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e-infrastructures in Portugal
Portugal - Lisboa 19th April 2010 e-infrastructures in Portugal Hepix 2010 Spring Conference G. Barreira, G.Borges, M.David, N.Dias, H. Gomes, J.Gomes, J. Martins,
Outline Introduction Networking Data Repositories
High Performance Computing Grid Computing
LIP Portuguese Scientific Research Laboratory Main Activities
Private non-profit association Created in 1986 when Portugal joined CERN Funded by the Portuguese funding agencies Main Activities ATLAS, CMS, COMPASS, AUGER, AMS, SNO, ZEPLIN, HADES, ... Instrumentation, Building Detectors and DAQ systems, Detectors R&D, Electronics, Precision Mechanics, ... Medical Physics Grid Computing
LIP Computing LIP Computing Group 55 Computing support for LIP
10 persons (Backgrounds from computer science and physics) Operation of LIP Lisbon / LIP Coimbra infrastructures Remote operation of other infrastructures Main node for Grid Computing (PT-NGI) Computing support for LIP Support for local users Grid computing research DataGrid, CrossGrid, EELA, LCG, EGEE, EGEE-II, EGEE-III,, EGI-DS, IBERGRID, INGRID/+ Starting some HPC activity
LIP Computing Team 66
Networking / RCTS 5 Gpbs 5 Gpbs RCTS – The Portuguese academic network
Operated by FCCN, the Portuguese NREN Advanced optical network using fibres owned by FCCN Serves the academic and research community Provides IPV4 and IPV6 RCTS & Rediris connected by optical fibre Better international connectivity to Spain and to the Geant backbone Better Redundancy with the Iberic Ring 5 Gpbs
Networking / RCTS RCTS provides network services for e-infrastructures
Layer 2 connectivity to interconnect remote clusters (a L2 cloud has been deployed to connect the PT federated Tier-2 sites) Bandwidth for cluster interconnection within the country is not accounted You can have the maximum bandwidth that the technologies allow without paying more for that Up to 10 Gigabit using VLANs Lambdas also possible FCCN together with the Portuguese NGI also have housing capabilities for clusters with the network connectivity included
Data Repositories
Scientific Data Repositories
1111 There is an initiative for scientific data repositories Objective: provide data storage services for important scientific data FCCN operates a storage system for data repositories housed at the main node for grid computing The facility was installed just a few months ago and is becoming operational Tape library and online storage Several methods for data access Grid enabled
High Performance Computing
HPC 1313 Very low activity in the HPC domain HPC resources
No policy for HPC at the government level There isn’t any real large HPC facility in Portugal HPC resources Few small clusters more focused on parallel computing CFC, UMinho, UPorto, IST, LNEC The largest HPC cluster is CFC and has 520 cores AMD All the others have less than 300 CPU cores The most powerful is IST with 1.6Tflop/s IBM power5 Low latency interconnects UMinho in Braga about 160 CPU cores and Myrinet NCG in Lisbon some blades with Infiniband User community is rather small Large investments not foreseen IST cluster
HPC 1414 Portugal in PRACE University of Coimbra through CFC; is the Portuguese partner CFC is the only organization that is actually opening regular calls for the user community to share its cluster resources There is some increase of HPC activity Mainly since last year Following the agreement signed the government with the TACC / Univ of Austin Several HPC training events and workshops took place NCG (PT-NGI) HPC resources are starting to be used by the community CFC cluster
Grid Computing
LIP Certification Authority
1616 Grid infrastructures at the global scale require a global trust domain for authentication The IGTF International Grid trust Federation operates a global trust domain for grid computing The IGTF is composed of three Policy Management Authorities (Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific) The LIP CA was created in 2001 to issue authentication credentials for grid computing in Portugal The LIP CA is accredited by the EUgridPMA and is a component of the IGTF trust domain The LIP CA has a network of registration authorities for certificate issuance and provides X.509 grid certificates to the Portuguese scientific and academic community
Grid Projects with Portuguese contributions
Ingrid Ibergrid
Interactive European Grid Project (I2G)
R-GMA for development Portuguese partner LIP-Lisbon Core and Local services Operations management and coordination Helpdesk Security coordination Backup Production Core Services CrossBroker RAS BDII VOMS LFC MyProxy APEL accounting GridICE R-GMA Development Core Services CrossBroker RAS BDII VOMS LFC MyProxy Pure gLite WMS Autobuild Repository SAM Network monitoring Production Core Services CrossBroker RAS BDII VOMS LFC MyProxy
I2G / Migrating Desktop Migrating Desktop (MD): User Friendly Grid Access Java based GUI; Hides the details of the grid Provides interactivity and visualization features GVid enables interactivity for OpenGL and X applications Allows to log-in in the GRID independently from where you are (laptop, desktop, everywhere ...) what kind of Computer/OS you are using Roaming Access Server (RAS): Gateway for Grid Access Performs actions on the grid on behalf of the MD UI RAS MD GUI to access Grid Services Data Management Interactivity and Visualization Submission of Parallel Jobs Submission of Interactive Jobs
I2G / CrossBroker CrossBroker: Int.EU.Grid meta-scheduler
Offers the same functionalities as the EGEE WMS Support for Interactive Applications via GVid/Glogin Full support for Parallel Applications PACX-MPI and OpenMPI Scheduling for intra-cluster and inter-cluster jobs Flexible MPI job startup based on MPI-START PACX-MPI and OpenMPI support MPI job startup based on MPI-START Support for interactivity via GVid/Glogin WMS CrossBroker
I2G / MPI-START MPI-START: Abstraction layer for MPI jobs WN
Sits between CrossBroker, LRMS schedulers and MPI implementations Hides MPI job start details Provides a uniform method to start jobs independently of: LRMS (PBS/Torque, SGE, …) MPI implementation (OpenMPI, PACX-MPI, MPICH, …) Hides local infrastructure details Shared/not shared home directories Location of MPI libraries and other local specificities WN Hooks Scheduler Plugin: PBS, SGE, LSF, ... MPI Plugin: OpenMPI, PACX-MPI, ...
Portuguese WLCG contributions
2222 WLCG as been the driving force in grid computing in Portugal Federated PT-Tier 2: LIP-Lisbon, LIP-Coimbra, NCG-INGRID-PT Grid Core LIP-Lisbon & NCG-INGRID-PT For resource integration; Critical services; For WLCG but also for many other projects: EGEE, PT-NGI, IBERGRID... gLite services WMSes, TOP-BDII, PX server, VOMS server, LFC, VOBOXes gLite services are very poor in terms of redundancy and resiliency to failures Virtualisation approach to grid services
( Virtualisation / Xen paravirtualisation )
2323 Why Encapsulation Provide multiple environments for multiple applications and services Dynamic resource allocation profiting from existing resources Where and how Computing farm (mixture of real and virtual resources) To host grid (or other) persistent services For testing purposes Things to explore Dynamic approach to virtual resources for classic farm computing (enable multiple environments tailored to the VOs) Flexible framework for persistent VMs enabling resilient service provisioning Cloud computing services on top of the existing resources (VMs on demand) KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) native virtualization
Central 10 Gigabit Ethernet switch
( Virtualisation / Redundant services ) Redundant services distributed between 2 blade centres Solution based on Xen Virtual machines Xen images available Storage accessible via Internet SCSI (iSCSI) Controlled by OCFS2 shared cluster file system... ISCSI ARRAY 1 12 x 1TB SATA disks Raids 10, 6 LUNS Central 10 Gigabit Ethernet switch Blade centre ... ISCSI ARRAY 6 12 x 1TB SATA disks Raids 10, 6 LUNS 2 x 512 MB iSCSI controllers Blade centre 24 2 x 512 MB iSCSI controllers OCFS2 Filesystem Xen Images Repository 24
Tier-2 sites topology and resources
2525 gLite Computing Element SRM + GSIFTP doors Monitoring Box Site BDII LRMS Farm Force10 core switch SRM storage LUSTRE + STORM
Farm Systems 2626 Resource Management Systems
One single FARM in each site Better optimization and management Complex resource management Heterogeneous (blades, servers, ...) Hardware (AMD, Intel, several generations) Administrative (different groups and purposes, grid and non-grid) Resource Management Systems Tried and used several resource management systems Torque+MAUI (LIP-Coimbra); SGE (LIP-Lisbon, NCG-INGRID-PT) There was no official gLite support for SGE LIP joined a group of other organizations to develop gLite support Flexible, Robust, Good documentation (behaves accordingly to the docs) Configuration not too complex; The capabilities fits better to heterogeneous resources
2727 Storage Systems StoRM; SRM implementation that enables to gridify POSIX filesystems Lustre is an High Performance filesystem mostly used in HPC Creation of POSIX filesystems across multiple volumes in multiple servers. A file can be stored entirely either in one server or stripped across multiple... Lustre volumes are mounted in the clients and can be accessed locally (POSIX) The filesystem is the data catalogue Works reliably and performs well Storage gsiftp server StoRM SRM Local filesystem
Storage Systems
WLCG PT Network Activity
WLCG PT Tier-2 Performance
3131 EGEE in Portugal Portugal and Spain compose the EGEE Southwest federation LIP coordinates EGEE activities in the country since EGEE-I Infrastructure operations coordination User and site support Infrastructure services Training Security and Authentication The Portuguese sites are: LIP (Lisbon); LIP (Coimbra) NCG-INGRID-PT (Lisbon) UP (Porto) (3 clusters) DI-Uminho; UMinho-CP (Braga) IEETA (Aveiro) CFP-IST (Lisbon) 2500 Job slots Hundreds of TB of Storage
EELA in Portugal 3232 EELA (January 2006 – December 2007)
E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America EELA (January 2006 – December 2007) Extending EGEE to Latin America Pilot infrastructure; Training and dissemination 25 partners Europe and Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Portugal (LIP), Italy, Spain, CERN, CLARA EELA-II (April March 2010) Aims at building a high capacity, production-quality, scalable Grid Facility, providing round-the-clock, worldwide access to distributed computing, storage and network resources needed by the wide spectrum of Applications from European - Latin American Scientific Collaborations Univ of Porto, Univ of Minho, Univ of Aveiro Sites: UMinho-CP, UPorto
Portuguese National Grid Iniciative
In Portugal the e-infrastructures area is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology The National Grid Initiative fits under the context of a larger initiative named “Ligar Portugal” which aims at foster the information society LIP is responsible for the technical coordination of the initiative Objectives Promote modern citizenship; Ensure competitiveness in the communications market Promote the information technologies uptake by private companies Promote the scientific and technological development Reinforce the national competence and capacity in the grid computing domain Enable the use of grid computing for complex problem solving Integrate Portugal in international grid computing infrastructures Reinforce the multidisciplinary collaboration among research communities
Infrastructures and projects
3434 PT-NGI Infrastructure baseline Creation of an autonomous grid infrastructure based on new and existing resources based on middleware widely in use gLite, Int.Eu.Grid Deploy a main centre to provide grid core services and dedicated resources The main node for grid computing (NCG) was built by a consortium of research organizations under the Portuguese NGI context:LIP, FCCN, LNEC Excellent network connectivity: FCCN national backbone Géant PoP Infrastructures and projects INGRID EGI IBERGRID LCG ... Core resources Main node etc Existing resources (EGEE,, EELA, INGRID projects...) Other resources Users
NCG Computing and Storage Resources
3535 NCG Computing and Storage Resources Setup Tape library LTO-4 Grid accessible data repositories Hierarchical storage Core grid services Two blade centers, 192 CPU cores Grid cluster HTC and HPC blades ~ 1250 CPU cores for processing Online grid storage Server direct attached storage ~ 620TB raw + 70TB raw SAN Local network Core 10gigabit Ethernet Non-blocking, wire-speed, low latency
PT-NGI Seed Infrastructure
3636 PT-NGI Seed Infrastructure L2 connectivity between the 3 resource centres Geant connectivity 3 Gbps for the whole cloud LIP Coimbra Main node Lisboa Layer 2 10 Gbps 3 Gbps FCCN Layer 3 ~1250 CPU cores ~ 400 CPU cores ~184 CPU cores Expand the infrastructure Initially focus on existing resource centres and than expand to other sites at a later stage Launch funding line for cluster integration:
BING - Brain Image Network Grid
3737 BING - Brain Image Network Grid Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a medical imaging technique used to characterize brain physiological activity Brain activity produces an hemodynamic response of the activation areas Detects oxygen variations attached to blood where its being more used fMRI can produce enormous quantity of data and demand large CPU usage 16 x 64 x 64 volumes each 3 seconds; 5min. = 100 volumes Multi-voxel measures: (16x64x64)x(16x64x64)=~4.3 million Network Data provider: 3T scanners in Coimbra Data processing: Univ Aveiro; Univ Porto Neuroscience clients; Engineering clients
European Grid Initiative
3838 European Grid Initiative Portugal is member through UMIC Participates in the EGI Policy Board First national fee payed EGI InSPIRE Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in EuropeUnder EU negotiations Main project for infrastructure coordination and operation EGI InSPIRE international tasks International bid for global tasks Portugal and Spain in the middleware rollout coordination
European Grid Initiative
3939 European Grid Initiative Establishing the criteria for the Relationships with software providers Establishing the Roll-out process for the UMD middleware releases
4040 IBERGRID Is a common Portuguese/Spanish Iberian infrastructure Grid computing HPC, applications Network Applications Volunteer computing IBERGRID will provide an umbrella for an Iberian regional grid Integrating Portuguese and Spanish NGI resources Fully interoperable with EGI Focus is now in the IBERGRID development as a requirement for a successful common participation in EGI Towards a sustainable model but without loosing synergies and advantages Portuguese grid initiative Spanish grid initiative
IBERGRID Transition Plan
4141 IBERGRID Transition Plan Portugal Tasks Common VO management and coordination Operations portal Catalogues and services for the VOs Certification Authority for Portugal (LIPCA) Spain Tasks Helpdesk (Request Tracker) Monitoring and accounting Infrastructure database (GOCDB/HGSM) Certification Authority (PKIrisGrid) Middleware security Common Tasks Core services and redundancy Regional information system; Support groups Training infrastructure; Operations coordination Infrastructure security; Seed resources for new users
IBERGRID Infrastructure Today
4242 IBERGRID Infrastructure Today Others VOMS INGRID / IBERGRID LFC MyProxy UI PT Sites ES Sites TOP II PT TOP II ES XB, WMS, Gridway XB, WMS, Gridway UI UI WN
43 4343
Hepix Spring 2010 4343
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