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SCC Supplier Performance Management (SPM) Training

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1 SCC Supplier Performance Management (SPM) Training
April 2017

2 Start the Recurring Phase
Module 6

3 SPM Project Overview Start the Recurring Phase
When we created the SPM Project, there was a template question asking us, how frequently the performance review will occur. We selected “Quarterly”. This recurring phase is set up to automatically launch every Quarter. If that timing needs to be adjusted, you can change the answer by clicking on the Overview tab > Actions > Edit Overview, and then click on the “Template Questions” tab and change the frequency of the performance review

4 SPM Project Overview Start the Recurring Phase
Key Concept – In order to submit the survey to the survey participants you MUST start the Recurrence Arrows in the phase icon and no date in the phase name Not Started No Arrows, and date of the first review shows (Apr 2017) Started

5 SPM Project Overview Recurring Task Each Quarter
We selected to run the survey every quarter. Each quarter the system will generate a new phase in the task list with the Month and year that the survey will be sent out. It will also generate a new set of documents such as a new Survey, Scorecard, Action plan document, etc.

6 SPM Project Overview Publish the Survey
Within each recurring phase, there is a set of recurring tasks. The first one is “Run Master Survey” Click on the name of the Survey, and then click Publish Document

7 SPM Project Overview Choose the Survey Publish Date
The Document Publish date refers to the Survey. You have three options here: Days after parent phase starts. Choose a value here such as means that 1 day after the start of each quarter the next survey will automatically publish. There is some risk with this option. Fixed date. Choose a date on the calendar that the survey will be published. This is considered to be the best practice option. It gives the Owner an opportunity to review the survey and the participants before it is sent out. Selected Date Field. Allows you to choose the Workspace, the phase or the document date to trigger when the survey is published. It is not common to use this field.

8 SPM Project Overview Choose the Survey Publish Date
Click OK to Save your changes. Using the Fixed Date field also allows you to choose the date that the survey will be sent out. For example, if the quarterly cadence is to send the survey on the 1st of each month and the first of April is a Saturday, you can change the date to the 3rd which is a Monday.

9 SPM Project Overview Change the Survey Timing
At any time if you need to change the timing of when the survey goes out, click on the recurring phase and then click Edit Phase

10 SPM Project Overview Change the Survey Timing
You can see the recurrence schedule. Currently it is set for the 1st day every 3 months. Feel free to change this to a schedule that fits your schedule.

11 SPM Project Overview Stop the Recurrence
If you ever need to stop the recurrence, click on the recurring phase and then click Stop Recurrence

12 SPM Project Overview The Survey is Live
The Survey is now live and notifications were sent out to the Survey Participants

13 System Demonstration In this demonstration, you will see how to:
Start the recurring phase Change the timing of the Survey Stop the Recurrence Publish the Survey

14 Lab Activity Start the recurring phase Publish the Survey

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