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Stories of the Kingdom.

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1 Stories of the Kingdom

2 The Kingdom Deeds of Jesus (Matt 8-9)
Lepers are cleansed (inclusion) Foreigners are healed Storms are stilled Demons are confronted Sins are forgiven Sight is restored Speech is given Disciples are called and sent “He took our infirmities and bore our diseases” (Mt 8:17/ Is 53)

3 Parables of the Kingdom
A feature of the teaching of Jesus 33 examples in the Gospels Not simply records of Jesus’ teaching Examples of how the early Church assimilated his teaching In Matthew the parables that are unique to him illustrate the Kingdom values of his Gospel.

4 Parables unique to Matthew
The Weeds and the Wheat 13:24-30 The Treasure 13:44 The Pearl :45-46 The Fishnet 13:47-50 The Unmerciful Servant 18:23-35 The Vineyard 20:1-16 The Two Sons 21:28-32 The Wedding Garment 22:11-14 The Bridesmaids 25:1-13

5 Matthew 13 and the Parables
Context: disputes with those who reject him (11:2 -12:50 )following on the mission of the twelve (10:1-11:1). Thus the kingdom is both gift and challenge – it requires more than adherence to the chosen people or even the family of Jesus to enter it (12:46-50)

6 Weeds and Wheat The parable and its explanation highlight two different aspects of the story The parable emphasizes patience and restraint (13:24-30) The explanation stresses the judgment that awaits those who give scandal and do evil (13:36-43) The community that strives for perfection must learn to live with its absence!

7 The Treasure and the Pearl
These images address the value of the kingdom and what must be done in order to acquire it. Nothing can be of greater importance nor can anything compare with the joy it brings. Context: a community on the margins vis a vis both the synagogue and the empire must take its place in the world yet resist the temptation to compromise.

8 The Unmerciful Servant
Context: Chapter 18 – On the life of the community Look after the weakest ones (18:6-14) The need for reconciliation The need for forgiveness The parable that illustrates forgiveness as central to the life of the community.

9 The Two Sons 21:28-32 Context of arrival in Jerusalem and final struggle The call to do the will of the Father has been ignored by those who imagine they are obedient (“those who say Lord, Lord”) The outsiders are showing authentic repentance and even this sign is ignored.

10 The Wedding Garment 22:11-14 Context: parable of the wedding banquet (Lk 14:14-24) and destruction of Jerusalem. Also has links with parable of the Tenants. While the invitation to the kingdom is universal authentic repentance remains a condition of entry and is true for both Jew and Gentile.

11 The Bridesmaids Context: last chapter of narrative which finishes with one more parable (Talents) and story of Last Judgement and follows on calls for vigilance. Link with 7:21-27 where the wise and the foolish are also compared and “Lord, Lord” is the cry from those who seek admittance and are refused.

12 The True Disciple Bears Fruit
3:8 “Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance” 7:15-20 “By your fruits you will know them.” 13:23 “The seed sown on rich soil is the one who hears the word and understands it and indeed bears fruit…” 21:43 “The Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

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