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Public/Shared Devices

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Presentation on theme: "Public/Shared Devices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public/Shared Devices
What to do and how to protect yourself

2 What is a shared or public Device
Shared device= device that is shared between two or more people Public device= device that is open for use to the public Shared/Public wifi= wifi that is not password protected and can be accessed by ANYONE

3 What can happen on shared devices?

4 Tips for using shared/public devices
Never type in your password while connected Password safety Change password after using public device No sharing private information Address, physical description, bank information Always log-out of any website Facebook, YouTube, Use closed wifi, data, or personal hotspot if possible Do not click on SPAM in

5 Public Service Announcement Poster!!
Create a ONE page poster in WORD Should include 5-7 tips for middle school students when using public/shared devices Include two pictures as well Can work with one other person Upload to eBackpack when finished Both names on poster, ONE person submit

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