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English 10b, Day 33 * Tues/Wed Bell Ringer

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1 English 10b, Day 33 * Tues/Wed Bell Ringer
In yer notebook #86: Draw the two main characters Refer to Ch. 1. Draw a sketch of Buttercup and the Farm Boy. Identify the pg number from the text of the best description you found Include labels, arrows, captions, etc. to help show physical attributes of each.

2 English 10b, Day 32 * Fri/Mon Bell Ringer
In yer notebook #85: Explain the interrupting / unreliable narrator Remember that whole long story I told you last class about William Goldman as a 10 yr old, then as a grumbly middle aged adult??? Summarize / explain how we get from there to the “interrupting / unreliable” narrator. Why can you not trust him????

3 Upcoming Due Dates 2 = B A B Chapter 5, “The Announcement” 97-218
Vocab Quiz 9 Mid Term Post Test Finish Chapter 1, “The Bride” 39-69 Read Chapter 2, “The Groom” 73-77 A Read Chapter 3, “The Courtship” 81-90 Chapter 4 “The Preparations” 93-94 B Chapter 5, “The Announcement” Peer Review 9 = A Vocab Quiz 10 Chapter 5, “The Announcement” continued Chapter 6, “The Festivities” Story due Story Due continued 16 = B Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class Ch 7, “The Wedding” Ch 8, “The Honeymoon” THE END 23 = A WS #4 due Sr last day WS #4 due Vocab Quiz 12 Q4 Book Talks – small group 30 = No school Finals finals

4 Q4 Book Talks

5 Q4 Book Talks

6 Mon/Tues ~*~Table of Contents~*~ ** 1-72 are scored!!!! **
#73: ISAT Reflection #74 TPB Musical Chairs 75 Unreliable narrator 76 Early Thoughts on Book Talk 77 Story Ideas 78 Conspiracy 79: Review of Plot Diagram 80 – Essay vs. Story = 50 words 81: Characterization 82 Notes: the Start of your story 83 questions for Ch 1: the Bride 84 TPB: Notes 85: Explain the interrupting / unreliable narrator Mon/Tues Notebook check!!! A B 86: questions for Ch 2: the Groom 87: Draw the two main characters 86: Draw the two main characters 87: questions for Ch 2: the Groom

7 Vocabulary 10 = quiz Mon/Tues, 5/9 or 5/10
Add to table of contents w/ the due date!!!!

8 ALL BFHS = Vocabulary 10 = quiz Mon/Tues, 5/9 or 5/10 BACK FRONT
Vocab Words 1. 2. 3. Etc. 10. DEFINITION USE IN A SENTENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ETC. ALL BFHS = 10 words or more, show context

9 Vocabulary 10 = quiz Mon/Tues, 5/9 or 5/10
1. ascension 2. beloved 3. etiquette 4. excision 5. gargantuan 6. inconceivable 7. insolvency 8. insubordination 9. optimist 10. simian Quiz Mon/Tues

10 Find this. . . Start of rough draft

11 Plot Diagram 3 4 2 1 5 Climax Falling Action Rising Action Exposition
Resolution 1 5

12 Your task… Create a piece of Imaginative Literature that entertains the reader, conveys the human experiences, teaches a moral, and includes good and bad fictional characters (eventually, not now:) It should be typed in MLA format(proper heading in top left corner, contain proper paragraph form,1” margins, double spaced, and between 2-3 pages.

13 Remember . . . Eventually, your story needs to include
Description of setting and characters. A moral - Good eventually wins (or does it?????) Good guys & bad guys Flashback or foreshadowing Similes and/or metaphors (*5*) Dialogue

14 The Rubric . . .

15 Today’s job is to add these
On the rubric . . . Today’s job is to add these

16 Review Simile - Metaphor
Simile = comparison w/ like or as Metaphor = comparison, no like or as


18 Today’s job is to add these
On the rubric . . . *5* Today’s job is to add these

19 When we have work time . . . . . . Add a total of FIVE A mix of similes & metaphors Good for adding DESCRIPTION about characters, setting, etc.

20 Why is dialogue important?
It breaks up the narrative. Makes our writing lively. It’s useful for characterization. Excellent for showing reactions to events and relationship between characters. It helps to tell the story from different views.

21 TAGS “I’d really like you to sit down,” she said.
In writing dialogue for a story, you start a new paragraph each time the speaker changes. Using tags helps the reader to know who is speaking. “I’d really like you to sit down,” she said. He whined, “I’m tired of watching this movie.” “What are you doing?” he asked. “That’s stupid,” hissed Julia viciously.

22 During Work time: . . . Find a spot in your story where your characters are or could be talking. Add in several lines of dialogue – character talking to character. How much is “enough”????? ENOUGH to show your skills ENOUGH to develop your characters ENOUGH to build your story When in doubt *5* ish!!!!

23 Today’s job is to add these
On the rubric . . . *5* *5* Today’s job is to add these


25 Ch 2: the Groom Fairy Tale – Prince Darling https://www. youtube

26 #87 – questions for Ch 2: the Groom
Tape this into your notebook Fix this – page 73 (not 63)

27 Work Time: Imaginative Story: TPB: Read Chapter 2, “The Groom” 73-77
Add 5 similes / metaphors Add dialogue = “enough” = 5+ lines Remember RD is DUE Fri for peer review TPB: Finish Chapter 1, “The Bride” 39-69 Read Chapter 2, “The Groom” 73-77 Read Chapter 3, “The Courtship” 81-90 Chapter 4 “The Preparations” 93-94

28 “B” Day upcoming due dates
Fri: RD for peer review (start to finish) Tues: Vocab 10 Thurs: FD of story Two weeks on Wed: Whole class book talks 2 = B A B Peer Review 9 = A Vocab Quiz 10 Story Due 16 = B Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class

29 Upcoming Due Dates 2 = B A B Chapter 5, “The Announcement” 97-218
Vocab Quiz 9 Mid Term Post Test Finish Chapter 1, “The Bride” 39-69 Read Chapter 2, “The Groom” 73-77 A Read Chapter 3, “The Courtship” 81-90 Chapter 4 “The Preparations” 93-94 B Chapter 5, “The Announcement” Peer Review 9 = A Vocab Quiz 10 Chapter 5, “The Announcement” continued Chapter 6, “The Festivities” Story due Story Due continued 16 = B Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class Ch 7, “The Wedding” Ch 8, “The Honeymoon” THE END 23 = A WS #4 due Sr last day WS #4 due Vocab Quiz 12 Q4 Book Talks – small group 30 = No school Finals finals

30 Daily Participation Points:
5- BYOB!! Read the whole time. Engaged! 4- Read the majority of the time. Tried! 3-Read some of the time had to be reminded. Floundered! 1-No reading, sleeping, off task. Struggled!

31 Q4 Independent Reading Select a NEW book that you have NEVER read before Books w/ movies are okay You can even see the movie!!! But you also need to read the book. At least 200 pages, probably more, and appropriate for your reading level You are looking for a FICTION book, or a non-fiction biography Not a textbook, not a topic (“auto mechanics”) You will need to discuss STORY STRUCTURE and CHARACTER. If you finish this book before the end of the quarter, you will select another book and KEEP READING There WILL be a book talk (slightly diff) We’ll discuss later.

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