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Who am I? Promised jobs and better economy

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I? Promised jobs and better economy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I? Promised jobs and better economy
Appeased at Munich Conference Made Jews a scapegoat Hitler

2 Who am I? Ordered atomic bombs dropped in Japan Ordered Berlin airlift
Started American policy of containment Harry Truman

3 Who am I? Part of Harlem Renaissance Trumpeter Jazz great
Louis Armstrong

4 Who am I? Noninterventionist Didn’t believe in govt. relief programs
President at beginning of Depression Hoover

5 Who am I? Develops assembly line Known for mass production
Based in Detroit Ford

6 Who am I? Led Rough Riders Trustbuster Built Panama Canal T. Roosevelt

7 Who am I? Railroad Tycoon Robber baron Often granted rebates

8 Who am I? Secretary of State Actions known to be a “folly”
Purchased Alaska from Russia William Seward

9 Who am I? Captain of Industry Robber baron Steel industry
Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie

10 Who am I? Invaded Ethiopia Ignored by League of Nations
Part of Axis Powers Mussolini

11 Who am I? Created Moral Diplomacy
Urged US to enter WWI after Zimmerman Telegram Created League of Nations Wilson

12 Who am I? Leader of Soviet Union Friend to Castro Cuban Missile Crisis

13 Who am I? “I have a dream” Civil disobedience Nonviolent resistance
Martin Luther King Jr.

14 Who am I? Boss Tweed Controller of NYC Democratic party
Stole millions from the city Received votes from poor in exchange for favors Boss Tweed

15 Who am I? Sent troops to Vietnam Created “Great Society”
Signed Civil Rights Act 1964 Johnson

16 Who am I? Muckraker Works led to the creation of the FDA The Jungle
Upton Sinclair

17 Who am I? Organized D-Day Negotiated armistice in Korean War
Sent federal troops to integrate Central High Eisenhower

18 Who am I? F. D. Roosevelt Gave Fireside chats Creator of the New Deal
Called bombing of Pearl Harbor “day that would live in infamy” F. D. Roosevelt

19 Who am I? Jacob Riis Exposed poor conditions of tenements Muckraker
Actions helped lead to passing of Building codes Jacob Riis

20 Who am I? Mckinley President during Spanish American War
Acquired the Philippines Assassinated in Buffalo, NY Mckinley

21 Who am I? Rockefeller Oil Tycoon Created large monopoly
His trust was dismantled Rockefeller

22 Who am I? Agreed to Nazi Soviet Pact Part of The Allies in WWII
Ordered Berlin Blockade Stalin

23 Who am I? Langston Hughes Leader of Harlem Renaissance Poet, author
Proud African American Langston Hughes

24 Who am I? Kennedy Creator of the Peace Corps
Leader during Cuban Missile Crisis Assassinated Kennedy

25 Who am I? Franz Ferdinand Future leader of Austrian Hungarian empire
Assassinated by Black Hand Death sparked beginning of WWOne Franz Ferdinand

26 Who am I? Rosa Parks Member of NAACP Refused to give up seat on bus
Action helped inspire MontgomeryBusBoycott Rosa Parks

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