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What is the structure of Canada’s federal political system?

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1 What is the structure of Canada’s federal political system?
Chapter 1 Lesson 1 What is the structure of Canada’s federal political system?

2 Introduction to Political Systems
All societies have some form of governance or method for: - maintaining order and establishing laws process for creating laws and applying them process for achieving consensus (agreement) allows people’s needs to be met Without some form of government, a society would be in a state of anarchy (every person for themselves – chaos).

3 Classifying Political Systems
One way of classifying political systems is according to those who hold power: • Democracies: where those who govern do so with the consent of those who are governed. Citizens hold the power to govern and play a role in decision-making. (Direct vs Representatitve) • Dictatorships: one person or small group governs without the consent of those who are governed. The role of citizens is limited to obeying decisions made by those in power.

4 The Political Spectrum
Dictatorships Democracies Dictatorships   Degree of participation by citizens As Canadians enjoy a high degree of participation in the political process, Canada is considered a democracy Democracy = a belief in the value and dignity of the individual and political pluralism (a recognition and acceptance of a wide range of political views, resulting in a range of political parties from which to choose when voting).

5 What are some Pros and Cons of..
Democracy? Dictatorship?

6 Canada’s Federal Government System
Canada is considered a federal state – one that brings many different communities with one common government for common purposes and separate “state” or “provincial” governments for each of the communities. Therefore, we have our Federal Government (Parliament) that works out of Ottawa and our Provincial Governments (legislatures) that work out of the capital city of each province.

7 How is governance outlined in Canada?
Constitution – this is the highest law in Canada that describes the roles, responsibilities, and power relationships of Canada’s political system. The CND constitution describes how the three branches of government work together to make political decisions that affect Canadians (governance). The constitution also includes the protection of rights and liberties of all people (found in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms)

8 Constitution continued…
The Canadian constitution was drafted in 1867 (year Canada became a country) and was called the British North American Act (BNA Act). It was renamed the Constitution Act in 1982 when the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was added. Canada has a responsible government, which means that the government is responsible to the people.

9 Responsible Government
Canada has a representative democracy where Canadians elect representatives to present our ideas in parliament . These representatives belong to political parties. A political party shares a set of common beliefs. In order to secure votes, each party has a platform that states their goals and policies of the party.

10 Elections in Canada Canada is a democracy, meaning citizens participate in selecting for who they want to represent them in the government by voting In order to be eligible to vote, you must be: A Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older on the election day

11 The Electoral Process Any Canadian citizen over the age of 18 may run for political office. Candidates may be associated with a political party, or they may run as independents. During an election, each political party outlines their platform - a summary of what they hope to do if elected Winners are determined using the “first-past-the-post” system: the candidate with the most votes in a particular riding is declared the winner.

12 Elections and the electoral process P. 30
ELECTORAL REFORM • first past the post: Canada has a “first past the post” system in which the candidate in an electoral district with the most votes wins the seat. Ex) Election results: 37% Cons., 26% Lib., 26% NDP, 11% Green  the Conservative candidate is elected despite the fact that 63% of the people in their riding did not vote for them • proportional representation: In this system, the number of seats given to a particular party is determined by the percentage of the popular vote which that party receives. Which of the above election styles do you feel would best represent the needs and will of Canadians?

13 What happens next? The party that wins the most seats in a general election forms the government. The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister CND Election Results The other parties form the opposition. The leader of the party with the second largest number of seats becomes the Leader of the Official Opposition.


15 Majority vs. Minority Governments p. 28
• Majority government: a party winning more seats than any other parties combined; For a Canadian majority government to occur, one party would have to win at least 155 out of 308 seats. • Minority government: a party that wins the most seats, but less than the other parties combined and/or: – a party that decides to govern with a minority of seats; – average length in office of a minority government in Canada is less than a year and a half; – support from an opposition party/parties is essential to keep a minority government in office. • Coalition government: two or more parties combining to form a government, usually with enough seats to form a majority;

16 Read pages 20-23… Have any of you ever felt frustrated (like this girl in the cartoon) that the government is slow to act on certain issues? What issues do you feel have not been properly addressed?

17 The Three Branches Executive – Governor General, PM, Cabinet
Legislative – Governor General, House of Commons (all MPs), Senate Judicial – Supreme Court, Federal Judges Canada’s Parliamentary System Should the British Monarchy still play a role in Canadian politics? Kids in the Hall – Canada abandons Monarchy


19 Executive Branch…Read p. 24-25
Monarch (Queen/Head of State) - represented by the Governor General (David Johnston). Governor General – part of both the executive and legislative branches; reads throne speech to open parliament, signs bills(royal assent), greets foreign dignitaries. Prime Minister- leader of the political party with the most elected representatives (known as MPs or Members of Parliament) and seats in the house of commons.

20 Executive Branch continued…
Cabinet – Cabinet Ministers MPs chosen by the PM to be responsible for running specific government departments and agencies (known as portfolios). Your MP for this riding is Rona Ambrose and she is a Cabinet Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women. Cabinet The Cabinet proposes most of the ideas that become laws, puts laws in action, and runs the day to day business of government. The Cabinet advises the PM on how to govern.

21 Legislative Branch…Read P. 26-27
The Legislative Branch includes the House of Commons, the Senate, and the Governor General. Its duty is to enact (make), amend (change), and repeal (remove) laws. House of Commons – is the major law-making body in Canada’s federal political system. Most of the power in the Legislative Branch rests with the house of commons. Members of Parliament are elected to represent one of the 308 ridings in Canada. Members of the House debate, study, and vote on laws (bills) proposed in the best interest of the people they represent. Canada’s House of Commons House of Commons Layout Layton

22 Legislative Branch continued…
The Senate – The Senate is composed of 105 Senators (105 seats) that represent the 6 regions of Canada (see p. 33). Senators are appointed by the PM (not elected) and can serve until age 75. There is currently a bill on the table to make the Senate elected to increase its accountability. Senators represent the interests and rights of Canada’s regions and minorities. Therefore Senators are more representative of Canada's multi-cultural society.

23 Prime Minister Term Cons. Lib. Ind. PC Ind. Total Pierre Trudeau
Appointment breakdown Prime Minister Term Cons. Lib. Ind. PC Ind. Total      Pierre Trudeau 1980–1984 1 2 3 Brian Mulroney 1984–1993 6 7 Jean Chrétien 1993–2003 21 Paul Martin 2003–2006 8 10 Stephen Harper 2006– 48 51 55 30 92

24 Current Senate Party Breakdown

25 Senate continued… discuss critical thinking on p. 31 and 32
The Senate is known as the “Sober Second Thought” meaning they study and debate laws passed by the House of Commons . A bill cannot become law unless passed by both the House of Commons and the Senate. The Senate has the power to reject laws but rarely does so. History of the Senate The Senate of Canada: History and Tradition Who serves in the Senate of Canada? Roles in the Senate of Canada

26 Judicial Branch…Read P.34-35
Consists of the Supreme Court and Federal Judges (lower courts). It interprets and applies all law in Canada (meaning it has the responsibility of making sure the rights of Canadians are respected) This Branch is completely separate from the legislative and executive branches so that members of government cannot influence decisions on the judicial branch. Elected representatives are subject to the law and are held accountable if they break it.

27 Judicial Branch continued
Supreme Court – highest court in our nation and the court of last appeal. Has the power to determine whether a law passed by Parliament, is consistent with the Constitution (including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms). Lower Courts – Federal judges in the court of queen’s Bench. Handles the most serious criminal cases or appeals. Discuss: How does the judicial branch connect to peace, order, and good government for all Canadians?

28 Judicial Branch p.35 How does the judicial branch connect to peace, order, and good government for all Canadians? - Deals with many of society’s issues. - not politicians, therefore not confined by party platform or other restraints - Watches over the law, ensuring it is being followed for all Canadians including the business of the government.

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