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INDEX S.No. Particulars Slide No. 1 Chhattisgarh - An Overview 01 2
Rabi An Assessment 02-03 3 Kharif Prospects 2015 04-05 4 Kharif Seed Requirement and Availability for 2015 06 5 Fertilizer Demand and Availability for Kharif 2015 07 6 Group-I : Strategy to issue Soil Health Card in time bound manner 08-10 7 Group-II : Promotion of Pulses through intercropping to Kharif season 11-14 8 Group-III : Use of ICT in decision support for enhancing Kharif production 15-17
Chhattisgarh–An Overview Chhattisgarh Plains Zone
Agro Climatic Zones Sub-divided into three agro climatic zones. Geog. area : 138 lakh ha. Forest cover : lakh ha. (46%) Net sown area : lakh ha. (35 % of its geog. area) 57 % soil is medium to light. Average rainfall : 1327 mm. Net Irrigated Area : lakh ha (35%) Farm families : lakh 80% small & marginal Farmers 32% ST, 12 % SC Cropping intensity : 138 % Northern Hills Zone Chhattisgarh Plains Zone Bastar Plateau Zone 1 3
% inc./dec. over last year
Rabi An assessment Area Coverage : Total area under Rabi / Summer crops estimated to be lakh ha. which is 2% higher over last year. As per preliminary estimation area under Cereal crop has increased by 7%. As per preliminary estimation area under pulses which is at par over last year. As per preliminary estimation area under oilseeds has increased by 3%. Crop Area (000' ha.) Production (000' MT) 13-14 14-15 % inc./dec. over last year Cereals 418.91 450.23 7 5 Pulses 869.58 871.40 711.25 714.58 Oilseeds 264.44 273.41 3 170.13 178.44 Production : Production of summer rice estimated to be 7.74 lakh ton which is 1% higher over last year. Estimated production of pulses assessed to be 7.15 lakh ton which is at par over last year (7.11 lakh ton) Estimated production of oilseeds assessed to be 1.78 lakh ton which is 5% higher over last year (1.70 lakh ton). 2 4
Rabi Assessment Crops Area (000 Ha.) Production (000 MT) (Est.) % Increase / decrease Wheat 151.43 177.78 17 221.09 261.34 18 Maize 61.76 66.64 8 119.81 129.95 Summer Rice 199.63 201.09 1 769.98 774.20 Total Cereals 418.91 450.23 7 5 Gram 383.77 356.52 -7 422.15 406.43 -4 Lathyrus 340.17 358.22 222.81 236.43 6 Other Pulses (Pea, Lentil, Moong & Urd) 145.64 156.66 66.29 71.72 Total Pulses 869.58 871.40 711.25 714.58 Mustard 144.33 145.27 85.15 86.44 2 Linseed 66.26 69.61 31.47 33.41 Other Oilseeds 53.85 58.53 9 53.51 58.59 Total Oilseeds 264.44 273.41 3 170.13 178.44 Other Crops 195.42 195.24 79.42 82.06 Grand Total 3 5
Kharif Prospects 2015 Less scope for horizontal expansion hence thrust will be on crop diversification & increasing productivity. Target fixed for total Kharif cropped area lakh ha which is slightly higher over previous year. Emphasis will be on increase in Area under Maize, Pulses & Oilseeds. Targetted area for Maize lakh ha. (3 % increase over last yr.) Targetted area under pulses 3.79 lakh ha with 7 % increase over last year. Proposed area under Oilseeds 3.45 lakh ha 13 % higher over previous year. Targetted production : Rice Maize Pulses Oilseeds Total Lakh MT 76.65 4.23 2.06 3.13 86.35 % Inc. over last year 0 % 4 % 8 % 23 % 1 % 4 6
Kharif Prospects 2015 Crops Area (000 Ha.) Production (000 MT) 3643
2014 (Target) (Achiev.) 2015 % Increase / decrease Rice 3643 3645 -2 7500 7655 Maize 235 219.04 225 3 437.23 407.41 423 4 Minor Millets 95 79.00 85 8 35.98 33.09 38.23 16 Total Cereals 3973 3960 Arhar 140 133.24 142 7 95.20 90.60 97.98 Urd + Moong 186 185.41 197 6 83.87 83.57 89.79 Other Pulses 40 36.49 10 17.90 16.24 18.20 12 Total Pulses 366 355.14 379 196.97 190.42 205.97 Soybean 160 147.32 158 203.20 154.69 199.08 29 Niger 75 68.64 87 27 22.50 20.59 26.10 Other Oilseeds 98 100 11 94.97 79.97 88.01 Total Oilseeds 333 305.75 345 13 320.67 255.25 313.19 23 Other Crops 121.96 136 0.00 Grand Total 4812 4820 1 5 7
Kharif Seed Requirement and Availability for 2015
in Qtls. S. No. Crops Distribution Kharif 2014 Availability Kharif 2015 Demand Kharif 2015 Surplus/ Shortage SSC Other Sources Total Other Sources 1 Paddy 5,69,453 62,312 6,31,765 7,01,381 71,068 7,72,449 6,33,525 1,38,924 2 Maize 15,462 6,162 21,624 85 19,969 20,054 20,000 54 3 Kodo-Kutki 160 162 180 78 258 200 58 4 Ragi 373 170 76 246 380 -134 5 Arhar 5,630 166 5,796 1,525 4,844 6,369 6,300 69 6 Urd 3,407 59 3,466 202 3,924 4,126 4,000 126 7 Moong 1,458 1,460 37 1,683 1,720 1,600 120 8 Soyabean 36,377 16,388 52,765 3,158 50,655 53,813 53,540 273 9 Groundnut 261 802 1,063 40 2,020 2,060 1,200 860 10 Til 316 319 44 325 369 360 11 Ramtil 172 -220 12 Sunflower 35 30 13 Sunhem/ Dencha 7,050 312 7,362 7,800 7,500 300 TOTAL 6,40,120 86,207 7,26,327 7,06,982 1,62,477 8,69,459 7,29,015 1,40,444 6
Fertilizer - Demand and Availability for Kharif 2015 (Coop. +Pvt
Fertilizer - Demand and Availability for Kharif 2015 (Coop.+Pvt. Sector) Unit : Lakh MT Particulars Urea DAP NPK MOP SSP Others Total Kharif 2014 Distribution 5.10 2.19 0.47 0.53 1.11 0.08 9.48 Kharif 2015 Demand 5.75 2.25 1.00 0.70 1.55 0.00 11.25 Qty. approved by GOI 5.50 11.00 Anticipated Stock ( ) Institutional Agency 1.34 0.19 0.26 0.96 3.22 7
Strategy to issue Soil Health Cards in time bound manner :
Group I Strategy to issue Soil Health Cards in time bound manner : Net Sown Area :- (lakh ha) Irrigated Un-irrigated Total 14.49 33.27 47.76 No. of Soil Health Cards to be distributed in 3 years :- ( No. lakh) Irrigated Un-irrigated Total 5.80 3.32 9.12 Existing Soil Testing Lab & Its Capacity:- Sector No. of Lab Total Capacity Per Annum Static Mobile State Govt. 7 4 1.15 SAUs 1 0.15 Ferti. Comp. (RCF) - 0.05 NGO Total 10 6 1.50 8
Action Plan Training of field functionaries / farmer friends on formation of grid and collection of soil samples are being conducted (time limit – 15th April) Training of chemist :- Training will be organized at IGKV (SAU) Training schedule has been finalized. (time limit – 15th May) Collection of soil samples :- (time limit – 15th June) Efforts are being made to develop additional soil testing facilities:- (a) State Govt. has accorded sanction of technical/ supporting staff for establishing 8 new soil testing labs. (b) Financial assistance under RKVY has been proposed for strengthening of 5 soil testing labs of different agricultural college under IGKV. (c) 3 mobile & 1 static soil testing lab has been sanctioned by GoI under NMSA sub scheme Soil Health Management. (d) Tender process is being done for analysis of soil samples by outsourcing. 9
Issues for Consideration
Capacity of existing Soil Testing Labs in the state is sufficient only for 1/3rd of the total requirement. Analysis through outsourcing does not seem to be feasible within cost norms fixed by GoI under Soil Health Card schemes, hence cost norms may have to be increased. Cost limit for GPS equipment fix by GoI (Rs. 6000/- per unit) also needs upward revision. 10
Group II Promotion of Pulses through Intercropping in Kharif Season :
(1) Major Kharif Pulses - Arhar, Urd, Moong, Kulthi (Horse Gram). (2) Prevailing intercropping system :- Soybean + Arhar Groundnut + Arhar Kodo + Arhar Kodo + Moong / Urd Maize + Urd / Moong (3) Existing area and proposed programme : Unit- 000 ha. S. No. Crop Coverage- Kharif 2014 (Est.) Target - Kharif 2015 Sole Crop Intercropping Total 1 Arhar 31.24 80 111.24 32 85 117 2 Urd 119.07 40 159.07 120 44 164 3 Moong 16.34 10 26.34 18 15 33 166.65 130 296.65 170 144 351 11
Contd... Coverage under bund cultivation Kharif 2014 (Est.)
(4) Area of Arhar under Rice bund cultivation :- Coverage under bund cultivation Kharif 2014 (Est.) Target - Kharif 2015 22,000 Ha. 25,000 Ha. (5) Strategy :- Seed Minikit Distribution :- Seed minikits of different pulse crops to be distributed during Kharif 2015 Thrust on Seed Treatment : Campaign at Gram Panchayat level will be organized during April - May. Around 22,500 Seed Treating Drums already made available to different Gram Panchayat. Use of Rhizobium Culture : Arrangement has been made for pre-positioning of desired Rhizobium culture packets to ensure use of Rhizobium Culture. Training of farmers / farmers friend : Intensive pre Kharif training on improved package of practices. Arhar Urd Moong 50,000 20,000 15,000 12
13 15 15
Current Application of ICT in Agriculture
Group III Use of ICT in decision support for enhancing Kharif Production : Current Application of ICT in Agriculture Area Coverage :- District-wise online weekly sowing position of different crops. Input Arrangement :- District-wise online weekly availability & distribution position of seeds & fertilizers. Monitoring of Schemes :- Online Registration & Distribution of Subsidy under major schemes viz Farm Implements, Sprinkler sets, Kisan Samriddhi Yojna (Tube-well), Shakambhari Yojna (Irrigation Pump) . Budget Utilization :- Monthly utilization of funds allotted under various development schemes. 15
Contemporary Advisory to Farmers :-
Online biweekly contemporary advisory to farmers ( Text and voice messages through m-Kisan Portal ( Information regarding registered seed, fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural implements dealers ( Commodity-wise daily Mandi price is updated in Also, information about nearest two Mandis are sent via messages to the registered mobile numbers through Improved Package of Practices for major crops :- District-wise contingent plan for aberrant weather situation. ( 16
Future Prospects of ICT in Agriculture
Focus on use of ICT Tools up to the block level (through Kiosk, Mobile App. etc.) Develop a State Web Portal including all Allied Departments, to online the:- Licensing process . Information about schemes. Package of Practices of different crops. Identification & management of insect-pests & diseases etc. Develop a mobile application & Install an Internet Supporting information Kiosk at block level for farmers, for :- Weekly weather forecast. Area specific pest forecast and their management. Seed and fertilizers availability in respective blocks and Co-operative Societies etc. 17
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