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Jeff Edmonds York University

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1 Jeff Edmonds York University
Thinking about Algorithms Abstractly Recursion Multiplying Recurrence Relations Code Stack of Stack Frames Tree of Stack Frames Friends and Strong Induction Towers of Hanoi Check List Merge & Quick Sort Simple Recursion on Trees Generalizing the Problem Things not to do Heap Sort & Priority Queues Trees Representing Equations Pretty Print Parsing Recursive Images Ackermann's Function Jeff Edmonds York University Lecture 3 COSC 3101

2 Precondition Postcondition On Step At a Time It can be difficult to understand where computation go. I implored you to not worry about the entire computation. x/4  3y (x-3x1)  y Strange(x,y): x1 = x/4; y1 = 3y; f1 = Strange( x1, y1 ); x2 = x - 3x1; y2 = y; f2 = Strange( x2, y2 ); return( f1+f2 ); next i-1 i T+1 next

3 Friends & Strong Induction
Recursive Algorithm: Assume you have an algorithm that works. Use it to write an algorithm that works. If I could get in, I could get the key. Then I could unlock the door so that I can get in. Circular Argument!

4 Friends & Strong Induction
Recursive Algorithm: Assume you have an algorithm that works. Use it to write an algorithm that works. To get into my house I must get the key from a smaller house

5 Friends & Strong Induction
Recursive Algorithm: Assume you have an algorithm that works. Use it to write an algorithm that works. Use brute force to get into the smallest house.

6 Friends & Strong Induction
Recursive Algorithm: Assume you have an algorithm that works. Use it to write an algorithm that works. Advice: Do not trace it out. Trust your friend. Do your job. Use brute force to get into the smallest house.

7 Representations of Recursive Algorithms
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) Views Pros Cons Code Tracing out stack of stack frames Tree of stack frames Friends (strong induction) How implement for a computer How runs on computer View entire computation Worry about one step at a time I need a higher level of understanding I am not a computer Crazy making Too much Must trust.

8 Recursion Friends & Strong Induction
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) Know Precond: Postcond: ints x,y product xy Consider your input instance If it is small enough solve it on your own. Allocate work Construct one or more sub-instances It must be smaller and meet the precondition Assume by magic your friends give you the answer for these. Use this help to solve your own instance. Do not worry about anything else. Micro-manage friends by tracing out what they and their friend’s friends do. Who your boss is. X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 31 bd = 32 (a+b)(c+d) =63 = 3 = 6 =18 XY = 396 X = 3 Y = 1 XY = 3 Y = 2 XY = 6 X = 6 Y = 3 XY = 18

9 Recursion Friends & Strong Induction
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) This technique is often referred to as Divide and Conquer X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 31 bd = 32 (a+b)(c+d) =63 = 3 = 6 =18 XY = 396 X = 3 Y = 1 XY = 3 Y = 2 XY = 6 X = 6 Y = 3 XY = 18

10 Complex Numbers Remember how to multiply 2 complex numbers?
(a+bi)(c+di) = [ac –bd] + [ad + bc] i Input: a,b,c,d Output: ac-bd, ad+bc If a real multiplication costs 1 and an addition costs a penny. What is the cheapest way to obtain the output from the input? Can you do better than 4.02?

11 Gauss’ $3.05 Method: Input: a,b,c,d Output: ac-bd, ad+bc
m1 = ac m2 = bd A1 = m1 – m2 = ac-bd m3 = (a+b)(c+d) = ac + ad + bc + bd A2 = m3 – m1 – m2 = ad+bc

12 Question: The Gauss “hack” saves one multiplication out of four. It requires 25% less work. Could there be a context where performing 3 multiplications for every 4 provides a more dramatic savings?

13 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + Decimal Digits or Binary Bits I don’t care. Tom Lehrer New Math

14 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +

15 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +

16 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +

17 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +

18 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +

19 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. * * * * * * + On any reasonable computer adding 3 digits can be done in constant time. T(n) = The amount of time grade school addition uses to add two n-digit numbers ≤ θ(n) = linear time. Means some constant (eg 10) times n.

20 How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers. QUESTION: Is there an algorithm to add two n-digit numbers whose time grows sub-linearly in n? No! You must read the input to know the answer And this takes time n!

21 Running Time How to add 2 n-digit numbers.
So any algorithm for addition must use time at least linear in the size of the numbers. Grade school addition is essentially as good as it can be.

22 How to multiply 2 n-bit numbers.
Running Time How to multiply 2 n-bit numbers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * n2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

23 For big inputs, even 100000 n << 0.000001 n2
Running Time Grade School Addition: Linear time Grade School Multiplication: Quadratic time Neat! We have demonstrated that as things scale multiplication is a harder problem than addition. For big inputs, even n << n2 # of bits in numbers t ime

24 Don’t jump to conclusions! We compared two algorithms.
Running Time Grade School Addition: Linear time Grade School Multiplication: Quadratic time Neat! We have demonstrated that as things scale multiplication is a harder problem than addition. Don’t jump to conclusions! We compared two algorithms. We did not prove that no possible multiplication algorithm runs in linear time. Is there a clever algorithm to multiply two numbers in less than quadratic time?

25 Grade School vs Kindergarten
Running Time Grade School vs Kindergarten * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * n2 a × b = a + a + a a b T(n) = Time multiply T(n) = Time multiply = θ(n2) = quadratic time. = θ(b) = linear time. Which is faster? × 9 Minutes? Add a digit? Which would you use? Centuries? Exponential?

26 Running Time On Line Banking? Given a value N find
N = a × b loop b = 2..N check if N/b T(n) = Time factor = θ(N) = linear time. 9 Minutes? Add a digit? Centuries? Exponential?

27 # of bits = log2(Value) Value = 2# of bits
Size of Input Instance 2’’ 83920 5 1’’ Size of paper # of bits # of digits Value - n = 2 in2 - n = 17 bits - n = 5 digits - n = 83920 Intuitive Formal Reasonable Unreasonable # of bits = log2(Value) Value = 2# of bits

28 Grade School vs Kindergarten
Running Time Grade School vs Kindergarten * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * n2 a × b = a + a + a a b T(n) = Time multiply T(n) = Time multiply = θ(n2) = quadratic time. = θ(b) = linear time. Which is faster? × b = value = Time ≈ n = # digits = 20 Time ≈ 202 ≈ 400

29 Grade School vs Kindergarten
Running Time Grade School vs Kindergarten * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * n2 a × b = a + a + a a b T(n) = Time multiply T(n) = Time multiply = θ(n2) = quadratic time. = θ(b) = linear time. Which is faster? × b = value n = # digits = 20 Time ≈ 202 ≈ 400 ≈ 10n Time ≈ 10n ≈ exponential!!!

30 Grade School vs Kindergarten
Running Time Grade School vs Kindergarten * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * n2 a × b = a + a + a a b T(n) = Time multiply T(n) = Time multiply = θ(n2) = quadratic time. = θ(b) = linear time. Which is faster? × 9 n = # digits = 20 Time ≈ 202 ≈ 400 Adding a single digit multiplies the time by 10!

31 Kindergarten Multiplication: Exponential time
Grade School Addition: Linear time Grade School Multiplication: Quadratic time Oops this was worse! Kindergarten Multiplication: Exponential time For big inputs, n << n2 << 2n # of bits in numbers t ime

32 Divide And Conquer (an approach to faster algorithms)
DIVIDE my instance to the problem into smaller instances to the same problem. Have a friend (recursively) solve them. Do not worry about it yourself. GLUE the answers together so as to obtain the answer to your larger instance.

33 Multiplication of 2 n-bit numbers
The input X can be thought of in two ways: as an integer X = 2134 as a string X = “2134” of n=4 digits. A recursive program gives each “friend” an smaller instance. Simply cut this string into two halves a and b. These can be thought of in two ways: as strings a = “21” and b= “34” with n/2 = 2 digits each. as integers a = and b= 34. Note: X = = 21 = a10n/2 + b X = a b = a 2n/ b Y = c d = c 2n/ d

34 Multiplication of 2 n-bit numbers
X = a 2n/2 + b and Y = c 2n/2 + d X  Y = (a 2n/2 + b)  (c 2n/2 + d) = ac 2n + (ad+bc) 2n/2 + cd Example: X = 23 and Y = 12 ac 10n + ( ad + bc ) 10n/2 + cd = 2 (22+31) 2 X  Y =

35 Multiplication of 2 n-bit numbers
X = Y = XY = ac 2n + (ad+bc) 2n/2 + bd a b c d MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d return( MULT(a,c) 2n + (MULT(a,d) + MULT(b,c)) 2n/2 + MULT(b,d) )

36 Multiplication of 2 n-bit numbers
T(n) = time taken by MULT on two n-bit numbers What is T(n)? What is its growth rate? Is it θ(n2)? MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d return( MULT(a,c) 2n + (MULT(a,d) + MULT(b,c)) 2n/2 + MULT(b,d) )

37 Recurrence Relation T(1) = k for some constant k
T(n) = 4 T(n/2) + k’ n + k’’ (for some constants k’ and k’’) MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d return( MULT(a,c) 2n + (MULT(a,d) + MULT(b,c)) 2n/2 + MULT(b,d) )

38 Recurrence Relation Lets be concrete T(1) = 1 T(n) = 4 T(n/2) + n
How do we unravel T(n)? MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d return( MULT(a,c) 2n + (MULT(a,d) + MULT(b,c)) 2n/2 + MULT(b,d) )

39 Technique 1 Guess and Verify
Recurrence Relation: T(1) = 1 & T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n Guess: G(n) = 2n2 – n Verify: Left Hand Side Right Hand Side T(1) = 2(1)2 – 1 T(n) = 2n2 – n 1 4T(n/2) + n = 4 [2(n/2)2 – (n/2)] + n

40 Technique 2: Decorate The Tree
= 1 T(n) = n + 4 T(n/2) T(n) T(n) = = n n T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2)

41 T(n) = n T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2)

42 T(n) = n n/2 T(n/4) T(n/2) T(n/2) T(n/2)

43 T(n) = n n/2 T(n/4) n/2 T(n/4) n/2 T(n/4) n/2 T(n/4)

44 T(n) = n n/2 n/2 n/2 n/2 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4 n/4

45 Level i is the sum of 4i copies of n/2i
n/ n/ n/ n/2 Level i is the sum of 4i copies of n/2i 1 2 n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 + n/4 i log2n

46 Level i is the sum of 4i copies of n/2i
= 4i ×(n/2i) Level i is the sum of 4i copies of n/2i Increases by a factor of 2. = 4logn×(n/2logn) log2n alogn = (2loga)logn = 2(loga · logn) = (2logn)loga = nloga = nlog4 × 1 = n2 Total: ?

47 Geometric Sum

48 Geometric Increasing ∑i=0..n ri = r0 + r1 + r2 +. . . + rn
= Q(biggest term) True whenever terms increase quickly

49 Adding Made Easy

50 Adding Made Easy

51 Increases by a factor of 2.
Total = biggest =1×n = 4×n/2 = 16×n/4 = 4i ×n/2i Increases by a factor of 2. = 4logn×n/2logn = nlog4 × 1 = n2 Total: θ(n2)

52 All that work for nothing!
Divide and Conquer MULT: θ(n2) time Grade School Multiplication: θ(n2) time All that work for nothing! Let’s understand the math better.

53 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)

54 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) With all this recursing and looping, how do we determine the running time of this recursive program? Recurrence relations.

55 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) Let n be the “size” of our input.

56 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) Let T(n) be the # of “Hi”s printed by me

57 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) Let T(n) be the # of “Hi”s printed by me And by all of my friends.

58 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) If my input is sufficiently small (according to my measure of size) then I print (1) “Hi”s.

59 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) I personally output f(n) “Hi”s, i.e. top level stack frame.

60 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) I have a friends i.e. recurse a times.

61 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) Let b be the factor by which I shrink the input before giving it to a friend. i.e. if my input has size n then my friends are of size n/b.

62 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) By definition of T, the number of “Hi”s printed by one of my friends and all of his friends is T(n/b).

63 Recurrence Relations » Time of Recursive Program
T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n) procedure Eg(In) n = |In| if(n£1) then put “Hi” else loop i=1..f(n) loop i=1..a In/b = In cut in b pieces Eg(In/b) Hence, the total number printed by me and my a friends is T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n)

64 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level 1 2 i h

65 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size 1 2 i h

66 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 2 i h

67 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 i h

68 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i h

69 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i n/bi h n/bh

70 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i n/bi h n/bh

71 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i n/bi h n/bh = 1 base case

72 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i n/bi h n/bh = 1

73 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i n/bi h = log n/log b n/bh = 1 bh = n h log b = log n h = log n/log b

74 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame n 1 n/b 2 n/b2 i n/bi h = log n/log b

75 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame n f(n) 1 n/b f(n/b) 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) i n/bi f(n/bi) h = log n/log b T(1)

76 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames n f(n) 1 n/b f(n/b) 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) i n/bi f(n/bi) h = log n/log b n/bh T(1)

77 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames n f(n) 1 n/b f(n/b) a 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 i n/bi f(n/bi) ai h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) ah

78 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames n f(n) 1 n/b f(n/b) a 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 i n/bi f(n/bi) ai h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) ah

79 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames n f(n) 1 n/b f(n/b) a 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 i n/bi f(n/bi) ai h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) ah ah = a = n log n/log b log a/log b

80 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n f(n) 1 n/b f(n/b) a 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 i n/bi f(n/bi) ai h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) n log a/log b

81 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n f(n) 1 1 · f(n) n/b f(n/b) a a · f(n/b) 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 a2 · f(n/b2) i n/bi f(n/bi) ai ai · f(n/bi) h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) n log a/log b n · T(1) log a/log b Total Work T(n) = ∑i=0..h ai×f(n/bi)

82 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
= ∑i=0..h ai×f(n/bi) If a Geometric Sum ∑i=0..n xi = θ(max(first term, last term))

83 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n f(n) 1 1 · f(n) n/b f(n/b) a a · f(n/b) 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 a2 · f(n/b2) i n/bi f(n/bi) ai ai · f(n/bi) h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) n log a/log b n · T(1) log a/log b Dominated by Top Level or Base Cases

84 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)

85 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = 4T(n/2) + n
1 Time for top level: Time for base cases: Dominated?: c = 1 < 2 = log a/log b θ(n ) = log a/log b θ(n ) = θ(n2) log 4/log 2 Hence, T(n) = ? = θ(base cases) = θ(n ) = θ(n2). log a/log b If we reduce the number of friends from 4 to 3 is the savings just 25%?

86 T(n) = n n/2 T(n/4) n/2 T(n/4) n/2 T(n/4) n/2 T(n/4)

87 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = 3T(n/2) + n
1 Time for top level: Time for base cases: Dominated?: c = 1 < 1.58 = log a/log b θ(n ) = log a/log b θ(n ) = θ(n1.58) log 3/log 2 Hence, T(n) = ? = θ(base cases) = θ(n ) = θ(n1.58). log a/log b Not just a 25% savings! θ(n2) vs θ(n1.58..)

88 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = 3T(n/2) + n
Time for top level: n2, c=2 Time for base cases: Dominated?: c = = log a/log b θ(n ) = log a/log b θ(n ) = θ(n1.58) log 3/log 2 2 > Hence, T(n) = ? = θ(top level) = θ(n2).

89 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = 3T(n/2) + n
1.58 Time for top level: n1.58, c=1.58 Time for base cases: Dominated?: c = 1.58 = log a/log b Hence, all θ(logn) layers require a total of θ(n1.58) work. The sum of these layers is no longer geometric. Hence T(n) = θ(n1.58 logn) θ(n ) = log a/log b θ(n ) = θ(n1.58) log 3/log 2

90 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n f(n) 1 1 · f(n) n/b f(n/b) a a · f(n/b) 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 a2 · f(n/b2) i n/bi f(n/bi) ai ai · f(n/bi) h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) All levels the same: Top Level to Base Cases n log a/log b n · T(1) log a/log b

91 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)

92 Logs log 27 = log 9

93 Logs log? 27 = log? 9 Which base?

94 Logs log2 27 log2 c · logc 27 logc 27 = = log2 9 log2 c · logc 9
It does not matter. Which is easiest?

95 Logs log3 27 log3 33 3 = = log3 9 log3 32 2 Please no calculators in exams. And I wont ask log 25 log 9

96 All that work for nothing!
Divide and Conquer MULT: θ(n2) time Grade School Multiplication: θ(n2) time All that work for nothing! Let’s try to multiply faster.

97 MULT revisited T(1) = 1 T(n) = 4 T(n/2) + n
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d return( MULT(a,c) 2n + (MULT(a,d) + MULT(b,c)) 2n/2 + MULT(b,d) ) We likely can’t reduce our work n. Later we will consider reducing the size n/2 of our friend’s instance. Can you see a way to reduce the number 4 of friends?

98 Gauss’ Hack: Input: a,b,c,d Output: ac, ad+bc, bd
A1 = ac A3 = bd m3 = (a+b)(c+d) A2 = m3 – A1- A3 = ad + bc 2 additions and one multiplication = ac + ad + bc + bd

99 Gaussified MULT - Karatsuba 1962)
MULT(X,Y) If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e2n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 2n/2 + f ) T(n) = 3 T(n/2) + n Hence T(n) = θ(n1.58)

100 Cutting into d pieces. X = Y = X = i=0..d-1ai 2i/d
ad-1 a2 a1 a0 bd-1 b2 b1 b0 X = Y = X = i=0..d-1ai 2i/d Y = j=0..d-1bj 2j/d XY = i=0..d-1j=0,d-1.aibj 2(i+j)/d Instances for friends?

101 Cutting into d pieces. Y\X i=0..d-1j=0,d-1.aibj 2(i+j)/d XY = ad-1
bd-1 b2 b1 b0 Y\X aibj bj ai XY = i=0..d-1j=0,d-1.aibj 2(i+j)/d Instances for friends Number of friends is d2.

102 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = T(n/ ) +
Cutting into d pieces. Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = T(n/ ) + n1 d2 d Time for top level: Time for base cases: Dominated?: c = 1 < 2 = log a/log b n c = = n1 1 θ(n ) = log a/log b θ(n ) log d^2/log d = θ(n2) Hence, T(n) = ? = θ(base cases) = θ(n ) = θ(n2). log a/log b

103 All that work for nothing!
Cutting into d pieces. All that work for nothing!

104 Cutting into d pieces. Y\X ad-1 a2 a1 a0 bd-1 b2 ai
a2 a1 a0 bd-1 = k=0..2d-2 (j aj bk-j) 2k/d bj aibj b2 b1 b0 XY = i=0..d-1j=0,d-1.aibj 2(i+j)/d Values needed Number of friends is 2d-1 Instance for friend Fancy Gaussian trick

105 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = T(n/ ) +
Cutting into d pieces. Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = T(n/ ) + n1 2d-1 d log 2d-1/log d log a/log b = ≈ log 2d/log d = log(d) +1/log d → 1 Say d=logn

106 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = T(n/ ) +
Cutting into d pieces. Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b) + nc = T(n/ ) + n1 2d-1 d n c = = n1 1 Time for top level: Time for base cases: Dominated?: c = 1 ≈ log a/log b θ(n ) log a/log b ≈ θ(n1) Hence, T(n) = ? = θ(n log n). Actually θ(n log n log log n).

107 Multiplication Algorithms
Kindergarten ? n2n Grade School n2 Karatsuba n1.58… Fastest Known n logn 3*4= 107

108 The Goal is to UNDERSTAND Recursive Algorithms
Fundamentally to their core

109 Rudich
Representation: Understand the relationship between different representations of the same information or idea 1 2 3 Rudich

110 Representations of Recursive Algorithms
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) Views Pros Cons Code Tracing out stack of stack frames Tree of stack frames Friends (strong induction) How implement for a computer How runs on computer View entire computation Worry about one step at a time I need a higher level of understanding I am not a computer Crazy making Too much Must trust.

111 Code Representation Pros: Cons: Runs on computers Precise and succinct
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) Pros: Cons: Runs on computers Precise and succinct Perception that being able to code is the only thing needed to get a job. (false) I am not a computer I need a higher level of intuition. Prone to bugs Language dependent

112 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = Stack Frame: A particular execution of one routine on one particular input instance.

113 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

114 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

115 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

116 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 2 Y = 2 XY=

117 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 2 Y = 2 XY = 4

118 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

119 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

120 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 1 Y = 3 XY = 3

121 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

122 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = ? XY =

123 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = ? XY = X = 3 Y = 5 XY = 15

124 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = 15 XY = ?

125 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = 15 XY = 483

126 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

127 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

128 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 33 Y = 12 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

129 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 33 Y = 12 ac = ? bd = (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 3 Y = 1 XY = 3

130 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY =

131 Stack of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 3 Y = 2 XY = 6

132 Stack of Stack Frames An so on …. MULT(X,Y):
If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = ? (a+b)(c+d) = XY = X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = 6 (a+b)(c+d) = ? XY = An so on ….

133 Stack of Stack Frames Pros: Cons:
Trace what actually occurs in the computer Concrete. It is what students attempt to describe when told not to give code. Described in words it is impossible to follow who is doing what. Does not explain why it works. Demonstrates for only one of many inputs.

134 Tree of Stack Frames MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY )
Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = 396 (a+b)(c+d) = 1890 XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = 15 XY = 483 X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = 6 (a+b)(c+d) = 18 XY = 396 X = 54 Y = 35 ac = 15 bd = 20 (a+b)(c+d) = 72 XY = 1890 X = 2 Y = 2 XY=4 X = 1 Y = 3 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 5 XY=15 X = 3 Y = 1 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 2 XY=6 X = 6 Y = 3 XY=18 X = 5 Y = 3 XY=15 X = 4 Y = 5 XY=20 X = 9 Y = 8 XY=72

135 Tree of Stack Frames Pros: Cons: View the entire computation.
Good for computing the running time. Must describe entire tree. For each stack frame input instance computation solution returned. who calls who Structure of tree may be complex.

136 Representations of Recursive Algorithms
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) Views Pros Cons Code Tracing out stack of stack frames Tree of stack frames Friends (strong induction) Worry about one step at a time Must trust.

137 Friends & Strong Induction
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = 396 (a+b)(c+d) = 1890 XY = One Friend for each stack frame. Each worries only about his job. Imagine that you are one. X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = 15 XY = 483 X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = 6 (a+b)(c+d) = 18 XY = 396 X = 54 Y = 35 ac = 15 bd = 20 (a+b)(c+d) = 72 XY = 1890 X = 2 Y = 2 XY=4 X = 1 Y = 3 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 5 XY=15 X = 3 Y = 1 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 2 XY=6 X = 6 Y = 3 XY=18 X = 5 Y = 3 XY=15 X = 4 Y = 5 XY=20 X = 9 Y = 8 XY=72

138 Friends & Strong Induction
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return( e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f ) Know Precond: Postcond: ints x,y product xy Consider your input instance If it is small enough solve it on your own. Allocate work Construct one or more sub-instances It must be smaller and meet the precondition Assume by magic your friends give you the answer for these. Use this help to solve your own instance. Do not worry about anything else. Micro-manage friends by tracing out what they and their friend’s friends do. Who your boss is. X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 31 bd = 32 (a+b)(c+d) =63 = 3 = 6 =18 XY = 396 X = 3 Y = 1 XY = 3 Y = 2 XY = 6 X = 6 Y = 3 XY = 18

139 Friends & Strong Induction
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f Consider generic instances. ac bd (a+b)(c+d) MULT(X,Y): Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Remember! Do not worry about Who your boss is. How your friends solve their instance.

140 Friends & Strong Induction
MULT(X,Y): If |X| = |Y| = 1 then return( XY ) Break X into a,b and Y into c,d e = MULT(a,c) and f =MULT(b,d) return e 10n + (MULT(a+b, c+d) – e - f) 10n/2 + f This solves the problem for every possible instance. X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = 396 (a+b)(c+d) = 1890 XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = 15 XY = 483 X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = 6 (a+b)(c+d) = 18 XY = 396 X = 54 Y = 35 ac = 15 bd = 20 (a+b)(c+d) = 72 XY = 1890 X = 2 Y = 2 XY=4 X = 1 Y = 3 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 5 XY=15 X = 3 Y = 1 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 2 XY=6 X = 6 Y = 3 XY=18 X = 5 Y = 3 XY=15 X = 4 Y = 5 XY=20 X = 9 Y = 8 XY=72

141 Friends & Strong Induction
Pros: Cons: Worry about one step at a time. An abstraction within which to develop, think about, and describe algorithms in such way that their correctness is transparent. Students resist it. Students expect too much from their friends. Each sub-instance must be a smaller instance to the same problem. Students expect too much from their boss. You only know your instance. You do not know your boss’s instance.

142 Friends & Strong Induction
Carefully write the specifications for the problem. Required output <postCond>: Set of legal instances (inputs) <preCond>: To be sure that we solve the problem for every legal instance. So that we know what we can give to a friend. So that we know what is expected of us. what we can expect from our friend.

143 Friends & Strong Induction
If you want more from your friends, change the pre and/or postconditions Be sure to document it. Be sure you and all of your friends are using the same pre/postconditions. Be sure to handle these changes yourself.

144 Friends & Strong Induction

145 Friends & Strong Induction
Induction Hypothesis: ``The recursive algorithm works for every instance of size n.'' Base case ``The algorithm works for every instance of any size.'' size i

146 Friends & Strong Induction
Give and solve the recurrence relation for the Running Time of this algorithm. T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)

147 Input Size A Measure of Size, Size is a function
that takes as input the computation’s input I and that outputs Eg Input is <n,m>, Size(<n,m>) = n or 3n+7m Algorithm Designer gets to decide! According to this measure Your friend’s instance must be smaller than yours. You must solve sufficiently small instances on your own. a real number

148 Input Size Does the program always halt? m keeps getting bigger!
Algorithm Designer gets to define the measure of size. Size(<n,m>) = n Size = 3 2 1 I = <3,5> <2,10> <1,20> <0,30> Sufficiently small to halt.

149 Input Size Does the program always halt? Each subinstance is smaller.
But according to what measure of size? Size(<n,m>) = ? I = <4,2> <3,2> <4,1> <3,1> <4,0> <3,1> <4,-1> …. There is an infinite path!

150 Input Size Does the program always halt? Each subinstance is smaller.
But according to what measure of size? Size(<n,m>) = n+m Every friend’s instance is smaller. I = <4,2> <3,2> <4,1> When it gets sufficiently small the computation must stop. <3,1> <4,0> <3,1> <4,-1> If n+m0, then Maximum dept = n+m

151 Input Size Does the program always halt?
According to what single measure of size are both instances smaller? Size(<n,m>) = 5n+2m I = <n,m> <n-1,m+2> <n+1,m-3> size = 5(n-1)+2(m+2) = 5n+2m -1 size = 5(n+1)+2(m-3) = 5n+2m -1 Every friend’s instance is smaller. Maximum dept = 5n+2m

152 Input Size Does the program always halt?
According to what single measure of size are both instances smaller? Size(<n,m>) = I = <n,m> <n-4,m+2> <n-8,m+4> <n-12,m+6> <n-6,m+3> <n,m> There is an infinite path! ….

153 Try explaining what this algorithm does by tracing it out.
Output Try explaining what this algorithm does by tracing it out. I dare you!!! It is much easier to TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME

154 Output n=1 X n=2 Y

155 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 A ? B ? C

156 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 A Y B X C

157 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC

158 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC n=4 A ? B ? C

159 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC n=4 A AYBXC B Y C

160 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC n=4 AAYBXCBYC

161 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC n=4 AAYBXCBYC n=5 A ? B ? C

162 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC n=4 AAYBXCBYC n=5 AAAYBXCBYCBAYBXCC

163 Output n=1 X n=2 Y n=3 AYBXC n=4 AAYBXCBYC n=5 AAAYBXCBYCBAYBXCC

164 Time: T(1) = T(2) = 1 1 T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + 3  2T(n-1) +3 = 2Q(n) defined?

165 This job of mine is a bit daunting.
Towers of Hanoi This job of mine is a bit daunting. Where do I start? And I am lazy.

166 At some point, the biggest disk moves.
Towers of Hanoi At some point, the biggest disk moves. I will do that job.

167 To do this, the other disks must be in the middle.
Towers of Hanoi To do this, the other disks must be in the middle.

168 Towers of Hanoi How will these move? I will get a friend to do it.
And another to move these. I only move the big disk.

169 Towers of Hanoi

170 Towers of Hanoi Get a job at the Towers of Hanoi company
at level n=1,2,3,4,….. Or get transferred in as the president & you decide what your vice president does.

171 Towers of Hanoi Time: T(1) = 1, T(n) = ≈ 2(2T(n-2)) ≈ 4(2T(n-3))
≈ 2i T(n-i) ≈ 2n

172 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n-b)+f(n)
2 1 Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n T(0) f(n-ib) f(n-2b) f(n-b) f(n) a ai a2 1 n/b a · T(0) ai · f(n-ib) a2 · f(n-2b) a · f(n-b) 1 · f(n) n/b n-b n-hb n-ib n-2b h = ? h = n/b Exponential Likely dominated by base cases |base case| = 0 = n-hb h = n/b

173 Evaluating: T(n) = 1T(n-b)+f(n)
2 1 Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n-b n n-hb n-ib n-2b T(0) f(n-ib) f(n-2b) f(n-b) f(n) h = n/b 1 f(0) f(n-ib) f(n-2b) f(n-b) f(n) h = ? Total Work T(n) = ∑i=0..h f(b·i) = θ(f(n)) or θ(n·f(n))

174 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)

175 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
This is the format of “all” recursive programs. Don’t deviate from this. Or else!

176 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
This is input instance is your mission. You must return this output. (An x, y, & z in every computation path.) Focus on your mission.

177 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
The <preCond> & <postCond> must document these variables and what you must do.

178 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
To get help, you construct an instance for each friend It must be valid and smaller. And pass them to them.

179 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
Each friend returns a solution his sub-instance. Trust him to do this. But don’t expect him to do or know anything else.

180 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
Combine their solutions to construct a solution to your instance. Return your solution.

181 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
If your solution is too small to get solved by the general technique solve it yourself. Be sure you handle every legal instance.

182 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
You rarely need to change the values of these variable beyond their initial setting (this is not an iterative algorithm.) Your rarely need additional input, output, or local variable. But it you do document them.

183 Check Lists for Recursive Programs
Have NO global variables. If you change the value of a local variable n, neither your friends nor your boss get that value.

184 Sorting Problem Specification
<preCond>: The input is a list of n values with the same value possibly repeated. <postCond>: The output is a list consisting of the same n values in non-decreasing order. 88 14 98 25 62 52 79 30 23 31 14,23,25,30,31,52,62,79,88,98

185 Recursive Sorts Given list of objects to be sorted
Split the list into two sub-lists. Recursively have a friend sort the two sub-lists. Combine the two sorted sub-lists into one entirely sorted list.

186 Four Recursive Sorts Size of Sub-lists n-1,1 n/2,n/2 Merge Sort
Insertion Sort Quick Sort Selection Sort Minimal effort splitting Lots of effort recombining Lots of effort splitting Minimal effort recombining

187 Merge Sort 88 14 98 25 62 52 79 30 23 31 Divide and Conquer

188 Merge Sort (no real work) Split Set into Two
88 14 98 25 62 52 79 30 23 31 (no real work) Split Set into Two 25,31,52,88,98 Get one friend to sort the first half. 14,23,30,62,79 Get one friend to sort the second half.

189 Merge Sort Merge two sorted lists into one 25,31,52,88,98
14,23,25,30,31,52,62,79,88,98 14,23,30,62,79


191 Total work at any level = Q(n)
Merge Sort Sort Time: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n log(n)) Total work at any level = Q(n) # levels = Q(log(n))

192 Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)
2T(n/2) + Q(n) Evaluating: T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n) Level Instance size Work in stack frame # stack frames Work in Level n f(n) 1 1 · f(n) n/b f(n/b) a a · f(n/b) 2 n/b2 f(n/b2) a2 a2 · f(n/b2) i n/bi f(n/bi) ai ai · f(n/bi) h = log n/log b n/bh T(1) 2i·Q(n/2i) = Q(n) n log a/log b n · T(1) log a/log b All levels basically the same. Total Work T(n) = ∑i=0..h ai×f(n/bi) = Q(n) · log(n)

193 Quick Sort 88 14 98 25 62 52 79 30 23 31 Divide and Conquer

194 Quick Sort Partition set into two using randomly chosen pivot 88 14 98
25 62 52 79 30 23 31 14 25 30 23 31 88 98 62 79 ≤ 52 ≤

195 Quick Sort Get one friend to sort the first half.
14 25 30 23 31 88 98 62 79 ≤ 52 ≤ 14,23,25,30,31 Get one friend to sort the first half. 62,79,98,88 Get one friend to sort the second half.

196 Quick Sort Glue pieces together. (No real work) 14,23,25,30,31 52
62,79,98,88 Glue pieces together. (No real work) 14,23,25,30,31,52,62,79,88,98


198 Quick Sort Let pivot be the first element in the list? 88 14 98 25 62
52 79 30 23 31 14 88 98 30 ≤ 31 ≤ 62 23 25 52 79

199 Quick Sort 14,23,25,30,31,52,62,79,88,98 23,25,30,31,52,62,79,88,98 ≤ 14 ≤ If the list is already sorted, then the slit is worst case unbalanced.

200 Quick Sort T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n log(n)) Best Time: Worst Time:
Expected Time:

201 Quick Sort T(n) = T(0) + T(n-1) + Q(n) Best Time:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n log(n)) Worst Time: = Q(n2) Expected Time:

202 Quick Sort Best Time: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n log(n)) Worst Time:
T(n) = T(0) + T(n-1) + Q(n) = Q(n2) Expected Time: T(n) = T(1/3n) + T(2/3n) + Q(n) = Q(n log(n))

203 Quick Sort Expected Time: T(n) = T(1/3n) + T(2/3n) + Q(n)
= Q(n log(n)) Top work Q(n) 2nd level Q(n) Q(n) 3rd level 1/3 2/3 3/2 log (n) # levels = = Q(log(n))

204 Kth Element Problem Specification
<preCond>: The input is a list of n values and an integer k. <postCond>: The kth smallest in the list. k=3 88 14 98 25 62 52 79 30 23 31 Output: 25 14,23,25,30,31,52,62,79,88,98

205 Kth Element Problem Specification
Partition set into two using randomly chosen pivot 88 14 98 25 62 52 79 30 23 31 14 25 30 23 31 88 98 62 79 ≤ 52 ≤

206 Kth Element Problem Specification
14 25 30 23 31 88 98 ≤ 52 ≤ 62 79 k=3 r=5 elements on left 14,23,25,30,31 Get one friend to find k=3rd element in first half. Output: 25

207 Kth Element Problem Specification
14 25 30 23 31 88 98 ≤ 52 ≤ 62 79 k=8 r=5 elements on left Get one friend to find k=8-5=3rd element in second half. Output: 79 52,62,79,98,88


209 Kth Element Problem Specification
Best Time: T(n) = 1 T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n) n log a/log b # of base cases = Worst Time: n log 1/log 2 = = n0 = 1 n +n/2 +n/4 +n/8 +1 Expected Time:

210 Kth Element Problem Specification
Best Time: T(n) = 1 T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n) Worst Time: T(n) = 1 T(n-1) + Q(n) ≈ n+T(n-1) ≈ n+(n-1)+T(n-2) ≈ n+(n-1)+(n-2)+T(n-3) ≈ n+(n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+…+1 ≈ Q(n2) Expected Time:

211 Kth Element Problem Specification
Best Time: T(n) = 1 T(n/2) + Q(n) = Q(n) Worst Time: T(n) = 1 T(n-1) + Q(n) = Q(n2) Expected Time: T(n) = 1 T(2/3n) + Q(n) = Q(n)

212 Power T(N) = 2T(N/2) + 1 = (N) Size = log(b) + log(N) = 2(n)
bN T(N) = 2T(N/2) + 1 = (N) Size = log(b) + log(N) = 2(n) b7 = b3 × b4 N=7 b4 b3 N=4 N=3 N=2 N=1

213 Power T(N) = 1T(N/2) + 1 = (log(N)) Size = log(b) + log(N) = (n)
b7 = (b3)2 × b N=7 b3 N=3 N=1

214 Recursion on Trees (define) 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

215 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. tree because 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

216 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. node tree 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 tree

217 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 tree because

218 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 node tree tree

219 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 tree because

220 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 node tree tree

221 Recursion on Trees A binary tree is: - the empty tree
(define) A binary tree is: - the empty tree - a node with a right and a left sub-tree. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 tree because empty

222 Recursion on Trees number of nodes = ? Get help from friends 5 6
3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

223 Recursion on Trees number of nodes
(friends) number of nodes = number on left + number on right + 1 = = 12 5 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 6

224 Recursion on Trees 6 (communication)
Being lazy, I will only consider my root node and my communication with my friends. I will never look at my children subtrees but will trust them to my friends. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 6

225 Recursion on Trees 6 (communication)
We will only communicate through these walls Q(1) info via the pre & post-conditions. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 6

226 Recursion on Trees (communication)
I know only what you tell me via the pre-condition. I tell you only what the post-condition instructs me to. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

227 Recursion on Trees (communication)
I certainly will tell you the answer for my subtree to the computational problem at hand 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

228 Recursion on Trees (communication)
I can also tell you anything else about this subtree. Simply ask by changing the post-condition. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

229 Recursion on Trees (communication)
But remember, I know nothing about the outside world (root, other subtree, whether I am left or right.) except what you tell me. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

230 Recursion on Trees 6 (communication)
I tell you extra information by changing the pre-condition. (Info about left subtree, the root, things my boss told me, …) 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 6

231 Recursion on Trees 6 (communication)
Of course if the pre or post-conditions change then I must fill this contract with my boss too. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 6

232 Recursion on Trees number of nodes Base Case ? 1 Are we done?
3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 1 Are we done?

233 Recursion on Trees number of nodes Base Case ? ? (base case) 3 8 1 2 7
6 5 9 4 ?

234 Recursion on Trees number of nodes Base Case ? Better base case!
3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 Better base case!

235 Recursion on Trees number of nodes Base Case ? 1
3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 1 Does this still need to be a base case?

236 Recursion on Trees number of nodes
(base case) number of nodes = number on left + number on right + 1 = = 1 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 No!

237 Recursion on Trees (base case) Most programmers don’t use the empty tree as a base case. This causes a lot more work. 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

238 Recursion on Trees (code)

239 Recursion on Trees Designing Program/Test Cases Try same code n1 n2
n1 n1+0+1 3 Same code works! 3 generic generic generic Try same code 0+0+1=1 Same code works! 3 Base Case

240 Recursion on Trees aT(n/b) + Q(nc) Time: T(n) = = 2T(n/2) + Q(1)
= T(left) + T(right) + Q(1) = ?? Time: T(n) = This only works for balanced tree. We don’t know how many nodes on left vs right. How do we solve this?

241 Recursion on Trees ∑stack frame Work done by stack frame Time: T(n) =
X = 2133 Y = 2312 ac = 483 bd = 396 (a+b)(c+d) = 1890 XY = X = 21 Y = 23 ac = 4 bd = 3 (a+b)(c+d) = 15 XY = 483 X = 33 Y = 12 ac = 3 bd = 6 (a+b)(c+d) = 18 XY = 396 X = 54 Y = 35 ac = 15 bd = 20 (a+b)(c+d) = 72 XY = 1890 X = 2 Y = 2 XY=4 X = 1 Y = 3 XY=3 X = 3 Y = 5 XY=15 Y = 1 XY=6 X = 6 XY=18 X = 5 X = 4 XY=20 X = 9 Y = 8 XY=72

242 Recursion on Trees ∑stack frame Work done by stack frame Time: T(n) =
= Q(n) × Q(1) = Q(n) One stack frame for each node in the tree and for empty trees hang off And constant work per stack frame.

243 Recursion on Trees Many Children number of nodes =
(mult-children) Recursion on Trees (friends) Many Children number of nodes = = 13 One friend for each sub-tree. 4 2 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

244 (mult-children) Recursion on Trees (code)

245 Recursion on Trees Designing Program/Test Cases Try same code n1 n3
(mult-children) Recursion on Trees (cases) Designing Program/Test Cases Try same code n1 n3 n1 + n2 + n3 + 1 n2 n1 n1 + 1 3 3 Same code works! generic generic generic generic But is this needed (if not the input) Try same code +1=1 3 Same code works!

246 (mult-children) Recursion on Trees (code)

247 Recursion on Trees ∑stack frame Work done by stack frame
(mult-children) Recursion on Trees (time) ∑stack frame Work done by stack frame Time: T(n) = = Q(n) × Q(1) = Q(n) Q(n) = Q(n2) One stack frame for each node in the tree And constant work per stack frame.

248 Recursion on Trees ∑stack frame Work done by stack frame
(mult-children) Recursion on Trees (time) ∑stack frame Work done by stack frame Time: T(n) = = ∑stack frame Q(# subroutine calls) = ∑node Q(# edge in node) = Q(edgeTree) Q(nodeTree) = Q(n)

249 Recursion on Trees We pass the recursive program a “binary tree”.
class LinkedBinaryTree { class Node { E element; Node parent; Node left; Node right; } Node root = null; Tree We pass the recursive program a “binary tree”. But what type is it really? This confused Jeff at first.

250 Recursion on Trees One would think tree is of type LinkedBinaryTree.
class LinkedBinaryTree { class Node { E element; Node parent; Node left; Node right; } Node root = null; Tree (LinkedBinaryTree tree) One would think tree is of type LinkedBinaryTree. Then getting its left subtree, would be confusing. left_Tree

251 Recursion on Trees One would think tree is of type LinkedBinaryTree.
class LinkedBinaryTree { class Node { E element; Node parent; Node left; Node right; } Node root = null; Tree (LinkedBinaryTree tree) One would think tree is of type LinkedBinaryTree. Then getting its left subtree, would be confusing. left_Tree

252 Recursion on Trees It is easier to have tree be of type Node.
class LinkedBinaryTree { class Node { E element; Node parent; Node left; Node right; } Node root = null; Tree tree (Node tree) It is easier to have tree be of type Node. But it is thought of as the subtree rooted at the node pointed at. The left child is then or tree.left tree.Getleft() or or Tree.leftSub(tree) leftSub(tree)

253 Recursion on Trees class LinkedBinaryTree { class Node { E element; Node parent; Node left; Node right; } Node root = null; public int NumberNodes() { return NumberNodesRec( root ); } Tree tree private int NumberNodesRec (Node tree) NumberNodesRec But the outside user does not know about pointers to nodes.

254 Recursion on Trees sum of nodes = ? Get help from friends 25 23 (sum)
8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

255 Recursion on Trees sum of nodes
= sum on left + sum on right + value at root = = 51 25 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 23

256 Recursion on Trees sum of nodes = ? Base Case ? (sum) 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9

257 Recursion on Trees (sum)

258 Recursion on Trees Designing Program/Test Cases s1 s2 s1 + s2 + 3 s1
(sum) Designing Program/Test Cases s1 s2 s1 + s2 + 3 s1 s1 + 3 3 3 generic generic generic =3 3

259 Recursion on Trees max of nodes = ? Get help from friends 9 8 (max) 3
1 2 7 6 5 9 4

260 Recursion on Trees max of nodes
= max( max on left, max on right, value at root) = max( 8, 9, 3) = 9 9 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 8

261 Recursion on Trees max of nodes = ? Base Case ? ? (max) 3 8 1 2 7 6 5
9 4 ?

262 Recursion on Trees 3+4+2+8+… Sum so far is 17 Sum so far is
(max) Sum so far is 17 Sum so far is NewSum = OldSum + nextElement = =

263 Recursion on Trees 3*4*2*3*… Product so far is 72 Product so far is 1
(max) 3*4*2*3*… Product so far is 72 Product so far is 1 NewProd = OldProd × nextElement = × =

264 Recursion on Trees Conclusion so far is True
(max) True and True and False and … Conclusion so far is True Conclusion so far is True NewProd = OldProd and nextElement = True and True = True

265 Recursion on Trees -¥ Max(3,4,2,3,… Max so far is 4 Max so far is
NewMax = max(OldMax, next Element) = max( -¥ , ) =

266 Recursion on Trees (max)

267 Recursion on Trees height of tree = ? Get help from friends 4 3
8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

268 Recursion on Trees height of tree
= max(height of left,height on right) + 1 = max(3,4) + 1 = 5 4 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 3

269 Recursion on Trees height of tree Base Case ? ? (height) 3 8 1 2 7 6 5
9 4 ?

270 Recursion on Trees height of tree? 2 nodes or 1 edge Base Case ?
0 nodes ? edges Base Case ? 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

271 Recursion on Trees Work it out backwards height = 0 edge
= max(height of left,height on right) + 1 = max(?,?) + 1 ? 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 ? edges

272 Recursion on Trees Work it out backwards height = 0 edge
= max(height of left,height on right) + 1 = max(-1,-1) + 1 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 -1 edges -1 -1

273 Recursion on Trees (height)

274 Recursion on Trees number of leaves = ? Get help from friends 2 3
8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

275 Recursion on Trees number of leaves = number on left + number on right
= = 5 2 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 3

276 Recursion on Trees number of leaves Base Case ? (#leaves) 3 8 1 2 7 6
5 9 4

277 Recursion on Trees Designing Program/Test Cases L1 L2 L1 + L2 L1
(#leaves) Designing Program/Test Cases L1 L2 L1 + L2 L1 3 3 generic generic generic 1 No! 0+0 = 0 3 Needs to be another base case.

278 Recursion on Trees (#leaves)

279 Recursion on Trees (travers)

280 Recursion on Trees (copy)

281 Recursion on Trees (deallocate) ? Drops the tree.

282 Define Problem: Binary Search Tree
Recursion on Trees (BST) Define Problem: Binary Search Tree <preCond> Key A binary search tree. <postCond> Find key in BST (if there). 38 25 17 4 21 31 28 35 51 42 40 49 63 55 71

283 Its left children ≤ Any node ≤ Its right children
Binary Search Tree (BST) Its left children ≤ Any node ≤ Its right children 38 25 51 17 31 42 63 4 21 28 35 40 49 55 71

284 Define Loop Invariant Maintain a sub-tree.
(BST) Maintain a sub-tree. If the key is contained in the original tree, then the key is contained in the sub-tree. 38 25 17 4 21 31 28 35 51 42 40 49 63 55 71 key 17

285 Define Step Cut sub-tree in half.
(BST) Cut sub-tree in half. Determine which half the key would be in. Keep that half. 38 25 17 4 21 31 28 35 51 42 40 49 63 55 71 key 17 If key < root, then key is in left half. If key = root, then key is found If key > root, then key is in right half.

286 Recursion on Trees (BST)

287 Recursion on Trees (IsBST)

288 Recursion on Trees Time: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q( n) = Q(n log(n))
(IsBST) Time: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q( n) = Q(n log(n)) If tree very unbalanced? T(n) = 1T(n-1) + (n) = (n2) Computing max is too much work.

289 Recursion on Trees (IsBST) Extra info from below

290 Recursion on Trees 1 Time: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q( n) = Q(n log(n)) n
(IsBST) 1 n Time: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + Q( n) = Q(n log(n)) Computing max is too much work.

291 Recursion on Trees Extra info from above (IsBST) min   max min 
38 min   max min   root root   max -¥, ¥

292 Things to Remember Things to Do and Things NOT TO DO

293 Friends - Strong Induction View of Recursion.
I am obsessed with the Friends - Strong Induction View of Recursion. Trust your friends to solve sub-instances. The sub-instance given must be smaller and must be an instance to the same problem. Combine solution given by friend to construct your own solution for your instance. Focus on one step. Do not talk of their friends friends friends. Solve small instances on your own. Do it!

294 Don't have inputs or outputs that are not explained!
Typical Test Answer Define pre & post conditions Don't have inputs or outputs that are not explained!

295 what that should look like.
Typical Test Answer “You did NOT ask for code in the question so I am explaining it as it is easier.” Yes, but I asked you to give a recursive algorithm and said very strongly in my Unit steps what that should look like. “We start at the leaf nodes and work up the tree.” But this is not recursion!

296 Typical Test Answer Call recursively on the correct types of input

297 returning the correct types of output
Typical Test Answer Call recursively returning the correct types of output Save the results (or don't bother calling)

298 Combine solutions given by friends to construct your own solution.
Typical Test Answer Combine solutions given by friends to construct your own solution.

299 Return things of the correct types.
Typical Test Answer Return things of the correct types. Not an element the root? In every path through code

300 Sub-instances need to be smaller.
Typical Test Answer Sub-instances need to be smaller. “Size” is size of the tree Wrong base case

301 What is the value of n here?
Typical Test Answer No Global Variables. What is the value of n here? Still zero. The friend has his own variable n.

302 Maybe they mean to pass the new n in and out.
Typical Test Answer No Global Variables. Maybe they mean to pass the new n in and out. Please don’t use these to pass out values when I am marking.

303 Looks like an iterative algorithm
Typical Test Answer Looks like an iterative algorithm Looks like an recursive algorithm Which is it?

304 Heaps, Heap Sort, & Priority Queues

305 Heap Definition Completely Balanced Binary Tree The value of each node
³ each of the node's children. Left or right child could be larger. Where can 9 go? Maximum is at root. Where can 1 go? Where can 8 go?

306 Completely Balanced Binary Tree Implemented by an Array
Heap Data Structure Completely Balanced Binary Tree Implemented by an Array

307 Maximum needs to be at root.
Heapify Where is the maximum? Maximum needs to be at root. ?

308 Heapify Find the maximum. Put it in place ? Repeat Time = O(logn)

309 Make Heap Get help from friends Heapify Running time:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + log(n) = Q(n)

310 Priority Queues Sorted List Unsorted List Heap
Items arrive with a priority. O(n) O(1) O(logn) Item removed is that with highest priority.

311 Heap Sort Put number in a priority queue - O(n) time
Remove them one at a time in order - n  O(logn)

312 Recursion on Trees  + 3+47 (3+4)7 Evaluate Equation Tree = ?
12 7 Get help from friends + 3+47 (3+4)7

313 Recursion on Trees  + (3+4)7 Evaluate Equation Tree
= rootop( value on left, value on right ) = rootop(7,7) = 7  7 = 49 7 7 + (3+4)7

314 Recursion on Trees Evaluate Equation Tree Base Case ? 7 + (3+4)7


316 Derivatives Input: a function f. Output: Its derivative df/dx.

317 Derivatives

318 Derivatives Input: a function f. Output: Its derivative df/dx.

319 Derivatives Input: a function f. Output: Its derivative df/dx.

320 Derivatives Output: Its derivative df/dx. Input: a function f. g

321 Simplify Input: a function f. Output: f simplified.

322 Simplify

323 Recursion on Trees Printing a Tree
When I taught this one year, a student needed just this algorithm for his job.

324 Recursion on Trees Get help from friends Typing line by line?

325 Recursion on Trees One stack frame prints: His input gives: his tree
sting for each line whether left or right

326 Recursion on Trees He gives his friends: their trees
string for each line whether left or right





331 Parsing Input: s=6*8+((2+42)*(5+12)+987*7*123+15*54) Output:

332 Context Free Grammars (3+4)7 exp term fact  ( exp ) 7 term + fact

333 Parsing/Compiling Input: Output: Java Code
Machine Code simulating the Java code.

334 Parsing/Compiling Input: Output: Java Code
Machine Code simulating the Java code. Challenge: Keep track of three algorithms simultaneously The compiler The Java code being compiled The MARIE code being produced.

335 Parsing

336 Parsing

337 Parsing Algorithm: GetExp( s, i )
Input: s is a string of tokens i is a start index Output: p is a parsing of the longest valid expression j is the end index s=6*8+((2+42)*(5+12)+987*7*123+15*54)

338 Parsing Algorithm: GetTerm( s, i )
Input: s is a string of tokens i is a start index Output: p is a parsing of the longest valid term j is the end index s=6*8+((2+42)*(5+12)+987*7*123+15*54)

339 Parsing Algorithm: GetFact( s, i )
Input: s is a string of tokens i is a start index Output: p is a parsing of the longest valid factor j is the end index s=6*8+((2+42)*(5+12)+987*7*123+15*54)

340 Algorithm: GetExp( s, i )
p<term,1> p<term,2> p<term,3>

341 Algorithm: GetExp( s, i )
p<term,1> p<term,2> p<term,k> +

342 Algorithm: GetTerm( s, i )
p<fact,1> p<fact,2>

343 Algorithm: GetTerm( s, i )
p<fact,1> p<fact,2> p<fact,k> *

344 Parsing Algorithm: GetFact( s, i )

345 Parsing Algorithm: GetFact( s, i ) Fact 42

346 Algorithm: GetFact( s, i )

347 Algorithm: GetFact( s, i )
p<exp> ( )

348 Parsing/Compiling This parsing algorithm only works for Look Ahead One Grammars. Look Ahead One: A grammar is said to be look ahead one if, given any two rules for the same non-terminal, the first place that the rules differ in actual characters. A ⇒ B ’u’ C ’w’ E A ⇒ B ’u’ C ’x’ F A ⇒ B ’u’ C A ⇒ B ’v’ G H ? (and next character is not ‘w’ or ‘x’) (Ok if first character(s) within a B is different than in a F.) A ⇒ F G This feature allows our parsing algorithm to look only at the next token in order to decide what to do next. Thus the algorithm runs in linear time.

349 Parsing/Compiling This parsing algorithm only works for Look Ahead One Grammars. A ⇒ a A a A ⇒  A ⇒ ( A ) A ⇒  ? (next character is ‘a’) Generates (((()))) Generates aaaaaaaa Not Look Ahead One GetA(s,i) if( s[i] = ‘(‘ ) pA,jA, = GetA(s,i+1) if( s[jA] = ‘)‘ ) return(  ‘(‘ pA ’)’, jA+1) else return( error ) return(,i) Parser can’t find middle. A ⇒ A B A ⇒ A C Recurses forever.

350 Parsing/Compiling This parsing algorithm only works for Look Ahead One Grammars. A ⇒ BC A ⇒ DE B ⇒ bbb .... D ⇒ bbb .... A ⇒ BC A ⇒ DE B ⇒ b .... D ⇒ d .... GetA(s,i) if( s[i] = ‘b‘ ) pB,jB, = GetB(s,i) pC,jC, = GetC(s,jB) return(  pB pC , jC ) elseif( s[i] = ‘d‘ ) pD,jD, = GetD(s,i) pE,jE, = GetE(s,jD) return(  pD pE , jE ) Not Look Ahead One Don’t know whether to call GetB or GetD

351 Parsing Stackframes  nodes in parse tree

352 Recursive Images if n=1 if n=0, draw n=0 else draw And recursively
Draw here with n-1 n=0

353 Recursive Images if n=2 if n=0, draw n=1 else draw And recursively
Draw here with n-1

354 Recursive Images if n=3 if n=0, draw n=2 else draw And recursively
Draw here with n-1

355 Recursive Images if n=30 if n=0, draw else draw And recursively
Draw here with n-1

356 Recursive Images if n=0 if n=5 if n=4 if n=3 if n=1 if n=2

357 Recursive Images if n=0 if n=5 if n=4 if n=2 if n=1 if n=3

358 Recursive Images Þ ¥ L(n) = 4/3 L(n-1) = (4/3)n






364 Ackermann’s Function How big is A(5,5)? n applications 364

365 Ackermann’s Function n applications n applications 365

366 Ackermann’s Function n applications n applications 366

367 Ackermann’s Function n applications 367

368 Ackermann’s Function

369 Ackermann’s Function

370 Ackermann’s Function

371 Ackermann’s Function

372 Ackermann’s Function 372

373 Please give me feedback so that I can better serve you.
Please feel free to ask questions! Please give me feedback so that I can better serve you. Thanks for the feedback that you have given me already.

374 End

375 Cut Out

376 Hard to write an iterative program
to traverse on a recursive structure tree 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 Need pointers from each node to its parent.

377 Hard to write a recursive program that implements an iterative algorithm.

378 Writing a Recursive Program
Call recursively on the correct types of input

379 on sub-instances which will give useful information.
Writing a Recursive Program Call recursively on sub-instances which will give useful information. ? node in sub-tree 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

380 on sub-instances which will give useful information.
Writing a Recursive Program Call recursively on sub-instances which will give useful information. 3rd node in sub-tree node in whole tree ? 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

381 on sub-instances which will give useful information.
Writing a Recursive Program Call recursively on sub-instances which will give useful information. 3rd node in sub-tree nl node in whole tree +1 +3rd 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

382 on sub-instances which will give useful information.
Writing a Recursive Program Call recursively on sub-instances which will give useful information. 3rd node in sub-tree nl node in whole tree +1 +3rd 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4

383 Writing a Recursive Program
But who will count nodes in left sub-tree? 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 nl nl My friend

384 Writing a Recursive Program
But who will count nodes in left sub-tree? 3 8 1 2 7 6 5 9 4 nl nl My friend

385 returning the correct types of output
Writing a Recursive Program Call recursively returning the correct types of output Save the results (or don't bother calling)

386 Combine solutions given by friends to construct your own solution.
Writing a Recursive Program Combine solutions given by friends to construct your own solution.

387 Writing a Recursive Program
Sub-instances need to be smaller. “Size” is # nodes in the tree

388 Writing a Recursive Program
Sub-instances need to be smaller. When the instance sufficiently small solve on your own.

389 Return things of the correct types.
Writing a Recursive Program Return things of the correct types.

390 Not possible because must count # nodes
Writing a Recursive Program Running Time T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (1) = (n) Faster? Not possible because must count # nodes in left tree.

391 Writing a Recursive Program
Running Time T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n) = (n logn) If tree very unbalanced? T(n) = 1T(n-1) + (n) = (n2)

392 End Recursive Algorithms
Math Review Graphs Searching Algorithms

393 Heaps, Heap Sort, & Priority Queues 393

394 Heap Definition Completely Balanced Binary Tree The value of each node
³ each of the node's children. Left or right child could be larger. Where can 9 go? Maximum is at root. Where can 1 go? Where can 8 go? 394

395 Completely Balanced Binary Tree Implemented by an Array
Heap Data Structure Completely Balanced Binary Tree Implemented by an Array

396 Make Heap Get help from friends 396

397 Maximum needs to be at root.
Heapify Where is the maximum? Maximum needs to be at root. ?

398 Heapify Find the maximum. Put it in place ? Repeat 398

399 Heapify Heap Running Time:

400 400


402 Make Heap Get help from friends Heapify Running time:
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + log(n) = Q(n) 402

403 Another algorithm ? Heap Heaps

404 ? Heap 404

405 ? Heap

406 ? 406

407 Heap

408 Running Time: i log(n) -i 2log(n) -i 408

409 Priority Queues

410 Selection Sort < Largest i values are sorted on side.
Remaining values are off to side. 6,7,8,9 < 3 4 1 5 2 Exit 79 km 75 km Max is easier to find if a heap. 410

411 Heap Sort Largest i values are sorted on side.
Remaining values are in a heap. 79 km 75 km Exit Exit

412 Heap Data Structure 9 8 7 6 Heap Array Heap Array 5 3 4 2 1 412

413 Heap Sort ? Largest i values are sorted on side. Remaining values are
in a heap. 79 km 75 km Exit ? Put next value where it belongs. Heap Exit

414 Heap Sort 414

415 Heap Sort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sorted

416 Heap Sort Running Time: 416

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