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Period 3 Review.

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1 Period 3 Review

2 These ideologies did not get along with each other in China during the middle ages.
Buddhism and Confucianism

3 What did Muhammad receive in 610 CE?
The revelations from the angel Gabriel

4 What allowed for an increase in the population throughout the Middle Ages in Europe?
Improved agricultural tools and techniques

5 What is the correct chronological order of the West African Islamic kingdoms?
Ghana, Mali, Songhay

6 What sort a relationship was created in European feudalism between lord and vassal?
Reciprocal relationship

7 He united the Mongols Genghis Khan

8 Place the social groups that were part of the European feudal system in the proper order from the bottom to the top. Peasant, Knight, Nobel, King

9 This dynasty came to power after they defeated the Chen during the 3 Kingdoms Period.

10 Who was King Lalibella? Ruler of Ethiopia

11 Who was crowned emperor in 800 CE?

12 What are the five pillars of Islam?
Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Alms, Pilgrimage

13 What is the holy text of Islam?

14 What event marks the first date in the Islamic calendar?
Hijra (622)

15 The Song were forced to pay tribute to neighboring kingdoms
The Song were forced to pay tribute to neighboring kingdoms. Name two of these kingdoms. Liao, Xi Xia, Jin

16 What was the manor? The house that a lord lived in and the center of the Manorial system

17 Who is the political and religious leader of Islam?

18 Who was most likely to be literate during the middle ages in Europe?

19 What was Ali’s relationship to Muhammad?
His son in law

20 What was the main political Chinese influences on the Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese was?
The Chinese Bureaucracy

21 Over a 200 year period beginning in 1095 the Islamic world was invaded by who?
European Crusaders

22 What was a fief? A land granted to a lesser noble

23 What clan replaced the Umayyad as the dominant Islamic clan?

24 Why is the Battle of Tours in 732 significant?
Charles Martel stopped the spread of Islam into northern Europe.

25 What were the three groups that replaced the Abbasid clan?
Buyids, Seljuk Turks, Mongols

26 This family married their daughters to the emperors which made them the most dominant Japanese family until the 12th century. Fujiwara

27 What Islamic sect combined Islamic teachings with mystic aspects of traditional religion?

28 What as the most common form of the plague?
The Bubonic Plague

29 Who are Bedouins? Nomadic People

30 What happened to Japan as a result of the civil war that took place during the Ashikaga Shogunate?
Japan was split into 300 kingdoms

31 Who were the Berbers? North African pastoral people

32 The Tang dynasty’s greatest architectural achievement was the continuation of the?
Great Wall

33 North and West Africa became more connected to the outside world due to trade along which trade network. Trans-Saharan Trade Network

34 Who established the Yuan dynasty?
Kublai Khan

35 Who kept a journal of his travels around the world?
Ibn Battuta

36 What groups of people did Islam appeal to once it arrived in India?
Low-caste Hindus and Buddhist

37 This Chinese social class was educated and worked for the government.

38 What was the term for non-Muslims specifically Hindus and Buddhist?

39 What happened to the Mongol empire after Genghis Khan’s death?
Spilt into 4 Khanates

40 What was a dhow? A new type of ship

41 In 1066 who decided he was going to invade England?
William the Conqueror

42 The Chinese had influence over three main regions
The Chinese had influence over three main regions. Which of those regions was the most open to the influence and which was not? Korea-open Vietnam- closed

43 How do we know that Mansa Musa was a practicing Muslim?
He made the hajj

44 What two social groups were included in the Bhaktic cults?
Women and the untouchables

45 During the Song and Tang Dynasties the civil service examinations gave rise to which social phenomenon? Social mobility (movement between social classes)

46 How was Islam spread to North Africa?
Through Merchants and traders

47 What secular functions did the church and monasteries serve during the Middle Ages?
Education, Shelter, Large Estates

48 What clan controlled the politics and economy of Mecca?

49 What happened to Charlemagne’s empire at the Treaty of Verdun in 843?
It was split into three kingdoms

50 What was the main religion in Ethiopia?

51 What was the name of the trading empire in SE Asia?

52 What group migrated south and are responsible for a language group that persists to this day?

53 The largest of the three kingdoms created at the Treaty of Verdun was the?
Holy Roman Empire

54 Muslims viewed ____________ as a process in the conversion of pagans to Islam.

55 Which of the tree West African kingdoms was able to thrive due to its trading cities of Timbuktu and Jenne? Mali

56 What social class was more likely to convert to Islam in West Africa?
The elite

57 Name two of the trading ports along the Swahili Coast
Mogadishu, Kilwa, Malindi, Pate, Zanzibar, Mombasa, Madagascar

58 What century saw the rise of universities in Western Europe?
13th Century

59 What government concept was established in England by the Magna Carta in 1215?
Limited Government

60 What trade network was the Swahili Coast apart of?
Indian Ocean Trade Network

61 What took place between 1000 and 1492 on the Iberian Peninsula?
The Reconquista of Spain for the Islamic Moors

62 What region of the world were the Seljuk Turks from?
Central Asia

63 What was the economic component of feudalism that came to dominate Europe during the middle ages?

64 What is a vassal? A person that is subordinate or holds allegiance to a noble

65 What was the major impact of the three- field system?
Increased food supplies which increased population

66 What are the two main sects of Islam?
Sunni and Shi’a

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