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Ch.9: Late Middle Ages Social and Political Background

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1 Ch.9: Late Middle Ages Social and Political Background

2 Breakdown and Revival of Late Medieval Church
Throughout the thirteenth century the Catholic Church became more political and less religious, causing the church to fracture from within. Pope Innocent III transformed Church into a secular power Created a Papal Monarchy with Political Mission that included disposing of benefices and saints Pope Urban IV continued secularization of the Church establishing its own court, Rota Romana, broadening benefices system, and politicizing College of Cardinals

3 Breakdown and Revival of Late Medieval Church
Pope Boniface (r ) French and English tension was nearing the outbreak of Hundred Years’ War Pope Boniface refused efforts of France and English to Tax the Clergy Clericis laicos forbid taxation of clergy without issue of papal approval Both England and France Retaliated Boniface balked and allowed France to tax clergy “during an emergency” Declared Unum Sanctum which declared temporal authority was subject to the power of the church The French sent an army against Boniface… leading to his death in 1303 The relationship between church and state now tilted in favor of the state, and the control of religion fell into the hands of powerful monarchies.

4 Breakdown and Revival of The Medieval Church
Pope Clement the V moved the papacy to Avignon, an imperial city on the southeastern border of France, to avoid the French and Roman tensions. This time period is called Babylonian Captivity. To raise revenue Clement V began selling indulgences, or pardons, for unrepented sins Pope John XXII (r ) tried to restore papacy to Rome William of Ockham and Marsilus of Padura protested papal Power Pg. 307 John Wycliffe and John Huss led popular movements (the Lollards and Hussites) that protested the rights of the papacy

5 Great Schism (1378) and Conciliar Movement
Gregory XI re-established papal headquarters in Rome.. died in 1378 Mobs and cardinals wanted an Italian pope Rome elects an Italian pope- Pope Urban VI The French Cardinals, who were unhappy with the election of Urban elected Pope Clement VII, cousin of the French King


7 Resolving the Issue 1408- cardinals abandoned their popes
Council of Pisa was created Came to a agreement- election on Alexander V The Roman and Avignon popes didn’t step down Left with three popes 1414 Council of Constance forced the resignation of all three popes Elected Pope Martin V

8 Effects of the Great Schism
Church less spiritual, more secular or worldly Churches political influence was weakened Europeans feel more loyalty to their monarchs than the Pope Calls for Reform within the Church

9 Medieval Russia Prince Vladimir of Kiev chose Greek Orthodoxy as the religion of Russia (1015) Kiev was culture center that rivaled Constantinople Three groups developed: The Great Russians, the White Russians, the Little Russians (the Ukrainians) Russian Hierarchical social structure divided freemen (clergy, army officers, boyars, townspeople, peasants) from slaves Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, ruled Russia, until their liberation by Grand Duke Dimitri and Ivan the Great

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