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EECS 110: Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors

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1 EECS 110: Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic Northwestern University

2 If you take only one thing today

3 Who am I? Aleksandar Kuzmanovic Office: Tech L457 Research area: computer networking

4 What Google thinks I look like?
One of the images coming under ‘Aleksandar Kuzmanovic’ King Aleksandar I King Alexander I of Yugoslavia ( ) lived a turbulent life as Crown Prince, Regent, Commander in Chief and finally King of Serbia and, latterly, Yugoslavia His son Petar II Karadjordjevic 1923 – 1970 Interred at the St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, IL (27 miles north from here) The only European monarch buried on American soil

5 What course is this? EECS 110: Introduction to Programming for Non-Majors Based on a Harvey Mudd College’s Introduction to Computer Science course (NO) Handouts: All info available on the course website Syllabus Homework 0 Map: how to find the lab

6 Why Python? Linux New Media Award Python is Language of the Year
Best Open Source Programming Language Python is Language of the Year For the second year running Python has been selected as the Language of the Year "Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning… We're looking for more people with skills in this language.“ Peter Norvig, Director of Research, Google Inc.

7 Application Domains Web and Internet development Database access
Desktop GUIs Scientific and numeric applications Bioinformatics, physics… Education Network programming Software development Games and 3D graphics

8 Who are you? Who are you (undergrad/grad)?
What is your major / department? What are you doing here? What do you expect to learn? Warnings: I am bad with names, but I remember faces well… Please don’t take it personally if I can’t remember your name… Are you registered for the class?

9 Today How does EECS110 run? What will the course cover?
A little bit about Python

10 Why EECS110? The key is to teach you to effectively program!
…but also provide a broad look across computer science

11 Syllabus Lectures Lab Getting Help HW MW: 10:00 – 10:50
Key skills, topics, and their motivation Insight into the HW problems (what, why, how) Required! Let me know if you won’t make it Lab T: 9:00 am – 12:00; Guided work on the material Will SAVE you time and effort in EECS110! Getting Help In the slides to come… HW Sunday nights: due by 11:59 pm

Syllabus Lectures MW: 10:00 – 10:50 Key skills, topics, and their motivation Insight into the HW problems (what, why, how) Required! Let me know if you won’t make it Lab T: 9:00 am – 12:00; Guided work on the material Will SAVE you time and effort in EECS110! Office Hours In the slides to come HW HOMEWORK 0 DUE THIS SUNDAY! Sunday nights: due by 11:59 pm

13 Where Will the Labs Take Place?
Wilkinson Lab You are free to bring your laptop!

14 Directions to Wilkinson Lab (1/2) Ground Floor Technological Institute

15 (2/2) Third Floor Technological Institute

16 elif perc >= .80: grade = ‘B'
Grading Grades if perc >= .90: grade = 'A' elif perc >= .80: grade = ‘B' elif perc >= .70: grade = 'C' Based on points percentage ~ 75% Assignments ~ 25% Exams Extra ~ 5% Participation Midterm Wed April 26 Exams Final Wed May 31 To pass EECS 110, you must have a passing grade on both the exams and HW. I will also give quizzes in the class, but they will not be graded. Note!

17 Getting help! Labs You should attend the labs because they will have you solve about 50% of your homework Recitations There will be a recitation class each Friday (10-10:50 am): help with the rest 50% of the homework Office Hours TA1: Friday 1-3 pm (Wilkinson). TA2: Sunday 3-5 pm (Wilkinson) Professor: Tuesday: 9-11:30 (Wilkinson).

18 Communication Professor: TAs:
Annie Akbar, Melissa Perez, Yousef Issa, Kevin Wilde, Group via Canvas

19 Homework Assignments Collaboration Honor Code
~ 4-5 problems/week ~ 100 points % extra credit available Due Sunday evening - by 11:59 pm. You can submit 3 homeworks 1 day later "Late Days" Some problems are specified “individual-only.” Others offer the option of working in a pair. Collaboration You must share the work equally - typing and coaching Each of you should make ONE submission (2 per team) Be sure to indicate who your partner was at the submission site! Honor Code

20 Honor Code You may not share written, electronic or verbal solutions with other students (present or past): You are encouraged to discuss problems with other students, TAs, or instructors. Copying of files except those provided by the course material. You will have the option of working in pairs for MANY of each week’s problems: the same guidelines apply for each pair.

21 Book CS for Scientists and Engineers, by C. Alvarado, Z. Dodds, G. Kuenning, and R. Libeskind-Hadas (Note: this is a preliminary draft!)  Available at: (there is a direct link from the documentation page)  The book is recommended, but NOT required

22 Software and Web site Web page: Programs: Python and Idle
Programs: Python and Idle open source, free from installation instructions on the Web site MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD python-3.5.1

23 Submission site Problems/issues:

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