (PreK-8) In-class and Pull-out Resource Center Programs (PreK-12) Supplementary Aides and Services (PreK-12) Extended School Year (ESY) Program (PreK-8) Continuing Services/Activities Related Services (Speech/Language, OT, PT) (PreK-12) Full-time Behavior Analyst CHILD/Special Services Co-Sponsored parent workshops Purchase of supplies/materials for instructional purposes Purchase of assistive technology for instructional purposes 6

7 Proposed B&G Projects for 2015-2016
District - Replace interior doors for improved security VHS - Automate lockdown system VHS - Electrostatically paint 600 corridor lockers HBW scrape/paint exterior trim Maintenance vehicle - Utility body w/ plow Remodel K&1 bathrooms in elementary schools District - Shade replacement Replace HBW stage lighting and controls HBW – Convert room 223 to science classroom HBW - Create STEM Lab in wood shop Refinish (sand, paint, poly) VHS old gym, HBW gym Re-Key District Forest Ave - Install new flooring over existing VAT in corridors Budget $203,000 Maintenance Reserve $65,000 Capital Reserve $89,000 Total Budget $357,000

8 SHARED SERVICES Joint snow removal with the Township of Verona
Township of Verona pays for trash removal Pooled health, dental, workman’s comp and liability insurance with other school districts Pooled purchasing of school and custodial supplies with other school districts Shared costs for special education transportation with other school districts

9 Budget Facts and Constraints
Tax levy cap of no more than 2% for school budget growth pursuant to NJ Legislation passed in 2010. Verona has elected to use $223,839 of banked cap (this is needed due to increases in healthcare costs of between 8-9%). The net result is a general fund tax levy increase of 2.70%. The banked cap of $139,367 is available in for possible use. Increase to the homeowner is $155 per home. It is the net difference between the increase in the general fund and the decrease in the debt service fund because of the bond refinancing. The average assessed home is $359,800.

10 2014-15 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES - $31,835,792

11 Revenue Revenue % Local taxes 94.3% State Aide 2.9% Extraordinary Aid
0.64% Tax Relief 0.89% Tuition 0.59% Miscellaneous Revenue 0.68%

12 Budget Comparison $16,694,909 $16,948,076 $253,167 1.51% $4,690,638
Current Budget Proposed Dollar Change % CHANGE SALARIES $16,694,909 $16,948,076 $253,167 1.51% BENEFITS $4,690,638 $4,747,272 $56,634 1.21% SPECIAL EDUCATION $6,484,422 $7,033,097 $548,675 8.46% NON-DISCRETIONARY (professional development, curriculum writing, custodial and maint. supplies) $2,014,437 $1,932,998 ($81,439) -4.04% DISCRETIONARY (regular classroom and co-curricular supplies) $1,107,950 $1,174,349 $66,399 5.99% TOTAL $30,992,356 $31,835,792 $843,436 2.72%

13 Benefit Costs Cost of health benefit plan. Includes health, dental and vision. Family $26,854 Husband and Wife $22,651 Parent and child $15,269 Single $10,258 Total employee contribution for next year is approximately $1,000,000 190 staff members carry benefits at a cost of $3,212,000 61 staff members opt out and the cost is $292,000 Social security, pension and unemployment costs approx. $890,000 Workman’s compensation insurance costs approx. $200,000 Board liability and property insurance costs approx. $175,000

14 Non-discretionary and Discretionary Spending
Copier and technology leases Staff in-service and professional development Testing Legal and auditing fees Postage Phones and internet service Advertising Liability insurance Office supplies Buildings and grounds Discretionary Health supplies Guidance supplies Library and audio visual supplies Classroom supplies Athletic and co-curricular supplies Computer and printer purchases

Comparable Districts SCHOOL DISTRICTS TOTAL SPENDING PER PUPIL CLASSROOM SUPPLIES EXTRA- CURRICULAR AVG. PROPERTY TAXES BERKELEY HEIGHTS TWP 18,981 181 521 11,839 CALDWELL-WEST CALDWELL 17,161 241 479 9,992 CEDAR GROVE TWP 17,371 365 446 9,885 CRESSKILL BORO 17,792 324 396 14,809 GLEN RIDGE BORO 16,623 362 470 18,212 KINNELON BORO 19,307 309 414 13,495 MADISON BORO 17,622 251 541 11,863 MAHWAH TWP 21,090 254 413 7,961 NEW PROVIDENCE BORO 16,543 245 13,091 PARK RIDGE BORO 23,340 758 602 11,417 RAMSEY BORO 19,601 213 11,606 VERONA BORO 16,219 (12) 251 (5) 387 (12) 10,593 (4th lowest)

16 College Acceptances Amherst College Loyola University Bard College
Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Bucknell University Carnegie Mellon University Colgate University College of William and Mary Columbia University Cornell University Elon University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Grinnell College Hamilton College Harvard College Johns Hopkins University Lehigh University Loyola University Muhlenberg College New York University Northeastern University Northwestern University Princeton University Skidmore College Syracuse University The College of New Jersey The George Washington University University of Delaware University of Maryland University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of Virginia Villanova University Yale University

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