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Introduction to CERN Activities
Intro to particle physics Accelerators – the LHC Detectors - CMS Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
From atoms to quarks I Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
From atoms to quarks II Leptons are fundamental e.g. electron muon
neutrinos Hadrons are made of quarks, e.g. p = uud L0 = uds L0b = udb p+ = ud Y = cc U = bb Baryons Mesons Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
The structure of the Proton
Proton is not, in fact, simply made from three quarks (uud) There are actually 3 “valence” quarks (uud) + a “sea” of gluons and short-lived quark-antiquark pairs Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Matter and Force Particles
Gluons (8) Quarks Mesons Baryons Nuclei Graviton ? Bosons (W,Z) Atoms Light Chemistry Electronics Solar system Galaxies Black holes Neutron decay Beta radioactivity Neutrino interactions Burning of the sun Strong Photon Gravitational Weak The particle drawings are simple artistic representations Electromagnetic Tau Muon Electron Neutrino -1 Bottom Strange Down Top Charm Up 2/3 -1/3 each quark: R , B G 3 colours Electric Charge Leptons Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Characteristics of the 4 forces
What characterizes a force ? Strength, range and source charge of the field. Interaction Exchanged Range Relative Examples quantum (m) Strength in nature (source ch) Strong gluon proton (quarks) colour Electromagnetic photon <10-2 atoms electric Weak W, Z < radioactivity hypercharge Gravity graviton ? solar system mass Ratio of electrical to gravitational force between two protons is ~ 1038 !! Can such different forces have the same origin ?? Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Unification of fundamental forces
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Unanswered questions in Particle Physics
a. Can gravity be included in a theory with the other three interactions ? b. What is the origin of mass? LHC c. How many space-time dimensions do we live in ? d. Are the particles fundamental or do they possess structure ? e. Why is the charge on the electron equal and opposite to that on the proton? f. Why are there three generations of quark and lepton ? g. Why is there overwhelmingly more matter than anti-matter in the Universe ? h. Are protons unstable ? i. What is the nature of the dark matter that pervades our galaxy ? j. Are there new states of matter at exceedingly high density and temperature? k. Do the neutrinos have mass, and if so why are they so light ? Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
The Standard Model Me ~ 0.5 MeV Mn ~ 0 Mt ~ 175,000 MeV! Mg = 0
MZ ~ 100,000 MeV Why ? Where is Gravity? Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Mathematical consistency of the SM
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
What is wrong with the SM?
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Origin of mass and the Higgs mechanism
Simplest theory – all particles are massless !! A field pervades the universe Particles interacting with this field acquire mass – stronger the interaction larger the mass The field is a quantum field – the quantum is the Higgs boson Finding the Higgs establishes the presence of the field Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
CERN Site LHC SPS CERN Site (Meyrin) Introduction to CERN
David Barney, CERN
CERN Member States Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
CERN Users Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Particle Collider Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Types of Particle Collider
Electron-Positron Collider (e.g. LEP) Proton-Proton Collider (e.g. LHC) u d u d e- e+ Electrons are elementary particles, so Eproton1 = Ed1 + Eu1 + Eu2 + Egluons1 Eproton2 = Ed2 + Eu3 + Eu4 + Egluons2 Collision could be between quarks or gluons, so 0 < Ecollision < (Eproton1 + Eproton2) Ecollision = Ee- + Ee+ = 2 Ebeam e.g. in LEP, Ecollision ~ 90 GeV = mZ i.e. can tune beam energy so that you always produce a desired particle! i.e. with a single beam energy you can “search” for particles of unknown mass! Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
CERN Accelerator Complex
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider
7x1012 eV Beam Energy 1034 cm-2 s-1 Luminosity 2835 Bunches/Beam 1011 Protons/Bunch 7.5 m (25 ns) 7 TeV Proton Proton colliding beams Bunch Crossing 4x107 Hz Proton Collisions 109 Hz n e - e Parton Collisions + q c - - 1 Z q ~ q New Particle Production 105 Hz p H g ~ p p p (Higgs, SUSY, ....) ~ Z q + + m q c ~ - - 2 m c ~ 1 Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
LHC Detectors General-purpose Higgs SUSY ?? General-purpose Higgs SUSY
Heavy Ions Quark-gluon plasma General-purpose Higgs SUSY ?? B-physics CP Violation Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
The two Giants! ATLAS CMS A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS Compact Muon
Solenoid Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Cannot directly “see” the collisions/decays
Particle Detectors I Cannot directly “see” the collisions/decays Interaction rate is too high Lifetimes of particles of interest are too small Even moving at the speed of light, some particles (e.g. Higgs) may only travel a few mm (or less) Must infer what happened by observing long-lived particles Need to identify the visible long-lived particles Measure their momenta Energy (speed) Infer the presence of neutrinos and other invisible particles Conservation laws – measure missing energy Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Particle Momentum Measurement
Electrically charged particles moving in a magnetic field curve Radius of curvature is related to the particle momentum R = p/0.3B Should not disturb the passage of the particles Low-mass detectors sensitive to the passage of charged particles Many layers – join the dots! E.g. CMS silicon tracker Electron In CMS Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Energy Measurement - Calorimeters
Idea is to “stop” the particles and measure energy deposit Particles stop via energy loss processes that produce a “shower” of many charged and neutral particles – pair-production, bremstrahlung etc. Detector can be to measure either hadrons or electrons/photons Two main types of calorimeter: Homogeneous: shower medium is also used to produce the “signal” that is measured – e.g. CMS electromagnetic calorimeter Sampling: the shower develops in one medium, whilst another is used to produce a signal proportional to the incident particle energy – e.g. CMS Hadron Calorimeter Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Particle interactions in detectors
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
CMS – Compact Muon Solenoid
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
CMS – Compact Muon Solenoid
Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Puzzle Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
Answer Make a “cut” on the Transverse momentum
Of the tracks: pT>2 GeV Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN
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