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Jeopardy A Review Game for Marine Biology

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy A Review Game for Marine Biology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy A Review Game for Marine Biology
Mrs. Dunkel

2 Marine Phyla and Adaptations
Marine Bio Jeopardy Global Ocean Marine Animals Marine Phyla and Adaptations Human Impacts to Ocean Major Ocean Life Zones 10 20 30 40 50

3 1. What is the name for large circular ocean currents?

4 2. What influences water to swerve clockwise in the northern hemisphere?
- 2 parts! Category

5 3. What is the function of the ocean conveyor belt?

6 4. Describe the Pacific Ocean temperature and wind patterns during an ENSO event.

7 5. How does the weather in the US differ between El Nino and La Nina

8 6. This primitive, ferocious fish has a skeleton made not of bone but of cartilage. It has multiple sets of teeth arranged in rows inside its jaw.

9 7. This animal is sometimes called the sea cow
7. This animal is sometimes called the sea cow. It lives near coasts and moves slowly.

10 8. This invertebrate has a mutualistic relationship with clownfish.

11 9. This invertebrate’s skeletons help to create reefs.

12 10. This animals has tentacles and can sting, but is NOT a strong swimmer.

13 11. What is the name of the phylum that includes jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals?

14 12. How does the Portuguese Man of War stay afloat?

15 13. Name 2 adaptations to salt water that marine animals have.

16 14. Animals that have adaptations to maintain a warm body temperature even in cold waters are called ___________________ and two examples are: ___________________ and ___________________.

17 15. What do gills do? Be specific.

18 16. Where does most ocean pollution come from?

19 17. What is bycatch?

20 18. The growing of aquatic organisms for human consumption is known as _____________________.

21 19. Why was the Ocean Dumping Ban Act necessary?

22 20. Describe the relationship between climate change and the ocean conveyor belt.

23 21. What is the area of shoreline between the low and high tides?

24 22. What are the benthic zones from deepest to shallowest?

25 23. Due to the problem with the sea otters, what is the effect on orcas?

26 24. The upper level of the neritic zone is the _______________, where __________________ are the base of the food webs.

27 25. Describe the temperature, pressure, and light of the oceanic province.

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