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The purpose of Move On Up!

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2 The purpose of Move On Up!
To encourage Guides to move to The Senior Section by: explaining and letting them experience the opportunities available encouraging Guides and members of The Senior Section to mix giving older Guides a new challenge and keeping them interested in guiding As a Guide nears her 14th birthday, she should be encouraged to move on to The Senior Section when she is ready. The Move On Up! pack is designed to give older Guides an idea of the exciting opportunities available in The Senior Section. The pack provides an incentive for Guides to move on, but can be used by any older Guide, whether she’s planning on moving on to The Senior Section or leadership role or not.

3 What’s included? A pack of activity cards with:
activities themed on Look Wider fun quizzes & games time to celebrate and remember activities to get Guides & members of The Senior Section together. Move On Up! is a pack of activity cards that can be shared between a group of older Guides or used by a Guide on her own. There is a large section of activities themed on Look Wider, to give Guides a chance to try for themselves the main part of The Senior Section programme. Guides can try the fun quizzes & games to test their knowledge & find out more about The Senior Section. Included in the pack are lots of ideas on how to celebrate time spent in Guides – even if the girls are not moving on to The Senior Section. The pack encourages Guides to get together with members of The Senior Section and get involved in guiding in their local area through the various activities.

4 Using Move On Up! No set way to use the pack Girls choose activities Leaders encourage Guides can do as much as they like Can count towards Look Wider There is no set way in using the pack and Guides can do as many activities as they like in any order. Activities completed from the Look Wider section of this pack can count towards Look Wider in The Senior Section. Your role as Leader is to encourage, to give time for the girls to enjoy the games and quizzes as well as the Look Wider section, to support especially when organising their celebration and help them join up with local members of the Senior Section. Allow Guides to choose their own activities, but be there to challenge them to go a bit further. Should be a challenge – try something new

5 We are family! Use Move On Up! to help Guides get involved with the wider guiding family - for example: joining with members of The Senior Section for activities helping out at events encouraging Brownies to move on to Guides advertising guiding in the community As a Trainer you can lead/help discussion here. How can a Leader find out if there’s a Senior Section unit in her area. Does she know who to contact? (Your Commissioner or District Administrator, or call the Join Us number ) If there’s no local unit, Guides can still be active members of The Senior Section when they leave their Guide unit, through becoming a Young Leader. Liaise with local Rainbow, Brownie or Guide units to find out which leadership team needs a Young Leader. Ask local Young Leaders to come and join the Guides in some of the Move On Up! activities. If this is not something that happens in the area could it in the future? Could a new unit be started up? Lead the chat here – it may be something that could be started among the group present. See the Growing Guiding pages on the website for further information.

6 Invitation to join… Invitation to Guides to come to a Senior Section meeting Available to download from the website: Members’ area> Running your unit> Programme> Guides Once again encourage Leaders to liaise with one another. If girls receive invitations from real members of The Senior Section, who have filled in the boxes explaining what they do, this will encourage Guides to go along, and make them feel more comfortable and welcomed. This invitation is available from the website or can be photocopied from the Move On Up! pack.

7 Leaving badge A Guides leaving badge is available!
Give it to any Guide who leaves your unit Use it as part of the moving-on celebration It isn’t necessary to have done Move On Up! to receive the badge Metal pin badge, available from Trading £1, code 1519 The badge is available to be given to any girl who is leaving, at any age and for any reason, whether she has done any activities from Move On Up! or not. This Guide badge can be given to any girl leaving the Guide unit whatever the reason. She may be moving house, leaving because of school commitments, leaving to move on either to be a Young Leader or to attend unit meetings. The badge can be used a part of the moving-on celebrations in your unit. The Guide does not have to do anything from Move On Up! or any other Guide badge to gain the badge – it is in recognition of being a Guide. Available form Trading, £1 code 1519

8 Do Guides have to do Move On Up! to move on to The Senior Section?
Questions and answers Do Guides have to do Move On Up! to move on to The Senior Section? Q No, it’s optional, though it is recommended whether a girl is moving on or not. Do Guides have to do Move On Up!? No, there is no requirement that Guides try Move On Up!, though it is recommended as a great way to learn about The Senior Section. And it will give the Guides a head start as the activities can count towards their Look Wider award. A

9 Is this resource replacing the BP Challenge?
Questions and answers Q Is this resource replacing the BP Challenge? No, Move On Up! is flexible and can be used around other Guide activities Is this resource replacing the Baden-Powell Challenge? No, Move On Up! is a flexible resource that can be used around the rest of a Guide’s activities. She could be currently completing the Baden-Powell Challenge, finished it or not doing it at all. A

10 How can I find out whether there is a Senior Section unit in my area?
Questions and answers Q How can I find out whether there is a Senior Section unit in my area? Contact your Commissioner or District Administrator, who will be able to help you. How can a Leader find out if there’s a Senior Section unit in her area? Contact your Commissioner or District Administrator, or call the Join Us number A

11 Q A Questions and answers
There isn’t a Senior Section/ Ranger unit in my area – should we still use Move On Up!? Yes – Guides can move on to become Young Leaders, which is a big part of The Senior Section. If there’s no local unit Guides can still be active members of The Senior Section when they leave their Guide unit, through becoming a Young Leader. Liaise with local Rainbow, Brownie or Guide units to find out which leadership team needs a Young Leader. Ask local Young Leaders to come and join the Guides in some of the Move On Up! activities. If this is not something that happens in the area – could it in the future? Could a new Senior Section unit be started up? Lead the chat here – it may be something that could be started among the group present. See Growing Guiding for further information. A

12 Any other questions? ? Leaders’ notes are available from > Members’ area > Running your unit > Programme > Guides. Allow time for further questions/issues to be raised and discussed – solutions may develop among the group discussions. However, if you have any questions that you cannot answer and need to check out, please contact Jenny Giangrande on Hand out

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