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Additional Notes Chapter 5 Sections 1,2,3.

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1 Additional Notes Chapter 5 Sections 1,2,3

2 Key Terms and Persons Sons of Liberty Patrick Henry Paul Revere
John Adams Quartering Act Samuel Adams 4 parts of the Intolerable Acts “No taxation without representation” “Shot heard around the world” Reasons why England and the colonies changed after the war

3 Sons of Liberty Group of colonists organized protest
Staged mock hangings of dummies dressed in red like the British

4 Patrick Henry Famous for his speech, “Give me liberty, or give me death”

5 Paul Revere Created an engraving that showed the Boston Massacre
“ The red coats are coming”

6 John Adams Defended the British soldiers after the Boston Massacre
Deserve fair trial Crowd provoked soldiers Convince Jury Heaviest punishment branding of the hand

7 Quartering Act Colonists had to let soldiers live in their houses and pay for their food and drink

8 Samuel Adams Leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston

9 4 Parts of Intolerable Act
Blockade of Port Quartering Acts Can’s assemble in groups Trials in Britain

10 “No taxation without representation”
You can’t tax us if you don’t represent us Only elected representatives had the right to pass taxes

11 “Shot heard around the world”
A shot fired at Lexington-began the Revolutionary War 8 colonist killed British pushed on to Lexington 300 minute men were waiting 73 Red coats killed 200 missing/wounded

12 2 Reasons why England and the colonies changed after the war
The British realized colonies wanted to be independent The British needed money and began to tax the colonies

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