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“Thanatopsis” By William Cullen Bryant

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1 “Thanatopsis” By William Cullen Bryant

2 Do Now! With active voice, the subject does the action.
(EX: Liz played the piano) With passive voice, the subject receives the action. (EX: The piano was played by Liz) Decide whether the following sentences are written in active or passive voice. Then write down WHO is doing the action. Thomas feeds his dog. The dog is fed by Thomas. The family went to the beach. The letter was written by Marshall. The game has been won by the blue team.

3 Everyone has their own interpretation of death
Everyone has their own interpretation of death. In your notebooks, draw your own depiction of death, and explain in 3-5 sentences why you chose to represent death this way.

4 The Title: “Thanatopsis”
From Greek Mythology: Thanatopsis was Death personified, the son of Night and Darkness and the brother of Hypnos (Sleep). He was not portrayed as a frightening being but as a winged man who lived in the Underworld.

5 Predict! On the top of your poems, write a one sentence prediction. What do you think the poem “Thanatopsis” will be about?

6 SSR: 5 “Thanatopsis” While you read, circle every word you do not understand. Subtract the number highlighted from 637 Divide: Your Number / 637 = reader score

7 Vocab Check! Count how many words you circled. Write that number in the top right hand corner of your paper. Vocabulary Words in “Thanatopsis”: Communion: Blight: Shroud: Pall: Clod: Swain: a country youth Mould: Patriarchs: Sepulchre: grave, burial sight Venerable: Melancholy: Abodes: Solitudes: Mirth: Caravan: Quarry-Slave: a slave in a pit Scourged: Drapery:

8 The Theme: “Thanatopsis”
Do not fear death because: Everyone dies. It is a part of nature.

9 SSR: 10 “Thanatopsis” While you read, write down three lines from the poem that support the theme (that death is a natural part of life). Explain HOW these connect to the theme.

10 Find Figurative Language!
Highlight examples of figurative language that support the theme of “Thanatopsis” Use PINK for Imagery! (2) Use YELLOW for Similes! (2) Use BLUE for Personification! (2)

11 Text-Based Analysis of Theme: Death (part 1)
In the poem Thanatopsis, how does the poet use figurative language (similes, imagery, personification) to support the theme (that death is a natural part of life)?” Use 2 examples you found from the text to support your answer. (8-10 sentences).

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