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By: Nikki Konomos Mission Valley Middle School 2D art and 3D art

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Presentation on theme: "By: Nikki Konomos Mission Valley Middle School 2D art and 3D art"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Nikki Konomos Mission Valley Middle School 2D art and 3D art
Art Portfolio By: Nikki Konomos Mission Valley Middle School 2D art and 3D art

2 Table of Contents Art 2D: Archetype Cards (Slide 3)
Second Skin (Slide 4) “The Parade” (Slide 5) Power of Advertising (Slide 6) Art 3D: Dear Edwina (Slide 7) Rest Pot (Slide 8) School Uniform (Slide 9) Urban Vinyl Toy (Slide 10) Standards (Slide 11, 12) Artist Bio (Slide 13)

3 Table of Contents Konomos, N

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10 Table of Contents Konomos, N

11 Standard 1: Understanding and applying media techniques and processes
1. Archetype Cards1 2. “The Parade”2 3. Power of Advertising3 4. Dear Edwina4 5. School Uniform5 Standard 2: Using knowledge of the elements of art and the principles of design a. Elements of art: color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value b. Principles of design: balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity 1. Archetype Cards (color, space, balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm, unity) 2. Second Skin6 (color, line, value, balance, contrast, emphasis, unity) 3. “The Parade” (color, line, space, value, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, unity) 4. Power of Advertising (color, space, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm, unity) 5. Dear Edwina (color, form, shape, texture, balance, contrast, movement, rhythm, unity) 6. Rest Pot7 (color, form, line, shape, texture, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, unity) 7. Urban Vinyl Toy8 (color, form, shape, balance, contrast, movement, pattern, unity) 8. School Uniform (color, form, texture, value, emphasis, movement, rhythm, unity) Standard 3: Creating artworks through choice of subjects, symbol, and ideas 1. Archetype Cards 2. Second Skin 3. “The Parade” 4. The Power of Advertising 5. Dear Edwina 6. Rest Pot 7. School Uniform Konomos, N

12 Standard 4: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures
1. Dear Edwina 2. Urban Vinyl Toys Standard 5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits if art 1. Archetype Cards 2. Second Skin 3. “The Parade” 4. Rest Pot 5. Urban Vinyl Toys Standard 6: Making connections between the visual arts and other disciplines 2. “The Parade” 3. Dear Edwina 5. School Uniform 1.Archetype Cards “The Parade” Power of Advertising Dear Edwina Measurements: 5”x6” Measurements: 10”x54” Measurements: Measurements: 24”x24”x12” Medium: Collage Medium: Mixed Medium: Photography Medium: Plaster cloth, papier maché, paint 5. School Uniform Second Skin Rest Pot Urban Vinyl Toy Measurements: Measurements: 12”x18” Measurements: 2”x2”x6” Measurements: 6”x2”x4 Dimensions variable Medium: Pencil, puffy Medium: Clay Medium: Clay, acrylic paint Medium: Fabric, Tie-dye, and acrylic paint Puffy paint Table of Contents Konomos, N

13 Artist Bio Nikki enjoys art very much. She has enjoyed art since she was a little kid. Her work reflects her personality a lot. She tries her hardest and does the best she can. Art is her favorite class this year. She likes to use brighter colors. When things don’t work out she doesn’t quit, she perseveres until the job is done and a successful piece of artwork is produced. Konomos, N

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