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Unit 1 & 2 Bingo.

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1 Unit 1 & 2 Bingo

2 Fill in your Bingo Board with the following terms.
Natural Harbors Governed Monarch Southern Colonies Triangular Trade Self-Government Religion Preamble Anne Hutchinson Mercantile Centers Virginia Slave labor Puritans Great Awakening Representative Government European People U.S. Congress Plantation System Magna Carta Federalism House of Burgesses Representatives

3 People The idea of representative government flourished in colonial America because the colonists wanted ___________ to be the source of power.

4 Magna Carta Which document written in 1215 was an influence for the U.S. Constitution?

5 European In the late 1400's and early 1500's, the primary motivation for the _____________ voyages of exploration was the desire to find new trade routes to China and the East Indies

6 Representative Government
This developed in the British Colonies in North America because they were far away from England's control.

7 Great Awakening This primarily affected church congregations in towns and cities.

8 Puritans The attitude of this group of people in the 17th century was that they tolerated no one whose expressed religious views varied from their own views.

9 Slave labor In colonial Virginia it spread rapidly in the late 17th century, as Blacks displaced white indentured servants in the tobacco fields.

10 Virginia Settlers who established the British colony in Virginia during the seventeenth century were primarily seeking to profit economically.

11 Mercantile Center Colonial cities functioned primarily as a ______________ for collecting agricultural goods and distributing import manufactured goods.

12 Anne Hutchinson Massachusetts Bay officials banished ______________ because she challenged gender roles and Puritan orthodoxy.

13 Preamble The basic purpose of government, as described in the_____________ of the United States Constitution, is to protect the rights and welfare of United States citizens

14 Religion the main reason the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America was freedom of _________.

15 House of Burgesses the first representative legislature in the colonies

16 Self-Government The above are examples of ?

17 Triangular Trade What is trade pattern called that involves that direct trade of rum for slaves?

18 Southern Colonies Which region had large colonies?

19 Monarch  Both the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were designed to do limit the power of the _____________.

20 Governed Government with the consent of the ___________ was borrowed from English political tradition and included in the U.S. Constitution.

21 U.S. Congress Who would impose taxes in the U.S.?

22 Federalism A division of power between state and national governments is known as?

23 Natural Harbors ______________ were a geographic feature that influenced the early economic development of New York, Charleston, and Boston since they provided access to market.

24 Representatives The U.S. Constitution maintains a republican system of government through the election of who make laws election of representatives who make laws

25 plantation system The in the South changed U.S. society mainly by adding to the growth of slavery.

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