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Ways African Americans were disenfranchised. (Vote taken away)

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1 Ways African Americans were disenfranchised. (Vote taken away)
Poll taxes/Literacy Tests/ Grandfather clauses Designed to keep African Americans from voting and achieving political power. This is Disenfranchisement grandfather clauses allowed poor whites to vote

2 Reconstruction Amendments
13th- No slavery 14th- citizenship 15th- right to vote Changes in our government to protect former slaves These helped but were not enforced when northern army left in 1877.

3 Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) Supreme Court supports segregation by ruling that “separate but equal” is the law of the land. This lasts until the 1950’s

4 Compromise of 1877 Northern Army leaves the south
Jim Crow Laws segregation and discrimination. Republicans get Hayes as President.

5 Nativism Nativism means an opposition or hatred towards immigrants.
NINA (No Irish Need Apply), disliked because they were poor and Catholic. Workingman's party of California (anti-Chinese). KKK.

6 Immigration Changes-More from Eastern and Southern Europe
Immigration Changes-More from Eastern and Southern Europe. Many were Catholic or Jewish.

7 Catholic Immigration As immigrants came from South Eastern Europe more Catholics were represented in U.S Catholics coming from Latin America and have had the biggest increase over the last 50 years

8 Chinese Exclusion Act The Chinese were excluded from immigrating to the U.S. in 1882 and was not repealed until 1943.

9 Americanization Designed to assimilate people of different cultures.
Literacy, history, and government Social etiquette, cooking, and native culture. Segregated ethnic neighborhoods slowed this process down.

10 Growth of cities Immigration (labor) and Industrialization lead to growth of cities. There is a movement from Rural (country) to Urban (city) mainly for jobs.

11 RR and industry The railroad building boom during the nineteenth century contributed to the rapid industrialization of the United States.

12 Urban (city) problems Overcrowding Crime Pollution Not enough services
Ethnic tension (no assimilation) Corrupt politics (political machines)

13 Dumbbell Tenements Inner city apartments. Dirty, Crowded, crime.
Single families were often times stuffed into one room.

14 Jacob Riis Muckraker who exposed the problems in the inner cities.
“Five Cents a spot” and his book “How the other half lives,” showed the tough conditions in urban areas.

15 The Gilded Age Industrialization and progress made America look bright and shiny on the outside, but it was really a period of Corruption, Poverty and Nativist tension. 1870 to 1890

16 Political Machines Groups of people that came together for political power. They targeted immigrants for recruitment. They offered jobs, police protection, political “hook-ups” and favors for the vote. They were known for being corrupt. (Boss Tweed)

17 Robber Barons Wealthy businessmen who used ruthless tactics to gain monopolies and squeeze out competition Carnegie (above) Rockefeller (below)

18 Gospel Of Wealth- Andrew Carnegie
Carnegie wrote a book about how the rich had an obligation to give back to society. Many rich “Robber Barons gave back millions to society. “Because they had been blessed they should give back.”

19 John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil company Formed a Monopoly
Robber Baron Ruthless tactics Did give money to charity

20 Henry Ford-assembly line
Ford’s production of the Model T in the early 20th-century is an example of combining both specialization and greater efficiency in production.

21 Government protects Domestic industry with Tariffs.
The government put a tariff ( tax ) on foreign imports. This protected U.S. businesses because foreign competitors had to charge more.

22 Progressivism Most Progressives sought to fix the social problems that were caused by rapid industrialization and urbanization of our country. End corruption, women’s suffrage, conservation, efficiency.

23 Pendleton Act (1883) Ended the Spoils system (patronage)of giving government jobs to supporters. Test and interview In this 1872 cartoon published in Harper's Weekly, a congressman is "presenting a few of his constituents" for appointment to jobs in federal offices.

24 “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair
This book exposed the horrors of the meat packing industry. “The rats, poison and bread were used to make sausage.” TR passes meat inspection act.

25 Trusts are Monopolies Trusts or Monopolies are when a group or person takes over a particular industry. Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Vanderbilt were examples of Robber barons who formed monopolies or trusts.

26 “Bosses of the Senate” What is this cartoon saying?
The monopolists or robber barons are controlling the Senate. It depicts corruption

27 Vertical/ Horizontal Integration
Vertical Integration- owning all parts of production and lowering your cost. It helps to form a monopoly (get rid of competition). Horizontal Integration- getting rid of competition by mergers, undercutting, and buy outs

28 Sherman and Clayton Anti-trust Acts
Progressives went after company’s that were forming monopolies. These laws made it more difficult to form trusts or monopolies.

29 Muckrakers Muckraking journalists of the Progressive era were known for exposing dangerous labor conditions, corruption and social problems. Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Jacob Riis

30 Populist Party Set up to support Farmers and workers
“The People’s Party” Unlimited Coinage of Silver Supported government regulation of big business Shorter work day/ benefits for workers

31 Social Gospel Movement
Jane Addams “Hull House” (settlement house) education, culture training for the urban poor. Temperance Women’s rights Get rid of poverty Christians have moral responsibility YMCA

32 Social Darwinism Society becomes better because only the fittest survive. Same in business world. No regulation in business. Competition gets rid of those who do not adapt.

33 Children’s Bureau The purpose of the Children’s Bureau of 1912 was to investigate and report upon the welfare of children. Taft The purpose of the Children’s Bureau of 1912 was to

34 Theodore Roosevelt Trust buster Meat inspection act Workers rights
Conservation 1st progressive president ICC regulates RR

35 ICC- Interstate Commerce Commission/ Hepburn Act
Given power to the ICC to regulate railroad rates.(ICC ICC ICC CHOO CHOO) Government is expanding under this progressive regulatory agency. Helps farmers

36 TR and the “Square Deal”
TR’s domestic program to help the middle class. Anti-trust laws/ICC Arbitration for labor Minimum wage Consumer protection Conservation

37 William Taft Children’s Bureau reported on child labor.
He reduces the tariff rates. He busts up trusts, sugar, Oil, and tobacco. He moved on US Steel and TR was upset. Runs against TR in 1912 and loses to Wilson.

38 Dwight Moody Moody was an evangelist who involved with starting the YMCA. This promoted Christian values and physical education.

39 17th Amendment 17th Direct election of senators.
Government will be more responsive to the will of the people.

40 Progressive reforms Recall- election to get rid of a bad politician
Initiative- citizens make up law Referendum- vote on citizen law Secret ballot

41 W.E.B Dubois Founder of NAACP which fought for minority rights
PHD from Harvard He believed that the Talented Tenth, or the "exceptional men" of the black race would be the ones to lead the race to equality.

42 Failure of Progressivism
The most conspicuous limit to Progressivism was its failure to address African American issues.

43 Federal Reserve System
It was started in 1913 It regulates the money supply It still is used today It is our central bank Wilson

44 16th Amendment 1913 provided for a graduated income tax
Part of populist plan Less money needed from tariffs

45 United Mine Workers Strike
TR threatens the use of military to end strike and force arbitration. He wanted to protect the people.

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