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WELCOME TO fifth grade Norton elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO fifth grade Norton elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO fifth grade Norton elementary

2 Meet Your Teachers Rachel Hardin – Reading & Writing
Jennifer Harper– Math Shawna Wheeler - Science Casey Adamson – History/Grammar

3 Binder Please leave papers in your student’s binder until we ask them to take them out. The binder is the KEY to staying organized! Please help your child keep contents in the same order as on the arrangement sheet at the front of their binder. The homework pocket is the first divider for easy access. Graded papers will go home all week in the 2nd tab of their binder labeled “GP” or “Graded Papers,” so check the second divider regularly, and go over anything they missed to ensure they understand why they missed it! 

4 For Your Information: Norton folders go home every Wednesday night.
Memos and PTA information, and forms to fill out and return. Please help remind your child to get in the habit of returning this folder on Thursday (the following day).

5 Your Child’s Personal Schedule can be found in the front of binders
Fifth Grade Schedule 7:50 – 8: Homeroom 8:00 – 9: Block 1 9:10– 10:15 Block 2 10:20-10:50 CASTLE 10:55-11:55 Block 3 12:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:00 Recess 1:00-2:05 Block 4 2:10-2:55 Specials 3:00 Dismissal Mrs. Bernard & Mrs. Crawford teach Reading & Writing Your Child’s Personal Schedule can be found in the front of binders


7 Vocabulary This is a crucial part of being able to communicate effectively within the world of math. Therefore, expect vocabulary to be a vital part of the math curriculum. math curriculum.

8 MATH Math Curriculum Fall Semester: Problem-Solving
Decimal Place Value & Addition/Subtraction of Decimals Multiplication & Division Fraction Concepts Display and Interpret Data Algebra Coordinate Grids & Patterns Spring Semester: Coordinate Grids & Patterns Conversions Geometry & Measurement Financial Literacy Coordinate Grids & Patters Number Sense Review & Enrichment Fraction Review & Enrichment Algebra Review & Enrichment MATH

9 Math Homework Homework: -Will have Monday through Thursday nights and occasionally on the weekends if there is a test on Monday. -No need to do more of what you already know, but math is a skill that needs practice! Lone Star: -Receive on Monday (or beginning of each week, due on Thursday)

10 Envision – Online Textbook
To access it, go to Then, click on the PEARSON site.

11 Math Journal This is where we take lots of notes during class and examples of various problems we do are kept in our journal. Please have your child bring their journal home regularly, so they can be reviewing over their notes and you can see the way concepts are taught in class. This will also be a useful tool to help them with homework.

12 Math Warm Ups Most mornings (except for AIM days), we start our math block with a warm up that is usually around 5 questions. These are usually concepts that are a review of what they have already been taught in class. Once they are finished with every question, they raise their hand and I come around and check their work. If there are questions they have not answered correctly, they are to rework the problem and have me check it again once they are through making their corrections. Please ask your child to bring their Warm Up Journal home periodically throughout the year for you to see how they’re doing.

13 What will we study this year?
Social Studies American History What will we study this year? U.S. Geography U.S. Citizenship Regions and Migrations Exploration and Settlement Colonies Grow and Desire Independence Revolutionary War and The Constitution Growth of the New Nation and Westward Expansion Causes and Effects of The Civil War Industrialization, Immigration and Free Enterprise America in the 20th Century Grades: 60% Daily/Homework 40% Test, Quizzes, and Projects

14 through Allen apps or Portal
Social Studies Textbook Can be accessed at home through Allen apps or Portal Online thumbnail Textbook

15 Science 1st 9 Weeks: Safety & Scientific Process, Cycles (Water, CO2/O2, Life Cycles), Weather/Climate 2nd 9 Weeks: Ecosystems, Adaptations, Physical Properties of Matter, Science Fair Dec. 1 3rd 9 Weeks: Force, Types of Energy, Earth’s Energy Resources 4th 9 Weeks: Landforms, Space, STAAR Review, History of Science

16 Science- General Weekly Schedule
Monday-Stations, Models, Hands-On Activities Tuesday- Digging Deeper Day-Vocabulary Reinforcement (Study Stacks), Reading in Science, STEMscopes (computer lab) Wednesday-Lab Experiment Thursday-Complete Experiment (analysis/conclusion) Friday- Assess Learning

17 Science Grades & Resources
Grades will be taken on: journal entries, lab experiments, science current event summaries (1 per grading period), homework, assessments, classwork Resources can be found on my website, especially: STEMscopes, Study Jams, Google Classroom, and various sites for finding current event articles

18 Reading, Thinking, and Writing
Language Arts Reading, Thinking, and Writing

19 Living the Writer’s Life
Viewing the world as a writer Read like a Writer: Students will be combining reading and writing. They will read like a writer by noticing details in the text. They will be prepared to write about themes they find. The focus is on the meaning of the text. Critical thinking is an emphasis Graded using a rubric

20 Areas of Focus Idea Development Organization Voice Word Choice
Sentence Fluency Conventions

21 Reading – Our Year At A Glance
Historical Reading

22 Reading – Our Requirements
Students must have an independent reading book in class each day. Homework – Read 30 minutes each night. Students will complete assignments based on their reading.

23 Homework Some homework every night.
Math (Lone Star on Monday-due Thursday and usually other math homework on Wednesday and Thursday evenings (often from the book). Reading (30 minutes – 4 days) Writing/Word Work Science/Google Classroom or STEMscopes Social Studies Unfinished Work Homework should be written in the agenda every day and kept behind the homework divider in the binder.

24 Accessing School Resources From Home
All resources can be accessed by typing in Google Drive-log in (student ID#) and password are the same ones students use at school Google Classroom- Once they have joined each classroom during class time, they will see them on their homepage Pearson (Math and Social Studies) STEMscopes (Science)-Log in is the student ID# and the password is knights (all lower case). Be sure the school is Frances Norton. See each teachers’ individual webpages for content-specific websites

25 Thank you for being dedicated parents
If you have general 5th grade questions, please your student’s homeroom teacher. For subject specific questions, that teacher.

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