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Standing In God’s Grace

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Presentation on theme: "Standing In God’s Grace"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standing In God’s Grace
I Peter 5:12

2 Standing In God’s Grace
Grace is God’s favor behind the gift of His Son… (Rom. 5:15) Standing In God’s Grace I Peter 5:12

3 Standing In God’s Grace
Grace is God’s favor behind the gift of His Son… (Rom. 5:15) Standing In God’s Grace Grace has appeared… (Titus 2:11) I Peter 5:12

4 Standing In God’s Grace
Grace is God’s favor behind the gift of His Son… (Rom. 5:15) Standing In God’s Grace Grace has appeared… (Titus 2:11) Grace has brought justification and salvation from sin to all … (Titus 2:11,3:7) I Peter 5:12

5 What grace is not… It is not unconditional salvation – universal salvation (Rom. 5:1-2, Matt. 7:13-14, 21-23)

6 What grace is not… It is not unconditional salvation – universal salvation (Rom. 5:1-2, Matt. 7:13-14, 21-23) It is not a license to continue in sin (Rom. 5:20-6:4, 6:12-14, 17)

7 What grace is… It is a firm place to stand For The Christian (I Pet. 5:12)

8 What grace is… It is a firm place to stand For The Christian (I Pet. 5:12) It is inseparable from God’s Word (acts 20:32, Titus 2:12)

9 What grace is… Holy Living (I Pet. 1:13-16)
Abstaining from fleshly Lusts (I Pet. 2:11-12) Submitting to Governmental authority (I Pet. 2:13- 17) Fulfilling Spousal Responsibilities (I Pet. 3:1-7)

10 What grace is… Not living like the world (I Pet. 4:3-4)
Being Hospitable (I Pet. 4:9) Elders overseeing the local church (I Pet. 5:1-3) Serving one another in humility (I Pet. 5:5-6) Casting all anxiety on God (I Pet. 5:7) Withstanding the Devil – Persecutions (I Pet. 5:8- 10)

11 This is the True Grace of God…
Stand Fast Therein

12 This is the True Grace of God…
Stand Fast Therein Like Abraham (Rom. 4:3, Jms.2:21-23)

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