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Temples in 石門 and 金山 From Data to Maps

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Presentation on theme: "Temples in 石門 and 金山 From Data to Maps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Temples in 石門 and 金山 From Data to Maps

2 Get & Explore Taiwan Emap
Layer > Add Raster > TaiwanEMap.mbtiles Downloaded from 下載專區

3 Buddhist Temples in Taiwan Data
Take a look at the XML data Look at the CSV data that was produced from the XML, what is missing Add the Buddhist temples CSV to the TaiwanEMap Add Labels

4 Filter by time Change Property > Style > Single Symbol to “Rule Based” Add rules, e.g.: “Foundation” <= 1950 OR “First_Mentioned” <= gives one icon

5 Temples in Taiwan (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches) See: for how much a temple costs

6 Temples in 新北市 (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches)

7 Temples in 石門 (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches) according to 臺灣寺廟網

8 Temples in 金山 (Buddhist, Daoist etc., but not churches) according to 臺灣寺廟網

9 Gather data In the field: Temples and shrine coordinates from yesterday’s excursion → make a CSV file From the web: Ascertain coordinates of temples from 臺灣寺廟網 → make a CSV file Display on the map, compare, play with color, label, and icon

10 Things to do with a vector layer: E.g. Turn points into a line
Make sure the points in a CSV file are ordered in sequence you want Use the Points2One plugin to create a vector layer from the points Change color, labels? Avoid overlap of lines in Style > Simple Line > Offset

11 Things to do with a raster layer: E.g. Cut out an area
Use the clipper tool on Natural Earth: Raster > Extraction > Clipper Make sure the layer & project projection is WGS 84 (OTF) Specify file name (+ “.tif”) & extend Clip

12 Things to do with a raster layer: E.g. Transform a DEM
GMTED2010 is a multi-resolution global terrain dataset with spatial resolutions of either 30, 15 or 7.5 arc-seconds (i.e. approximately 1 kilometer, 500 meters and 250 meters, respectively). DEM: Digital Elevation Model Use “00taiwanGMTED2010.tif” based on 7.5 arc- seconds Turn the b/w soup into something nice: Style >Band rendering > Singleband Pseudocolor > color > new color ramp > cpt-city > elevation (or whatever) Add band color levels use 0 for a nice sea level blue and take it from there. Or try Style >Band rendering > Hillshade Save styles, especially the ones you have invested time in

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