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X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM)

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1 X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM)
Carlos A. F. Vaz :: Paul Scherrer Institut X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM) Hercules School, April 2016

2 Advantages of x-rays for magnetic imaging
chemical sensitivity elemental and magnetic sensitivity nm spatial resolution/sub-monolayer sensitivity Fe Co 2 m 14 nm FeCo nanoparticles on Si Moyer et al, PRB 84, (2011) No magnetic interaction with the sample Sub-ns time resolution 6 m NiFe dots; Raabe et al, PRL 94, (2005)

3 Fast dynamics: pulsed structure of SLS
2 mA DtFwhm~70ps 90 ns

4 X-ray magnetic imaging: the XMCD effect
Stohr et al., Surf. Rev. Lett. 5 (1998) 1297

5 Origin of XMCD effect Spin moment
Stoehr, Siegmann, Magnetism, Springer 2006

6 X-ray based magnetic imaging techniques
X-ray holography Photoelectron X-ray microscopy Eisebitt et al, Nature 432 (2004) 885 Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy Stohr et al, Surf. Rev. Lett. 5 (1998) 1297

7 Photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM)
Schematic layout of the PEEM (ELMITEC) 16° X-rays A/B ~ (A-B)/(A+B) Circular right Circular left SIM beamline at the SLS Energy range 100 – 2000 eV Circular and linear polarization 4 µm XMCD ~ cos(M,L)

8 Characteristics of PEEM magnetic imaging
Schematic layout of the PEEM (ELMITEC) Element-specific magnetic sensitivity ~50 nm spatial resolution No magnetic interaction with the sample Sub-ns time resolution Variable sample temperature (100 to 800 K) Can apply static magnetic and electric fields Can measure linear and circular dichroism Surface sensitive (probes 3-5 nm top layer) Can be combined with fast laser, electric currents, and pulsed magnetic fields for dynamics studies Also sensitive to out of plane magnetisation component, allowing 3D magnetometry 16° X-rays SIM beamline at the SLS Energy range 100 – 2000 eV Circular and linear polarization

9 XPEEM vector magnetometry
XMCD at 0o XPEEM (SIM beamline, SLS) Ni80Fe20 dots E = eV (Fe L3 edge) g 2D magnetisation profile 5 mm XMCD at 90o g 5 mm 5 mm 3D vector magnetometry in XPEEM: Guyader et al, JESRP 185 (2012) 371

10 Strain control of magnetism in Ni/PMN-PT(011)
XMCD (Ni L3) PFM Buzzi et al, PRL 111: (2013)

11 Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen
…x-rays probe domain structure from the nano to the macro scale …x-rays provide sensitive and element specific magnetisation maps in the static and time domains …linearly polarised x-rays can also probe antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric domain states

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