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Flipped Classroom & PBL: Theory and Practice

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1 Flipped Classroom & PBL: Theory and Practice
Katie Vernon @KVernonBHS Bill Huitt @whuitt Back Channel:

2 Part 3 Flipped Classroom: Supporting Learning Theories

3 Behaviorism and Operant Conditioning
Feed/Starve BF Skinner Feed what you want to grow; starve what you want to die Analyze learning tasks and break into small pieces; even more important in a flipped classroom so that home-based activities are not too complex Teach specific knowledge and skills, rewarding effort and progress Chain or link specific knowledge and skills together

4 Behaviorism and Operant Conditioning
Feed/Starve Break tasks into small pieces BF Skinner Feed what you want to grow; starve what you want to die Analyze learning tasks and break into small pieces; even more important in a flipped classroom so that home-based activities are not too complex Teach specific knowledge and skills, rewarding effort and progress Chain or link specific knowledge and skills together

5 Behaviorism and Operant Conditioning
Feed/Starve Break tasks into small pieces Reward effort and progress BF Skinner Feed what you want to grow; starve what you want to die Analyze learning tasks and break into small pieces; even more important in a flipped classroom so that home-based activities are not too complex Teach specific knowledge and skills, rewarding effort and progress Chain or link specific knowledge and skills together

6 Behaviorism and Operant Conditioning
Feed/Starve Break tasks into small pieces Reward effort and progress Chain/Link together BF Skinner Feed what you want to grow; starve what you want to die Analyze learning tasks and break into small pieces; even more important in a flipped classroom so that home-based activities are not too complex Teach specific knowledge and skills, rewarding effort and progress Chain or link specific knowledge and skills together

7 Information Processing
Bloom is best known representative Engage learners in mental processing; teach thinking skills Repetition and Elaboration Use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain (or revisions) to create learning experiences Note: Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) reverse Synthesis and Evaluation Knowledge -- memory skills Comprehension - in/out the door passes; journal; paraphrase Problem-based learning

8 Information Processing
Engage learners in mental processing Bloom is best known representative Engage learners in mental processing; teach thinking skills Repetition and Elaboration Use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain (or revisions) to create learning experiences Note: Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) reverse Synthesis and Evaluation Knowledge -- memory skills Comprehension - in/out the door passes; journal; paraphrase Problem-based learning

9 Information Processing
Engage learners in mental processing Repetition and elaboration Bloom is best known representative Engage learners in mental processing; teach thinking skills Repetition and Elaboration Use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain (or revisions) to create learning experiences Note: Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) reverse Synthesis and Evaluation Knowledge -- memory skills Comprehension - in/out the door passes; journal; paraphrase Problem-based learning

10 Information Processing
Engage learners in mental processing Repetition and elaboration Bloom is best known representative Engage learners in mental processing; teach thinking skills Repetition and Elaboration Use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain (or revisions) to create learning experiences Note: Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) reverse Synthesis and Evaluation Knowledge -- memory skills Comprehension - in/out the door passes; journal; paraphrase Problem-based learning Create learning experiences

11 Watching others Social Learning Bandura
People learn through watching others; show me Modeling -- behave in ways you want learners to behave Imitating - reward successive approximations

12 Watching others Modeling Social Learning Bandura
People learn through watching others; show me Modeling -- behave in ways you want learners to behave Imitating - reward successive approximations

13 Watching others Modeling Imitating Social Learning Bandura
People learn through watching others; show me Modeling -- behave in ways you want learners to behave Imitating - reward successive approximations

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