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Multiple Alleles Human Blood Types.

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1 Multiple Alleles Human Blood Types

2 Multiple allele traits: controlled by three or more alleles of the same gene that code for a specific trait. ex. Human Blood Types: ABO


4 ABO System A. 4 possible blood types A, B, AB, O 1. Type A: has A antigen on red blood cells (RBC), has anti-B antibodies, can get blood from O and A, can give blood to A and AB people

5 2. Blood type B: has B antigen on RBCs, anti-A antibody, can get blood from O or B, can give blood to B and AB 3. Blood type AB: has both A and B antigens on RBCs, no antibodies, can get blood from A, B, AB, and O, can give blood to AB

6 4. Blood type O: has no antigens on RBCs, has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies, can get blood from O only, can give blood to A, B, AB, and O

7 Genotypes for human blood type

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