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LaPorchia Grier Columbus state university

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1 LaPorchia Grier Columbus state university
Lesson Plans LaPorchia Grier Columbus state university

2 Lesson Plan #1

3 Standard: MGSE3.NF.2a. Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions.
Learning Target: I can represent fractions. Essential Question: How do we represent fractions? Vocabulary: Fractions Denominator Numerator

4 Work Time Opening: Frayer Model-
Students will complete a Frayer Model for each vocabulary work using Word template provided.

5 Work Time: Skittles Activity (iPad Activity)
 Students will be placed in pairs. Each pair will receive a bag of skittles. Students are to separate the skittles by color. Students will create a Spreadsheet. Students will be able to easily determine which fraction of each color is in the bag. They will create charts, which is another way to represent fractions. Step 1: Set up Spreadsheet Open the app Numbers and select the + Create Spreadsheet Tap Blank Spreadsheet under BASIC Tap the word “Blank” at the top and Change it to Skittles Double tap on Table 1 to rename the table. Name it Data

6 Skittles Activity (iPad Activity)
 Students will be placed in pairs. Each pair will receive a bag of skittles. Students are to separate the skittles by color. Students will create a Spreadsheet. Students will be able to easily determine which fraction of each color is in the bag. They will create charts, which is another way to represent fractions. Step 1: Set up Spreadsheet Open the app Numbers and select the + Create Spreadsheet Tap Blank Spreadsheet under BASIC Tap the word “Blank” at the top and Change it to Skittles Double tap on Table 1 to rename the table. Name it Data

7 Highlight the cells you want to graph Tap “Create Chart”
Double tap the cell next to the Total cell Tap on the equal sign Tap on the functions key Select SUM Click and drag to highlight (or individually click) each cell with numbers of each color to find the sum. Tap the circle with the green check mark Step 5: Graph your data Highlight the cells you want to graph Tap “Create Chart” Select a chart type - Pie Chart suggested

8 Closing: The students will complete a journal entry using Word
Closing: The students will complete a journal entry using Word. The students will answer the essential question.

9 Lesson Plan #2

10 Standard: MGSE9-12.F.IF.7a Graph linear functions and show intercepts, maxima, and minima (as determined by the function or by context). Learning Target: I can graph linear functions. Essential Question: How do we graph linear functions? Vocabulary: Linear functions Intercepts Maxima Minima

11 Work Time Opening: Vocabulary Practice:
Students will match vocabulary words.  QR Codes will be posted throughout the room. Student will scan each QR code and match the corresponding letter to the correct vocabulary word based on the videos from the QR Codes. The students will complete the matching on the assigned Google doc.

12 Graphing linear functions.
Work Session: Graphing linear functions.  -Students will use the Desmos app on their iPad to graph each linear function. Students will save and submit each graphs in the goFormative class.  Based on the graphs from Desmos, students will identify the intercepts, maxima and minima for each graph. This information will also be recorded in the designated area in goFormative. **goFormative is a live web tool that allows teacher to address any misconceptions immediately.

13 Closing: Students will complete the Ticket out the Door on Socrative.

14 Lesson Plan 3

15 Standard: MGSE9-12.A.REI.5 Show and explain why the elimination method works to solve a system of two-variable equations. Learning Target: I can show and explain why the elimination method works to solve a system of two-variable equations. Essential Question: How do I show and explain why the elimination method works to solve a system of two-variable equations? Vocabulary: Elimination Method

16 Work Time Opening: Elimination Method (Mini Lesson)
The teacher will briefly explain the concepts of the elimination method using the interactive smart board. The teacher will select students to come to the board for practice and to ensure understanding of the content.

17 Work Session: Elimination Method The students will work in groups solving problems on their interactive whiteboards (ScreenChomp) on their iPads. They will record their explanations then post their presentation to Padlet for a whole group review.

18 Closing: Exit Slip Students will scan the QR code that will direct them to the Exit Slip. Students have 2 problems to complete. The exit slip will serve as an assessment.

19 Standards for Mathematical Practices (SMP):
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

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