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Sensory Play infants and toddlers

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1 Sensory Play infants and toddlers
Esmeralda Silva CD 65 Fall 2015

2 Sensory…What is it? Of or relating to sensation or the physical senses; transmitted or perceived by the sense. -Google

3 5 Senses Children (and adults) learn best and keep more information when it involves their senses. e.g. Favorite Memories -songs as a child -smell of chicken soup *Usually a memory is connected with one or more of our senses. Whenever one of those songs or smells take place, our brain triggers our memory back to that scenario.

4 Senses Present From Birth
Our senses are present from birth. A newborn first interacts their world with their senses and continue to learn from their world through their senses. Sight: It’s limited but they can notice light and their sight becomes sharper Hearing: They began to hear sounds from their mother’s womb and they can distinguish their mother’s voice once born. Taste: Distinguish between sour and sweet Smell: Prefer more pleasant smells Touch: Soothed by warmth and a soft touch As a baby continues to grow, they need to be provided opportunities to experience and explore with their senses.

5 Role and Benefits of Sensory Play
Builds connections that guide brain development Helps a child’s brain be stimulated by sending signals to help strengthen their brains neural pathways Helps develop and enhance a child’s cognitive, social and emotional, physical, and language development

6 Cognitive Problem Solving and Decision Making Math Skills
-persistence, finding solutions through exploration Math Skills -comparing size, counting, matching, classifying, quantity Science Skills -cause and effect, gravity, states of matter -Amateur Scientists [making predictions, observations, analysis skills]

7 Language Sensory play encourages children to
learn and understand the meaning of words use descriptive and expressive language E.g. Word: Slimy Child will understand the meaning of the word until they feel an object that is slimy. Before having a hands on experience, it is just a word.

8 [Who, What, Where, How, Why]
Language Use open ended questions -avoid questions with yes or no answer e.g. How does it feel? How does it sound like? [Who, What, Where, How, Why] Opportunity to learn descriptive and action words -cold -bumpy -smooth -pour -slimy -hot -splash Prewriting Skills -fine motor skills and eye hand coordination e.g. pouring, grasping

9 Social and Emotional Children have complete control of their actions and experiences. Helps boost their confidence in decision making and encourages them to continue learning and exploring. Cooperation and collaboration can be taught during sensory play. Children have the opportunity to express themselves through exploring the material and being asked open ended questions.

10 Physical Fine Motor: coordination of small movements and eye hand coordination Sensory play encourages manipulation of materials. e.g. mixing, pressing, pouring Gross Motor: use of large muscles Sensory play encourages children to move their arms and legs, depending on the activity, as they use their senses. e.g. rolling, water play

11 What learning do you see taking place?

12 What learning do you see taking place?
Sensory Table Sensory Box

13 Values of Sensory Play Sensory play provides open ended opportunities for children to learn and explore using their own body and their senses.

14 Values of Sensory Play The process of a child’s exploration and experience with sensory play is more important than the product.

15 Values of Sensory Play A child using his/her senses to explore and learn is the main key of sensory play and that ability comes natural since birth.

16 Fin (The End)

17 Presentation Resources

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