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2 NHPI Population 2010 1,225,195 (0.4%) Pacific People
Source: US Census Bureau Census Summary File 1

3 NHPI Population 2010 1,225,195 (0.4%) Pacific People
Source: US Census Bureau Census Summary File 1

4 Demographics - CA SAMOAN Alone or in any Combination TONGAN Alone or
Total Population 2010 (United States) 184,440 57,183 Total Population 2010 (California) 58,279 22,921 Percentage of the total population living in California 32% 40% Sex Male 48.7 49.9 Female 51.3 50.1 Age 18+ 61.6 62.6 Median Age 23.7 23.2 Educational Attainment (Pop 25 years+) Less than high school diploma 13.9 18.7 High school graduate 36.2 31.7 Some college/associate degree 38.2 34.5 Bachelors degree 9.3 12 Graduate or professional degree 2.3 3.1 Median household income $55,768 $61,221 Health Insurance Coverage Private health insurance 59.8 47.9 Public coverage 27.7 29.3 Poverty rate (all families) 13.0 16.9 Owner-housing unit 30.8 36.8 Renter-housing unit 69.2 63.2 Source: 2010 Decennial Census American Community Survey

5 “Multistage Probability Sampling of Samoan and Tongan Households”
ISR PIHS Method “Multistage Probability Sampling of Samoan and Tongan Households” Total sample = 240 RR = 80% CA Adult Youth Panapasa et al, 2012

6 Technical Report

7 Adult Obesity - BMI Status
ISR Adult Obesity - BMI Status Percent of Population BMI for Samoan and Tongan youth Source: PIHS, CHIS 2012

8 Adult Diabetes Percent of Population ISR
Ever being told you have diabetes? Percent of Population Source: NHIS, CHIS, PIHS 2012

9 PIHS Obesity Portrait Samoan (%) Tongan (%) Total Obese (BMI ≥ 30) 79
73 Age 18-25 26-35 88 89 36-45 91 46-55 93 90 56-65 83 70 66+ 39 20 Gender Female 76 Male 82 66 Marital Status Married Living w/partner 59 n/a Widowed 45 31 Divorced 100 87 Separated Never Married 69 62

10 PIHS Diabetes Portrait
Samoan (%) Tongan (%) Total 15 16 Age 18-25 26-35 9 36-45 6 11 46-55 52 30 56-65 28 66+ 24 46 Gender Female 76 79 Male 82 66 Marital Status Married 90 Divorced 7 Widowed 33

11 Distribution of Diabetes/BMI ≥ 30
Source: NHIS, CHIS, PIHS 2012

12 Obesity is not Predictive of Diabetes
Source: PIHS, 2012

13 Conclusion U.S. Pacific Islander adults and adolescents, experience
ISR Conclusion U.S. Pacific Islander adults and adolescents, experience disproportionately POOR health outcomes when compared to the U.S. and California populations There is considerable VARIATION between Samoan and Tongan across multiple measures and health outcomes, hence the importance of disaggregating data Obesity is not predictive of diabetes Scientific research to obtain evidence-based DATA on PI populations can be done Small populations MATTER and the PLACE where they live, learn, work, play and pray also matters


15 Acknowledgements HHS Office of Minority Health
ISR Acknowledgements Malo ‘aupito! Fa’afetai tele lava! HHS Office of Minority Health Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum W.K. Kellogg Foundation Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Community Samoan & Tongan Faith Institutions Samoan & Tongan Interviewers ISR Colleagues & Staff

16 Malo 'aupito! Fa'afetai tele! Thank You!!!

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