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Capturing Disasters with Terra ASTER

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1 Capturing Disasters with Terra ASTER
Chris Doescher LP DAAC Manager U.S. Geological Survey Lindsey Harriman LP DAAC Science Integration Task Manager SGT, Inc., contractor to the U.S. Geological Survey Work performed under contract G15PD00766 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey

2 Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)
Surface Reflectance, Land Cover, Vegetation Indices Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)

3 LP DAAC Distributed Data Products

4 ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Partnership between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), and Japan Space Systems (J-spacesystems) On April 1, 2016, NASA and Japan announced that all ASTER products would be available to the public at no charge.

5 NASA’s Terra Satellite
Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) 30 m resolution Thermal Infrared (TIR) 90 m resolution Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) 15 m resolution Terra launched on December 18, 1999

6 ASTER Data Acquisition
The ASTER sensor is pointable, taskable, and can collect data at night Pointable: the sensor is directed where to point when an image is captured. Images are not on a defined tile reference system. Taskable: the sensor only captures images when it is programmed to. An infrared false color ASTER L1AE image of the flooding of the Red River in Colfax, Louisiana captured on March 21, 2016 after several days of heavy rain and tornadoes impacted the area. AST_L1AE is an unprocessed and expedited data product. Flooding in Colfax, Louisiana

7 Examples of global events imaged by ASTER
Source: Duda, K., Abrams, M., 2007, ASTER and USGS EROS Emergency Imaging for Hurricane Disasters, Chapter 4: Science and the storms—the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, p

8 Use Case: Volcano Observation
Location: Villarrica Volcano, Chile Data: AST_L1BE For: Observing and analyzing many aspects of volcanic activity Advantage of ASTER: Pointable and taskable telescopes that can collect high resolution data when needed. Enables pre- and during eruption assessments as well as response efforts One of Chile’s most active volcanoes. Regularly monitored through the ASTER Volcano Archive ( – this image was expedited due to new eruption. Eruption began on March 3.

9 Provides data and information for more than 1,500 active volcanoes
Provides data and information for more than 1,500 active volcanoes AVA has nearly 177,000 ASTER scenes and 6,000 thermal anomaly detections Digital elevation models, alteration zone maps, and ash advisories also available Data available in several formats (GeoTIFF, jpeg, KML, HDF)

10 ASTER Data Coverage ~3 million scenes ~515 scenes/day

11 Overpass Predictor Overpass prediction for Bihar, India

12 ASTER Data Products Direct Download On-demand Name Short Name
Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) AST_GTM Expedited Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data AST_L1AE Expedited Routine Registered At-Sensor Radiance AST_L1BE Precision Terrain Corrected AST_L1T Direct Download Name Short Name Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data AST_L1A Registered At-Sensor Radiance AST_L1B Surface Emissivity AST_05 Surface Reflectance AST_07, AST_07XT Surface Kinetic Temperature AST_08 Surface Radiance AST_09, AST_09XT, AST_09T Digital Elevation Model (DEM) (scene-based) AST14DEM Orthorectified Register At-Sensor Radiance AST14OTH Orthorectified Radiance and DEM AST14DMO On-demand

13 Expedited Data Products
Expedited L1A Reconstructed Unprocessed Instrument Data (AST_L1AE) Expedited L1B Registered Radiance at the Sensor (AST_L1BE)  HDF-EOS format; UTM Projection Covers ~60 km x 60 km Typically available for download within an hour of acquisition

14 More about Expedited Data
Data components Registration quality is likely to be lower and may vary from scene to scene Data do not contain the VNIR aft-viewing band Data do not have short-term calibration for the TIR sensor Data availability Level 1A and higher level products are available within 72 hours Available in the archive as expedited datasets for 30 days Maple Fire, Yellowstone National Park, WY, USA Acquired at 18:13 UTC, L1AE available on Data Pool at 19:16 UTC, L1BE available at 19:18 UTC

15 Data Acquisition Request (DAR) Tool

16 ASTER Emergency Scheduling Interface and Control System (AESICS)
Courtesy of M.N. Lubke

17 Priority Coordination Calendar

18 ASTER L1AE or L1B Direct Download On-Demand Product Ordering
ASTER Data Access Tool ASTER L1AE or L1B Direct Download On-Demand Product Ordering LP DAAC Data Pool/DAAC2Disk X - NASA Earthdata Search Client NASA Reverb USGS Earth Explorer

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